The dog is sick, vomits yellow foam
Disease of a pet will cause anxiety in every owner. The pet refuses to eat, becomes lethargic – all these are weighty reasons for concern. But the sudden unusual vomiting is especially frightening. Why does a dog feel sick with yellow foam and how to help a pet?
Why does a dog vomit yellow foam
The presence of foam in the stomach of an animal is absolutely normal. The walls of the stomach produce a special mucous substance, and inside it there is always a little gastric juice, which contains proteins and mucopolysaccharides. When a dog swallows air while eating, it reacts with gastric juices to form a foam. Normally, it is white.
Why does vomiting occur? This often happens in the morning, the dog vomits on an empty stomach, or in this way it tries to get rid of the remnants of undigested food. There is nothing dangerous in this.
And it is quite another matter if the dog vomits with yellow foam. Yellow color indicates that bile has entered the stomach. If such vomiting occurs in the morning, it means that the formation of the bile process in the body is impaired. This may be due to the fact that the dog is not eating enough fat.
Bile strongly irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking all new bouts of vomiting. This can lead to disturbances in the digestive tract.
For what other reasons does yellow vomiting occur? It can serve as a symptom of the following diseases:
liver disease;
pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas;
cholecystitis – inflammation of the gallbladder;
stomach ulcer;
piroplasmosis is a disease caused by ticks;
helminthiasis – infection with worms.
To confirm or deny these diseases, you need to examine the internal organs.
It is possible that the dog is vomiting from hunger, then you need to shorten the time between feedings.
What to do if your dog is sick with yellow foam
First of all, you need to analyze how often this happens. A single episode should not cause concern, but if vomiting is repeated or blood impurities appear in it, an urgent need to contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe tests: biochemical blood test, ultrasound of internal organs.
Your veterinarian may recommend dietary adjustments, more fat, or feed changes.
Antihelminthic and choleretic drugs may also be prescribed.
Vomiting of yellow foam in a dog can be both a sign of a serious illness and not a very dangerous phenomenon. The main thing is to establish its causes and prescribe competent treatment.
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