The doctor’s specialization signs will disappear from the surgery doors. This is the likely effect of the entry into force of the GDPR

It is very likely that after May 25, signs with the names of doctors’ specialties will disappear from the doors of medical offices. The reason is the entry into force of the EU Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR). Such a change is recommended by Dr. Maciej Kawecki from the Ministry of Digital Affairs. Why?

According to the new regulations, when registering at a clinic or hospital, we have the right to be anonymous, therefore other patients waiting in the queue or waiting room should not know which specialist we are going to, what hospital ward, what we are called or where we live.

– Therefore, it is worth considering the abandonment of labeling medical offices with the specialty of a doctor – explains Dr. Maciej Kawecki from the Ministry of Digitization for and adds: – Personal data regarding health includes all data about our physical and mental condition. It is also information about our use of healthcare services.

Doctors will also not be able to place patient cards on the desk, as in the past – a person staying in the office has no right to know who the doctor was taking before and who will come next.

It does not matter whether the facility is private or public. The introduced regulation on the protection of personal data equally applies to large hospitals and offices with one doctor.

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