Everyone knows about the relationship between cognac intake and blood pressure. Disputes begin when trying to find out the mechanism of this influence – an increase or, nevertheless, a decrease in pressure. Ironically, both sides are right. Next, I will explain why this happens and how it can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease.
The use of cognac in small doses (up to 70 grams per day for a healthy person, 30 grams is recommended) lowers blood pressure by expanding blood vessels and relieving their spasm. It also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a chronic disease of the arteries that affects their elasticity.
Cognac lowers blood pressure due to the presence of tannins and tannins in the composition, which are not found in other alcoholic beverages. In the recommended amounts, the benefits of cognac for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases are not denied even by cardiologists. But only a few experts officially speak about it. The rest are afraid that the population will misunderstand them and will abuse cognac, hiding behind its beneficial properties.
With low immunity, ailments, vascular weakness and other diseases, the attending physician may recommend that the patient drink a little cognac every few days or add a couple of drops of the drink to tea. The main thing to remember is that self-treatment is unacceptable and any initiatives should be discussed with your doctor before implementation.
After drinking 80-100 grams, the opposite effect is observed – cognac increases pressure. This happens quickly and completely blocks the effect of pressure reduction due to vasodilation. The fact is that large doses of alcohol, getting into the bloodstream, cause a rapid heartbeat. The heart begins to pump blood intensively, the load on the vessels increases, which increases pressure. In high concentration, fusel oils in cognac negatively affect the central nervous system, kidneys and liver. Improper functioning of these organs and systems also leads to heart problems.

Conclusion: Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, cognac lowers or increases blood pressure. Healthy people can use it to prevent cardiovascular disease, keeping the recommended dose in mind. With hypertension and other serious disorders, regulating blood pressure with cognac is deadly. This is allowed only with the permission of the attending physician.