The dramatic situation of the hospital in Mariupol. This is what hell looks like? [18+]

The eyes of the whole world are once again turned to Mariupol. Yesterday there was another attack there – the s bombed the theater where over 1 people were hiding. city ​​residents. A few days ago, bombs were also dropped on a maternity hospital. The situation in the municipal health center is dramatic. Staff and patients are trapped in it, no one is there to help, and the basement is also a waiting room, ward, operating room and morgue. The image was documented by Mark Stone, a journalist for Sky News.

Photo A hospital patient looks after her newborn child, who is with other newborns in the basement of the facility. In the background, a view of the destroyed hospital in Mariupol. March 14, 2022

  1. On March 9, forces bombed a maternity hospital in the city. As a result of the attack, three people were killed, including a child, and 17 were injured
  2. Many injured people go to the municipal hospital, which is in a dramatic situation – no one can safely get out of there, so inside there are still the bodies of people who died as a result of the attacks
  3. The place was visited by a journalist from Sky News, who, in consultation with a doctor working there, decided to make the video public to show the horror that Ukrainians are experiencing as a result of Our Country’s incomprehensible and inhuman military aggression. We publish the full movie below
  4. Mariupol is located in the east of Ukraine, in the Donetsk Oblast. Since the beginning of the war, it has been one of the most common targets of attacks
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage
  6. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live

WARNING: The video below contains drastic scenes showing the wounded and those who died as a result of gunfire and bombing, including the corpses of children. Particularly sensitive people should bear this in mind when reading the recording.

– Every day in Mariupol it gets more and more scary. (…) The city is under siege, the hospitals are overcrowded, the doctors are doing their best to help the survivors and fight for justice. It is a picture of hell that is beyond comprehension – reports the journalist.

Mark Stone and Dr. Valerie Drenga show on the video what the current conditions in which the hospital in Mariupol must operate are. Only the basement is at the disposal of patients and medical staffthat is why parties are held there (mainly those injured as a result of attacks), but not only there. The basement is also a place for patients, including pregnant women and obstetricians with newborns.

The video shows small patients transferred here from a bombed maternity and children’s hospital. The attack on March 9 killed three people, including a child, and injured 17 others (including pregnant women). A pregnant woman also died, whose photo went around the world and became a symbol of cruelty, and it was not possible to save her unborn child.

Newborns who survived the attack are now in the city hospital. Children stay in one cot, resembling a tent. The blankets are designed to protect children from glass shards in the event of further explosions.

Patients are also operated on in the hospital basement. The place where the procedures are performed does not resemble an operating theater in any way, but the right room is not the only lack that bothers medics. The stocks of basic medical supplies are running out and doctors have no hope of improving this situation, as practically no medical transport reaches Mariupol. The risk is too great for anyone to safely reach the hospital.

There is also a danger on the other hand, which is why the hospital staff practically do not leave the facility. This creates huge problems also in the context of deceased patients and injured patients brought to the facility from other centers, whose death was confirmed on the way or already on the spot. Their bodies are still in the hospital basement. Newborns are among them. – It’s something we have to get used to, but we can’t get these images out of our heads – says Dr. Drenga.

– The city authorities say that 2,5 thousand people have died in Mariupol so far. people, but many were not included in these statistics. Most of them cannot be buried, it is too dangerous for that, adds Mark Stone.

Read also:

  1. Ukrainian women give birth in shelters and cellars. “Under these cruel conditions, the fullness of femininity is created”
  2. The Polish Medical Mission helps in Ukraine. Plans to purchase a field hospital
  3. An expert on the heroic struggle of Ukraine. “This should not surprise us”. Explains why
  4. Medicines for those fighting in Ukraine. The Ministry of Health, GIS and URPL urge not to collect them on your own

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