When they leave for work in the morning, dog owners usually expect their pet to take a nap while waiting for them to return. In reality, not all dogs do this. Barking and howling, torn wallpaper, damaged furniture – an active dog, left unattended by the owner, will find something to do with himself. To protect your property and relationships with neighbors, teach your dog good manners.
The dog is bored alone at home
Long walk
Before work, get up early and take the animal for a walk. Some owners prefer to limit themselves to a ten-minute exercise in the morning, during which the animal only has time to go to the toilet, walking the dog for a long time in the evening. However, if your dog is having fun while you are away, this mode is not for you. The more you stay outside in the morning, the more the pet will get tired and prefer rest instead of noisy entertainment. During the walk, go for a run with the dog, give a few commands. If you are walking on a special area, let your dog go for the shells. You should walk in the morning even with dogs of small breeds, which have a tray at home.
If, in your absence, the dog tears the sofa cushions out of boredom, tears newspapers to shreds, and once even gnaws a table leg, just give the animal a few things with which it can have fun with it. Toys are needed not only for puppies, but also for adult dogs. It is better to purchase special balls and ropes at the pet store than to use household items that you do not need. After all, if you teach your dog to play with old slippers, it will be extremely difficult to explain that you still need new ones.
Be careful with toys equipped with squeaks. The sound they make may not please their neighbors any more than a dog barking.
So that the animal does not suffer from loneliness in your absence, leave the dog on the radio or TV. Hearing the sounds of a human voice, the dog will calm down. In addition, some dogs like to watch what is happening on the screen.
As a rule, only those animals with which they are not engaged are allowed to bark and destroy the apartment in the absence of the owner. The general training course is necessary for both large dogs and pets. Also, in ordinary life, do not allow the animal to manipulate you, annoyingly begging for treats or seeking your attention. If you, tired of the pet’s barking, give him the desired thing, you reinforce this behavior, and he will bark and demand your return in the same way.
In the case when the dog barks at specific external stimuli, you just need to remove them. When leaving the house, turn off the phone and intercom, close the windows so that sounds from the street do not penetrate into the apartment
Happy to stay
If you want your dog to behave calmly in your absence, come and go as discreetly as possible. When going to work, you should not say goodbye to the dog for a long time and swear to her that you will certainly return. In the same way, when you come home, do not rush to hug the bored animal from the doorway. Calmly undress, do the necessary household chores, and only then call the animal to pet it or play. If, returning home, you hear the pet whine, wait until silence reigns in the apartment, and only then go in.