“The doctor said my daughter had a cold, and she was dying of meningitis.”

Lexi was born completely healthy: she weighed a little more than three kilos, the doctors did not notice the slightest deviation. A couple of days later, the young mother and daughter were already at home. And three weeks later, the baby’s temperature suddenly jumped. Victoria rushed to the doctor, and who would have done otherwise, when a newborn suddenly begins to have a serious fever.

“The doctor said that it was a common cold, some sort of ARVI, advised him to give an antipyretic and sent us home,” Victoria tells the Daily Mail.

Parents all night long did not close their eyes, watched the state of their daughter. Despite the antipyretic, she did not get better. At half past three in the night, Victoria realized – Lexi was getting worse, she became completely pale and it seems that the temperature had grown even more.

“We rushed to the hospital. We arrived, they put us in a waiting room, and suddenly ten people literally burst into it. Lexi was immediately put on an oxygen mask. I was crying, a terrible panic rolled over, ”the young mother continues.

Doctors did not immediately understand what had happened to the baby, but the diagnosis was made quite quickly: meningitis caused by group B streptococcus. Infection occurred at the time of childbirth – this happens in one case out of two thousand. The infection developed rapidly, and the baby began to have convulsions. But there was nothing to help her – all that was left was to wait and watch how the girl’s body would fight the disease.

“When Lexi began to have a seizure, I screamed and cried, begged the doctors to do at least something, but they only threw up their hands,” recalls Victoria.

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