The easiest to learn and effective way to meditate

Hello everybody! Today we will look at the most popular way of meditation that anyone can master. And as a bonus, I will provide a few more simple and useful techniques that are also worthy of attention. What is needed for this, and how to properly prepare, you can read in my article «Fundamentals of the art of meditation for beginners for proper meditation.»

Feeling myself

The technique of this method is simple, and is aimed at relaxation and awareness of all the processes that occur in our body.

  • Choose a suitable place and take any position described in the previous article. The main thing is that you are comfortable and have a straight back. Pull the top of your head up and lower your chin, mentally imagining that a thread is stretched along your spine. Place your hands on your knees with your palms up. Inhale deeply and exhale, and somewhere on the fifth breath, close your eyes.
  • Try to feel yourself in your body. Paying attention to each part of it, the organ. Carefully study where tension arises, where pain and discomfort. Are you comfortable? Feel how your legs, back, buttocks are in contact with the floor or chair, feel the weight of your hands lying on your knees. It is important to be aware of your feelings and sensations, in silence and full concentration on yourself, smells, sounds, and even taste in your mouth may appear. Explore everything you find.

The easiest to learn and effective way to meditate

  • Now imagine how with each exhalation all tension leaves your body. It follows from the tense area following the breath. Next, you need to visualize how the warm yellow air enters with the breath inside you. And it spreads throughout the body to the very tips of the toes. You feel warm and energized. Feel this surge in your knees, arms, spine, face, and crown of your head.
  • Become aware of each part of your body again. Is there any tension left? If so, direct warm energy into this area again. Then, when you are ready to finish, slowly open your eyes. It is important that you remain relaxed and at a slow pace, otherwise the exercise will be useless. So do not jump up and run about your business. Especially if this is a morning practice and now you need to rush to work. It is better to get up a little earlier so that there is time for calm preparations after the practice. And then, during the day, return with your thoughts to the experience gained during the execution of the technique. This will help to restore a concentrated state and clarity in the head.


The easiest to learn and effective way to meditate

There is another interesting technique for beginners, but it should definitely be done at home. It helps to learn to concentrate your attention on one object. After all, in order to succeed, you need to be able to perform many different tasks, sometimes in one period of time, while concentrating on a specific goal.

  • Organize the darkness in the room by turning off the lights and curtains. Light a candle and place it at arm’s length, at eye level.
  • Take the position, as in the previous exercise.
  • Now focus on the flame of the candle, trying to blink much less often than usual, not paying attention to the fact that pain in the eyes and tears may appear.
  • Remember to breathe into your belly instead of your chest. Ignore the thoughts in your head, focus on the flame.
  • After two minutes, you can close your eyes, the image of the flame will remain in your mind, focus on it. And when it disappears, slowly open your eyes.

Mindfulness technique

The easiest to learn and effective way to meditate

It is interesting in that it can be carried out at any time, both in the morning and before bedtime, even while walking or traveling by bus. It is considered the best way to start the practice. It helps to be aware of oneself here and now, which improves the quality of life. Indeed, most often we are somewhere in our experiences, fantasies and fears about the future, and do not notice reality. And in the meantime, life goes on.

  • You need to carefully monitor your breathing, what happens to you with each inhalation and exhalation. Be aware of the feelings and sensations that arise. Do not be distracted by any sounds, especially if you are practicing outside while walking. Over time, you will learn to concentrate and notice yourself in space. Indeed, sometimes it happens that we are so immersed in our thoughts that we perform any actions “on the machine”, losing valuable minutes of life.
  • If you are walking at this moment, try to feel every movement, if you are talking, pay attention to every word you say. Every touch of the feet of the ground, bouncing of the body in the car when it hits the hole …


These techniques are the simplest yet most effective. Although it may seem at first glance that there is nothing special about them, read the article “What is meditation and what it will give to the common man”, and then you will understand what effect they have. As they say: «Everything ingenious is simple.» Try and you will succeed. If you want to add something to what has been written, then I am happy to wait for your comments.

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