The drug Minoxidil for baldness: instructions for use

Minoxidil: will it help me? How effective can the treatment be?

The drug Minoxidil for baldness: instructions for use

Paradoxically, the drug Minoxidil was not originally intended to eliminate the problem of alopecia. The drug was developed as an antihypertensive agent (to combat high blood pressure). However, clinical trials of the drug revealed a curious side effect: in almost all subjects, an increase in the intensity of hair growth was noted.

Such an unexpected effect was immediately used: Minoxidil was proposed to be used for external use (in the form of foam, lotion) as a remedy for baldness, primarily genetically determined (androgenic). At the same time, Minoxidil could be recommended for both men and women.

Androgenetic alopecia is one of the main causes of thinning hair in men (up to 96% of all cases). This form of baldness is genetically determined, although indirectly. The cause of androgenic alopecia is the peculiarities of the endocrine system, which produces an excessive amount of DHT (a specific hormone – dihydrotestosterone). Dihydrotestosterone, acting on the hair follicles, causes them to reduce their own activity. As a result – thinning of hair, a decrease in the rate of their growth and, in the end, total baldness.

Among a large number of drugs and cosmetics, Minoxidil to one degree or another contributes to the inhibition of the process of baldness and the restoration of the normal functioning of the hair follicles.

Speaking of efficiency, you need to understand exactly what is meant by this term in each specific case.

Men whose baldness has begun relatively recently are interested in whether Minoxidil can stop the process of alopecia with the help of Minoxidil. Those who suffer from alopecia for a long time and have already gone bald are thinking about the possibility of restoring normal hairline.

More often, it is men who are interested in the effectiveness of Minoxidil. For women, androgenetic alopecia (which occurs, as you know, most actively and leads to almost complete baldness) is uncharacteristic and occurs, rather, as an exception. This is due to the same genetic factor. Dihydrotestosterone is a typical male hormone that exists in the female body in negligible amounts. However, sometimes there are exceptions.

Therefore, the question of the effectiveness of Minoxidil in relation to the problem of alopecia in men and women should be considered separately.

Does Minoxidil help with hair loss from other causes?

In general, as the results of specialized studies show, Minoxidil is most effective in combating androgenetic alopecia. Also, at the moment there are a number of studies proving some effectiveness of the drug in eliminating other types of baldness, but the reliability of the information cannot be unambiguously confirmed: there is too little information.

Efficacy of Minoxidil in the Treatment of Hair Loss in Men with Androgenetic Alopecia

According to existing scientific studies, Minoxidil achieves the greatest degree of effectiveness if a number of factors are met:

  • The patient’s age is less than 40 years;

  • The diameter of the focus of androgenetic alopecia at the time of the start of treatment is no more than 10 cm;

  • The process of alopecia began no more than 10 years ago.

The degree of effectiveness of the drug directly depends on these three factors. Of course, the above does not mean at all that Minoxidil will not be able to help men with a running process, some effect will be achieved in any case.

If the alopecia process is relatively recent (began no more than 10 years ago), Minoxidil is able to stop hair loss. At this stage, a man can choose an alternative option – taking a specialized drug Finasteride. However, it should be noted that Finasteride is much more dangerous than Minoxidil. Finasteride is available in the form of tablets and is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of DHT, and any intervention in the endocrine system can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is preferable to use a topical drug, namely Minoxidil.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with the issue of restoring the hairline that has already fallen out. To answer it, you need to turn to the results of scientific research.

According to the data obtained, the external use of Minoxidil at a concentration of 5% leads to a stop of the alopecia process and an increase in the density of the cover by 10-55% (i.e. 4-30 hairs per square centimeter) in the first six months of use and up to 15-249% (from 16 up to 84 hairs per square centimeter) in the next six months.

If, for one reason or another, the use of Minoxidil is undesirable, a man can choose to take Finasteride, limit himself to cosmetic measures (wearing a wig), or stop at a hair transplant.

Efficacy of Minoxidil in the Treatment of Hair Loss in Women with Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia in women is extremely rare. In fact, androgenetic alopecia in women is almost a casuistry. However, if the problem exists, apart from Minoxidil, there is no worthy and safe replacement on the modern market.

