The drug Ridomil Gold

To protect garden and garden crops from fungal infections, drugs are used that are called fungicides. One of the most common is Ridomil Gold. It has earned the trust of many summer residents, thanks to its high efficiency and ease of use.

The drug Ridomil Gold

Let’s get acquainted with the fungicide Ridomil Gold, its features, instructions for use and reviews of gardeners and gardeners.

Features of the fungicide

Ridomil Gold MC is an effective fungicide of contact and systemic action, which is intended for the treatment and prevention of garden and horticultural crops from fungal infections. This is a two-component agent that protects both the foliage and the fruits of the plant.

Purpose and form of release

The drug is used to combat many diseases:

  • Alternariosis (dry spotting) of tomatoes and potatoes;
  • late blight (brown rot) of potatoes and tomatoes;
  • peronosporosis of cucumbers and onions;
  • mildew or downy mildew of the vine.

The fungicide has no effect on iodium pathogens.

Ridomil Gold is produced in the form of a light yellow powder and beige granules. For small areas, you can buy bags of 25 and 50 g. For mass production, boxes weighing 1 and 5 kg are produced.

The drug Ridomil Gold

Some summer residents use Ridomil Gold as a substitute for the Bordeaux mixture. If the drug was not on sale, it can be replaced with analogues: Tyler, Tragon and Juncker.

Attention! If you start applying the fungicide before the first symptoms of the fungus appear, you will be able to save the crop with a 100% guarantee.

Mechanism of action

Ridomil Gold is a powerful drug with a double action, which contains the following active ingredients:

  • Mancozeb – concentration 640 g / kg. Creates a protective film and destroys parasitic fungi on the treated surface.
  • Mefenoxam – concentration 40 g / kg. Penetrates into plant tissue, has a detrimental effect on pathogens inside cells and restores the cultivated plant.

Thanks to systemic protection, the likelihood of fungal adaptation to the fungicide is minimal.


The main advantages of the fungicide Ridomil Gold MC:

  • is effective at any stage of the development of a fungal infection;
  • provides the plant with internal and external protection against pathogenic microorganisms for a long time;
  • half an hour after treatment, it penetrates the foliage and spreads throughout the plant tissue, therefore it protects even untreated parts of the plant;
  • protects the crop for 11-15 days, even in the presence of precipitation;
  • does not have a toxic effect on the treated plant;
  • fungicide can be stored at temperatures from -10 to +35 ОWITH;
  • the granules dissolve quickly, and their shape and size eliminate the possibility of accidental inhalation.

The fungicide has won the trust of many gardeners and gardeners, and therefore deserves special attention.


Like any chemical, Ridomil has its negative sides:

  • dangerous for humans, animals and fish, so it is important to strictly follow safety rules;
  • has a negative impact on the environment;
  • inconvenient packaging that must be carefully opened, otherwise the fungicide may crumble;
  • consumption is greater than that of other, similar drugs;
  • it is undesirable to mix with other means.

To avoid possible negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the instructions for the use of the fungicide and the safety rules.

Features of the preparation of the solution

It is preferable to treat plants with Ridomil Gold in calm weather, in the morning or evening, when the activity of the sun decreases. The fungicide solution must be prepared on the day of the procedure. It is convenient to mix it in the sprayer tank, which must first be rinsed.

To prepare the working fluid, 25 g of the substance (standard small sachet) must be diluted in 10 liters of water at room temperature. First, fill the container halfway with water, pour the granules into it and dissolve them. Then water is added in a thin stream to the desired volume. A light brown solution will be obtained. During spraying, it must be periodically stirred. The liquid should evenly cover the leaves and stems of the plant. Depending on the degree of infection and the type of culture, 3-4 treatments are carried out per season.

The drug Ridomil Gold

Important! Do not spray Ridomil Gold fungicide on neighboring crops and prevent the solution from running onto the soil.


Many gardeners are faced with potato diseases such as alternariosis and furzaria, which affect leaves, stems, root systems and tubers. If you do not take timely measures to eliminate and prevent them, you can be left without a crop.

Potatoes are treated with a standard fungicide solution (25 g per 10 l). The first spraying with Ridomil must be carried out before the growth of the tops of the plant. According to the instructions, the procedure must be carried out 3 times with an interval of 12-15 days. Tubers are dug up no earlier than two weeks after the last treatment. On average, 400 liters of working fluid are consumed per hectare of plantings.


Prolonged rains and dampness can contribute to the infection of tomatoes with late blight. The leaves and stems of the plant become covered with dark brown spots, and the fruits begin to rot. As a result, you can lose most of the crop. To avoid infection, it is important to carry out prophylaxis in time using the Ridomil Gold fungicide.

