The Dukan Diet for Vegetarians

The eminent nutritionist Pierre Ducane has developed a weight loss program not only for people who eat meat, but also for vegetarians. The menu is also based on protein products, however, meat is not included in it, that is, people eat only products of plant origin.

Basics of the Dukan Vegetarian Diet

The Dukan Diet for Vegetarians

There is no fundamental difference in the Dukan diet for meat eaters and vegetarians. Kilograms go away due to the fact that the menu is dominated by protein foods, and in significant quantities. Vegetarians are required to comply with this rule, but they will not eat animal products.

Attack Phase for Vegetarians

Phase “Attack” in the process of losing weight is the first. It is aimed at the destruction of fat cells and the active breakdown of fats. For the first stage, you can get rid of 2-4 kg. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the “Attack” can last from 3 to 10 days.

The author of the weight loss technique allows you to eat the following foods:

  • soy meat;

  • Tofu cheese;

  • Dairy.

Cruise phase for vegetarians

If we consider the duration of the “Cruise” phase, then it does not have a specific time frame. This stage can continue until the person achieves the results he aspires to.

The second phase, according to the method of a French nutritionist, involves the alternation of days when you can only eat protein foods with days when you are allowed to eat vegetables and dairy products. Food of plant origin can be consumed with almost no restrictions, but there are some foods that fall under the ban. First of all, this applies to vegetables that contain a lot of starch in their composition.

There are some guidelines to follow in order to get through the “Cruise” phase correctly:

  1. Oat bran should be on the menu every day. Their volume is at least 2 tablespoons.

  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

  3. Outdoor walks are a must. And you need to walk for 30 minutes, but no less.

The Consolidation Phase for Vegetarians

The Consolidation phase cannot be ignored as it is very important. Its main goal is to prevent weight gain and stabilize the result. As for the duration of this phase, it depends on how many kilograms a person has lost.

During the “Fixation” you can eat dairy products, fruits. Twice in 7 days it is allowed to include in the menu dishes from the usual diet that a person had before the diet.

Phase “Stabilization” for vegetarians

The Stabilization phase is a phase with no time limit. In order not to gain excess weight, it must be adhered to throughout life. It does not imply strict restrictions on the menu or adherence to strict rules.

It is only necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Once a week, you need to arrange a fasting day for yourself. During unloading, you can only eat protein foods.

  • Every day you need to eat at least 3 tablespoons of oat bran.

Allowed Products

The Dukan Diet for Vegetarians

Vegetarians should include in their menu only those foods that contain proteins in their composition. The diet of such people involves the rejection of fish and meat, but during the diet they can be replaced with soy analogues. This will allow you to cook almost any dish, including cutlets, zrazy, meatballs. It is allowed to use soy meat in bars for eating.

Approved Foods for Vegetarians on the Dukan Diet:

  • Eggs.

  • Fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk.

  • Soy cheese, cheese.

  • Vegetables and mushrooms.

  • Cereals.

  • Soy meat.

  • Beans.

  • Fruit. Bananas and grapes are banned.

Since vegetarians refuse to eat fish and meat, they must include eggs and sour-milk drinks in their menu. Without them, it is impossible to saturate the body with iron and other useful vitamins and minerals.

Sample menu for 7 days

The Dukan Diet for Vegetarians

  1. Monday:

    • First breakfast – Oatmeal porridge

    • Second breakfast – Toast with jam

    • Main meal – vegetable based soup

    • Lunch – Yoghurt

    • Dinner – Stewed vegetables

    • Snack before a night’s rest – A glass of kefir

  2. Tuesday:

    • First breakfast – Boiled chicken egg, a piece of cheese

    • Second breakfast – Tea and cake

    • Main meal – Soup with peas

    • Snack – Fruit

    • Dinner – Vegetables and rice

    • Snack before a night’s rest – Glasses of milk

  3. Saturday:

    • First breakfast – Muesli soaked in milk

    • Second breakfast – Oatmeal cookies

    • Main meal – Cabbage soup

    • Snack – A glass of kefir and a cupcake

    • Dinner – Stuffed Peppers

    • Snack before a night’s rest – a glass of fermented baked milk

  4. Thursday:

    • First breakfast – Milk-based porridge

    • Second breakfast – Fruits

    • Main meal – Soup with mushrooms

    • Snack – Yoghurt with a handful of nuts

    • Dinner – stewed mushrooms, buckwheat

    • Snack before a night’s rest – A glass of kefir

  5. Friday:

    • First breakfast – scrambled eggs

    • Second breakfast – Toast with jam

    • Main meal – Soup with vegetables

    • Snack – Fruits

    • Dinner – Stewed vegetables

    • Snack before a night’s rest – A glass of milk

  6. Saturday:

    • First breakfast – Boiled egg, a piece of cheese

    • Second breakfast – Tea with cake

    • Main meal – Pea soup

    • Snack – Cupcake and kefir

    • Dinner – Vegetable salad with tofu

    • Snack before a night’s rest – a glass of fermented baked milk

  7. Sunday:

    • First breakfast – Muesli in milk

    • Second breakfast – Oatmeal cookies

    • Main meal – Bean soup

    • Snack – Fruit

    • Dinner – Deruny with vegetable salad

    • Snack before a night’s rest – A glass of kefir

Recipes for Vegetarians

The Dukan Diet for Vegetarians

Tofu apple pie. The preparation of the dish will require the following products:

  • An Apple.

  • Tofu – 200 g.

  • Chicken egg protein – 1 pcs.

  • Kefir (can be replaced with liquid cottage cheese) – 2 tbsp. l.

  • Cinnamon, sugar substitute – to taste.

  • Orange peel – 2 tbsp. l.

  • Dry milk – 1,5 tbsp. l.

Tofu is crushed, mixed with a sugar substitute, orange zest, cottage cheese and flavoring are added. The protein is whipped into foam, cinnamon and a spoonful of powdered milk are introduced into it. Apples are cut into slices. The protein mixture is poured into a mold, apples are laid on it, covered with tofu dough on top. The pie is put into the oven and baked for 40 minutes at 40 °C.

Bean Salad with Balsamic Vinegar. To prepare the dish, you will need products such as:

  • 200 g beans.

  • Xnumx g of vegetable oil.

  • 150 g onions.

  • A tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.

  • Pepper and salt to taste.

The beans are soaked for 10 hours, after which they are boiled and cooled. Onions are cut into half rings, mixed with beans. The salad is dressed with vinegar, oil, salt and pepper.

The vinaigrette. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • 300 g beets.

  • Xnumx carrot.

  • A pound of potatoes.

  • 700 g sauerkraut.

  • Half a kilo of canned peas.

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil.

All vegetables should be boiled, cut into cubes, mixed and seasoned with oil.

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