The eight most common symptoms of colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Poland. Every year, over a dozen thousand people hear a devastating diagnosis. Detected at an early stage, it is completely curable. The problem is that in the initial phase it usually does not give any symptoms. What are the most common symptoms of colon cancer? What do you absolutely need to pay attention to?

  1. Colon cancer is diagnosed more and more often in Poland
  2. At first, the neoplasm develops quietly and does not show any obvious symptoms. This makes it too late to be diagnosed
  3. – This cancer is largely due to the lifestyle. Diet, overweight, obesity, lack of physical activity increase the risk – warns prof. Barbara Radecka
  4. We explain the most common symptoms of colon cancer
  5. You can find more information about health on the TvoiLokony home page

Colorectal cancer – who gets sick most often?

– Colorectal cancer is becoming more common. It is currently the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in Poland and the second most common cause of cancer deaths in Poland – said Prof. dr hab. n. med. Barbara Radecka, head of the Department of Clinical Oncology at the Opole Oncology Center, during the XNUMXth Conference “Polish Woman in Europe”.

Statistics show that several thousand cases of this disease are detected annually. In 2014, it was 17 thousand. but the prognosis says that there will be more and more patients each year. It is expected that 2030 people will suffer from colorectal cancer in 27. Poles.

What influences the risk? We have no influence on some factors – they include age (colorectal cancer is more common after the age of 50) or genetic predisposition. But much depends on ourselves. – This cancer is largely caused by lifestyle. Diet, overweight, obesity, and lack of physical activity all increase the risk, she explained expert.

In the case of colorectal cancer, diagnosis is very important, so Medonet Market offers bowel cancer screening, which is recommended for people with symptoms indicative of cancer. If you want to find out if you are at risk, do the e-Cancer Package for Men – Extended Genetic Testing, which you can purchase in the home blood donation version.

Colon cancer – the most common symptoms

– In the early stages, colorectal cancer develops without symptoms. If ailments do appear, they usually accompany large tumors. Often there are no symptoms at the initial stage of colorectal cancer development, which is why it is so important to perform preventive examinations – appeals prof. Radecka.

The most common symptoms of colon cancer are:

  1. Disturbances in the rhythm of bowel movements – is one of the most common complaints about colorectal cancer patients. Doctors say patients report a change in bowel habits – they need to go to the toilet more, even though they haven’t changed their diet or lifestyle;
  2. Constipation – bothersome constipation is an alarm signal, which may be a sign of cancer;
  3. Diarrhea – prof. Barbara Radecka explains that diarrhea with large amounts of gas is disturbing. If this symptom persists for several weeks, you should make an urgent appointment;
  4. Blood in the stool – it is this symptom that usually prompts patients to seek medical help. Rectal bleeding is a common sign that a tumor is developing in the gut;
  5. Change in the appearance of your stools – if you notice that your stools are becoming pencil-shaped (narrower and thinner than usual), see your doctor. The specialist will order the appropriate tests
  6. Weight loss – unjustified weight loss should turn on a red warning light in your head;
  7. Anemia – weakness, fatigue, low fever, drowsiness may indicate anemia. Iron deficiency in this case may be the result of bleeding from a tumor in the intestine;
  8. Abdominal pain and nausea – among the symptoms of colorectal cancer, experts mention flatulence, intestinal cramps, the feeling of incomplete bowel movements and pain.

To be sure, it is worth buying a home test for fecal occult blood – FOB TEST. Performing such an examination is especially important in the prevention of colorectal cancer or the early detection of the problem, thanks to which appropriate treatment can be introduced quickly and effectively. You can also buy a home test kit for stomach problems.


Many of these symptoms may be the result of another disease. Any changes in the bowel movements and alarming symptoms should be reported to the doctor.

  1. Disturbing symptoms and pain can be consult a doctor online, of course, unless there are emergencies that require calling an ambulance. In the case of people suffering from specific intestinal diseases, it may be indicated contact with a gastroenterologist.

Colon cancer – how to prevent it?

The best prevention is to avoid factors that increase the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer. Prof. Among them, Radecka mentions limiting alcohol consumption, increasing physical activity, avoiding overweight and obesity, and quitting smoking.

Secondary prevention, i.e. early detection of colorectal cancer, is also important. – Thanks to this, we can treat patients more effectively and extend the life of patients – emphasizes the doctor.

– The easiest way is to test for occult blood in the stool. This test should be performed once a year, tests are available from pharmacies. The second tool is colonoscopy tests, i.e. viewing the large intestine from the inside with special devices. Such a study is, among others colonoscopy – said prof. Barbara Radecka.

Unfortunately, Poles are reluctant to use colonoscopy. In the National Health Test of Poles, conducted by Medonet at the beginning of 2021, it turned out that most of the respondents had never performed a colonoscopy.

Results of the Polish National Health Test 2021

As many as 61 percent have never done colonoscopy in their lives. 55-64-year-olds and 51 percent people over 65 years of age. The 2020 National Health Test showed almost identical numbers, so there is no improvement year on year.

As a reminder, this is the primary screening test for colon cancer. The cancer is 100% detected early. curable. The first colonoscopy should be performed after the age of 50, and then the examination should be repeated every 10 years. However, if there have been cases of this disease in the family, it is recommended to start examinations after the age of 10 and to perform them more often than every XNUMX years, according to the doctor’s recommendations. Prophylactically, it is worth performing a Dispatch test for the concentration of calprotectin in the feces, the high level of which may indicate problems in the intestines related to polyps, cancer or inflammation.

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