During the active growth and development of tomatoes, the first treatment is carried out with a standard solution of the drug. In total, it is necessary to carry out 4 sprayings every 8-10 days. Harvesting is allowed 10 days after the last spraying. Consumption of working fluid – 30 ml per 1 m2.

Important! Do not use the product until signs of infection appear.
Tomatoes. Ridomil drug.


Many grape varieties are susceptible to attack by mildew fungi. The disease is manifested by oily yellow spots on the leaves, on the reverse side of which a white coating forms. Then the foliage dries up, and the berries rot and fall off. In order to prevent the virus, the fungicide Ridomil Gold should be used.

A solution is prepared from 25 g of dry matter and 10 liters of water, then the grapes are sprayed four times with an interval of 11-14 days. Processing should begin in early spring during the growing season. Clusters can be harvested no earlier than 21 days after the last procedure. The average consumption of the working fluid of the fungicide is 125 ml per square meter of land.

Cucumbers and onions

For cucumbers and onions, the most dangerous and serious disease is peronosporosis. The first symptoms of the fungus appear during the flowering period of the plant. Yellow, oily spots form on the leaves, under which a purple bloom appears. The greenery falls, the flowers turn black, and the culture begins to wither.

Preventive treatment of vegetable crops is carried out with a standard solution of the Ridomil fungicide, which is prepared according to the instructions. The first spraying is carried out before the manifestation of signs of a fungal disease. Plants are recommended to be sprayed three times with an interval of two weeks. After the end of preventive measures, the crop should be harvested after 15 days. The consumption of the working solution of the drug Ridomil is 25-35 ml per square meter.


Fungicide Ridomil Gold is used for indoor and garden flowers. It effectively fights many fungal infections, it copes especially well with rust on rose leaves.

The drug Ridomil Gold

Usually preventive treatment is carried out immediately after the purchase of a new plant. To prepare the working fluid, 2,5 g of the substance is poured into 1 liter of water and thoroughly mixed until homogeneous. The resulting solution is sprayed twice with flowers with an interval of 11-15 days. Plants are treated with a fungicide during the growing season, before budding.

Compatibility with other drugs

The drug Ridomil Gold MC is not recommended to be mixed with other fungicides and insecticides. In exceptional cases, simultaneous use of the chemical with neutral or acidic pesticides is allowed. But before that, the drugs need to be checked for compatibility.

Important! If, when mixing drugs, a precipitate occurs, an alkaline reaction occurs, or the temperature of the solution changes, they cannot be used simultaneously.

Safety Precautions

Fungicide Ridomil Gold belongs to the second class of danger. It does not have a toxic effect on insects and birds, but is dangerous for humans, animals and fish. Therefore, the ingress of the solution into water bodies is unacceptable.

The drug Ridomil Gold

When working with a fungicide, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • use PPE – rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator or mask and special clothing;
  • do not store the substance near feed, medicines and foodstuffs;
  • mix the solution in the sprayer tank, do not use food containers for this;
  • in case of contact with the fungicide on the skin, wash the affected area several times with water;
  • in case of accidental swallowing, drink as much water as possible and call a doctor;
  • after finishing work, go to the shower and wash thoroughly with soap and water.

It is necessary to store the fungicide Ridomil Gold in a secluded place where animals and children cannot get through. Opened packaging is recommended to put in a bag.

Reviews of summer residents

Anastasia, 36 years old Ekaterinburg
Ridomil Gold fungicide was introduced to me by my older sister. Since the summer was rainy and damp, I decided to carry out preventive treatment for tomatoes in my area. I managed to spray them 2 times, because then my family and I went to rest at sea. I was very worried that I did not have time to do this a third time, as recommended in the instructions. At the end of the season, I picked juicy tomatoes in buckets, while the neighbors took dried and rotted plants from their plots to a landfill. Since then, I recommend this drug to everyone, no one has complained yet.
Anna, 23 years old Orenburg
A vineyard grows in my dacha, which requires careful care and protection from diseases and pests. To prevent a fungus that prevents the plant from developing, I use the Swiss fungicide Ridomil Gold. I dilute the product according to the instructions. I dissolve a bag weighing 50 g in 10 liters of water and process the vine. In diluted form, the drug is similar to baked milk. In the last couple of years of using the fungicide, I forgot about the existence of powdery mildew.


Fungicide Ridomil Gold will help to cope with many fungal diseases of vegetable crops, grapes and flowers. The drug is effective even at a late stage of development of the fungus. It will not be possible to save the entire crop, but the losses will be less significant. Judging by the reviews, many gardeners and gardeners consider him one of the best. When processing a plant, it is important to follow the safety rules, timing and dosage.

1 Comment

  1. chcela by som si objednat ridomilale neviem ako

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