As with men, treatment in women should begin as early as possible. If the alopecia started not so long ago, it is optimal to use Minoxidil within a year. At the end of the year, the first results can be summed up. If the result of treatment is high enough, you can extend the course for a longer period.

Minoxidil is no less effective in advanced cases. Studies show that the use of the drug by women helps to stop the pathological process and increase the density of the hairline (13-30% or 20-50 hairs per square centimeter in the first six months of use). The dosage of Minoxidil when used by women should be slightly lower – 2%, otherwise the risk of excessive hair growth is high.

How quickly will the treatment work?

The drug Minoxidil for baldness: instructions for use

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia with any drug is a slow process. You need to show patience. With regular use of Minoxidil, the therapeutic effect is observed after 3-4 months from the start of treatment. The first hair that grows under the influence of the drug may differ in shade and texture from ordinary hair, but after a while the hair will get stronger and take on its inherent characteristics.

The optimal period for evaluating the result of treatment is a year. A year later, conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of treatment and the prospects for its continuation. As a rule, Minoxidil shows good results in 68-70% of patients. If the patient is satisfied with the result of the treatment, it is possible to extend the course of treatment for another period. Otherwise, you can try other means.

What tool to choose? Is it true that more concentrated products are more effective?

Minoxidil is currently available in various forms. So, you can find lotions with a concentration of 1-5%, sprays, foams at a concentration of 5%. Also, Minoxidil has various trade names and is available under different brands: Minoxidil Kirkland, Alerana (Alerana), Rogaine (Rogaine).

According to scientific studies, in men, the greatest effectiveness of treatment is achieved with the use of drugs with a maximum concentration (5%). At lower concentrations, drugs are less effective.

In women, on the contrary, the use of the drug in the maximum concentration is undesirable, since there is increased hair growth (including the face), as well as severe irritation of the scalp.

Therefore, when choosing the form of Minoxidil, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • For men suffering from androgenic alopecia, the drug is more suitable in the maximum concentration (foam, lotion).

  • Women, on the other hand, are recommended 2% Minoxidil.

  • On the market there are products of individual companies, designed separately for men and women.

How to properly apply Minoxidil?

The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the thoroughness of the instructions for the use of the drug. Minoxidil is a drug of exclusively local, topical action. In other words, the drug affects only those areas of the skin on which it is applied. The concentration of the applied drug is also important.

The key to achieving a sufficient therapeutic effect is the regular use of the drug. In addition, Minoxidil must be applied to the scalp in sufficient quantities. However, excessive application should be avoided, otherwise the risk of side effects is high.

Doctors advise following these tips when using Minoxidil:

  • You need to apply the product on the scalp, and not on the hair itself, namely on the areas affected by baldness (where there is no hair, and where they have just begun to thin out).

  • Each time it is recommended to use no more than 1-2 ml of the product (lotion) or up to half a cap of foam.

  • The product should be applied only to dry and healthy scalp, 2 times a day. If the patient washed their hair or took a shower before applying, the head should be dried first. The product is gently applied to the skin and rubbed with fingers.

  • Do not wash your hair immediately after applying Minoxidil. The agent should be left for 1-3 hours.

  • At the end of the manipulation, wash your hands thoroughly.

  • To avoid undesirable consequences (for example, so that Minoxidil does not get on the face, does not stain bed linen), in the evening it should be used no later than 1-2 hours before bedtime.

  • If the product gets into the mouth, eyes or other mucous membranes, the product must be washed off with plenty of running water.

  • Minoxidil should not be applied to areas of the body other than the head. With a large area of ​​​​impact, there is a risk of diffuse penetration of the drug into the blood, and this is fraught with a sharp decrease in pressure and the manifestation of a number of other side effects. In addition, in other areas, an increase in the density of the hairline may be observed.

  • Under no circumstances should Minoxidil be applied to broken skin. Treatment continues only after complete healing.

  • Multiple drugs should not be combined. Some drugs reduce the effectiveness of Minoxidil itself, while others are incompatible, and this increases the risk of adverse reactions.

The medicine should be applied regularly, only in the concentration and in the amount recommended by the specialist or written in the instructions. Irregular application will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the treatment, at the same time, excessive application will not contribute to a quick action, but will only cause a lot of adverse health effects.

How long should treatment continue?

