Regular alcohol abuse causes premature aging, which primarily affects the skin. Early wrinkles, enlarged pores and a red face are just some of the signs of the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Although with a reasonable approach, alcohol brings a lot of benefits.
If you drink alcohol in small doses, it not only strengthens the cardiovascular system, but also prolongs youth. Red wine increases hemoglobin, improves oxygen supply to cells, and removes toxins. A small drink helps relieve stress and promotes good sleep. These factors have a beneficial effect on health and, as a result, on the condition of the skin. But these statements are true only if the dose of ethanol does not exceed 20 g per day.
Alcohol and skin: causes of dehydration
Abundant libations lead to severe dehydration of the body. Alcohol inhibits the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. It is he who is responsible for the normal functioning of the kidneys and retains water and mineral salts in the cells. The lack of vasopressin leads to increased removal of sodium and potassium from the body. The results are intense thirst and dryness of the mucous membranes. The skin after alcohol is dehydrated, often yellowish in color, with enlarged pores and oily sheen.
Moisture enters the upper layer of the skin from the blood vessels. Water molecules are retained by the components of the epidermis, as a result of which optimal conditions are created for cell renewal and the production of collagen, the substance responsible for skin elasticity. The constant use of large amounts of alcohol leads to a violation of the mechanism of natural hydration. As a result, the skin loses elasticity, early wrinkles and keratinized areas appear.
To minimize the harmful effects of alcohol on the skin, you can simultaneously take a large amount of liquid, which will restore the salt balance and make up for the losses of the body. Drink at least one glass of pure water after each glass. Carbonated drinks should be avoided, as carbon dioxide promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol into the blood.
Redness and swelling
The supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, as well as the removal of metabolic products, depends on the condition of the blood vessels. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the mouth, esophagus and stomach. Vessels are the first to react to the intake of ethanol, resulting in:
- vascular muscles are partially paralyzed;
- the lumen of the vessel increases;
- blood pressure drops.
All this together leads to a pleasant feeling of relaxation that small portions of alcohol give. Later, the opposite effect occurs. The body takes the opposite action – the vessels narrow reflexively, and the pressure rises.
Constant loads cause wear of the vascular walls – they become brittle and collapse. If a glass of wine under normal conditions can cause a slight blush, then the result of regular libations is a red face and broken capillaries on the wings of the nose, cheeks or chin. The vascular network does not disappear over time and is removed only with the help of laser correction.
A decrease in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels leads to the penetration of part of the fluid into the intercellular space. Excess water is retained in tissues rich in fatty tissue – on the cheeks, eyelids and in the region of the superciliary arches. With serious circulatory disorders, edema acquires a reddish-bluish hue. The process becomes chronic in the future – hence the constant puffiness in people who abuse alcohol.
Allergic reactions
If your skin turns red, itchy, and breaks out after alcohol, it could be an allergy to alcohol or certain ingredients in strong drinks. Recent studies by the American Academy of Allergy have shown that drinkers are, in principle, at risk. People who drink alcohol often have high levels of immunoglobulin E. These antibodies are responsible for protecting the body from damage by harmful substances by activating the immune system. Scientists have found that alcohol can not only cause, but also increase allergies.
Skin reactions to alcohol:
- red spots on the face;
- rashes on the body;
- swelling of the extremities;
- itching and peeling.
Allergy manifestations can be short-term and chronic. If redness and itching cannot be relieved with antihistamines, you should consult a doctor. A reaction to alcohol can be a symptom of problems with the normal functioning of the kidneys, liver, or intestines.
In order not to provoke a repeated attack of allergies:
- drink quality drinks;
- give up complex cocktails, herbal tinctures and balms;
- check the composition of alcohol for the presence of chemical additives and preservatives.
The least likely to cause pathological reactions are strong drinks based on cereals: vodka, whiskey, sake. This does not apply to beer, as yeast remains in the drink, which in itself can be an allergen. To avoid health problems, choose well-known brands from trusted manufacturers.