Unfortunately, Minoxidil does not eliminate the root cause of androgenetic alopecia, but only absorbs the adverse effects of hormones on hair follicles. Therefore, at the end of treatment, hair loss in the affected areas and the progression of baldness are observed in a fairly short time. For this reason, Minoxidil must be used on an ongoing basis. If the patient is dissatisfied with the effect of the drug, you can resort to other means.

How safe is the long-term use of Minoxidil products for the treatment of baldness (hair loss)?

In the course of clinical trials, and then the collection of statistical information, data were obtained from people who have been using drugs based on Minoxidil for a long time (from a year or more). As the results of the studies showed, no significant side or other harmful effects were noticed from the long-term use of the drug.

Can they be used while pregnant or breastfeeding?

As modern studies show, preparations based on this active substance do not have an adverse effect on the child’s body during lactation.

There are no data on the effect of Minoxidil on the development of the fetus. Due to the lack of knowledge of the issue, it is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women.

When should products containing Minoxidil not be used?

The only case when topical Minoxidil preparations cannot be used is the presence of an allergy to the main active ingredient or other substances that make up the drug.

What are the side effects of Minoxidil medicines for the treatment of baldness (hair loss) in men and women?

Increased hair loss at the beginning of treatment

The drug Minoxidil for baldness: instructions for use

The vast majority of patients (both men and women), at the initial stage of using Minoxidil, faced the exact opposite effect of the drug. Hair on the affected area began to fall out intensely. You should not be embarrassed by this effect. The thing is that previously inactive hair follicles “get rid” of already regrown hair and intensively begin to synthesize new hair structures. Therefore, pay attention to increased hair loss and you should not panic. This is part of the normal therapeutic process. After some time (from one week to one and a half months), the process of baldness will stop and the opposite will begin.

Itching and skin irritation

Minoxidil preparations of a high degree of concentration (5%), as a rule, often cause side effects in the form of itching and irritation of the scalp. The manifestations of irritation in different patients can be variable: redness of the scalp, reduction of the natural protective layer of the scalp, dryness, etc. In extremely rare cases, the intensity of discomfort is so great that treatment should be stopped. Often a similar side effect is observed with the parallel wearing of wigs during the period of use of the drug.

Growth of hair on the face, arms, legs, or body

Not without reason, many female representatives are afraid to use a drug such as Minoxidil. This drug stimulates the hair follicles in any area where they are only present. Therefore, hair growth increases not only on the head, but there is also a high risk of increased hair growth of the hands, etc.

Preparations based on this active substance can indeed cause increased hair growth on the face (in the ears, on the temples, cheeks, etc.) and on other parts of the body where the medicine has got. Fortunately, this is a relatively rare side effect and is observed in no more than 5-7% of cases when using 2% Minoxidil, and no more than 13% of cases when using the drug at the maximum concentration.

Also, at the end of treatment, intensive hair growth stops soon enough (within 4-12 months from the moment the drug is discontinued).

Hair growth on the arms, body, legs is observed even less often and occurs in isolated cases of careless use of the drug. In these cases, the unpleasant effect is also temporary and stops after 3-5 months from the date of discontinuation of the drug.

Studies have shown that women are most prone to the manifestation of this side effect, and without that, previously prone to the occurrence of increased hair growth.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

If the drug is used by a person prone to problems with the cardiovascular system, or if the drug is used over a wide area of ​​the body, there is a high risk of diffuse penetration into the circulatory system. This is fraught with the development of hypotension, weight gain, deterioration of the excretory system.

Can Minoxidil and Finasteride be taken at the same time?

According to specialized clinical studies, in combination, preparations based on Minoxidil and Finasteride give a more pronounced effect in the treatment of baldness. Such therapy is categorically not suitable for women, since an increase in the male hormone DHT in a woman’s blood will inevitably lead to severe hormonal disruptions.

Men, as already mentioned, are also categorically not recommended to get too carried away with Finasteride. With improper or prolonged use of the drug, malfunctions of the reproductive system are often observed (in particular, hypogonadism, characterized by a decrease in sexual desire, testicular atrophy, erectile dysfunction up to persistent impotence).

For obvious reasons, it will be much more difficult to eliminate the adverse effects of taking Finasteride, so it is important to strictly adhere to the dosage, evaluate the appropriateness of such treatment, weighing all the risks.

Author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, specially for the site

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