The doctor infected himself with Omicron. He has five most important advice for patients [LIST]
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American doctor Dr. Faheem Younus has been in contact with patients infected with COVID-19 for two years. Until now, however, he had managed to avoid the disease. This changed in the first half of January when the medic contracted the Omikron variant. However, he learned five lessons from this event, which he shared with Internet users on Twitter. What can you learn from his experiences?

  1. The Omikron variant produces milder symptoms than the Delta, but is much more contagious
  2. It becomes dominant in more and more countries in the world
  3. Also in Poland, the number of infections with Omikron is growing. Soon we can expect the fifth wave caused by this new variant
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The doctor infected himself with Omicron

Dr. Faheem Younus is an American specialist who is eager to contribute to social media. From the beginning of the pandemic, the doctor has contact with people infected with the coronavirus. Despite this, he has managed to avoid COVID-19 so far. That changed in the first half of January, however, when Dr. Younus contracted the Omikron variant.

«Private information: Omikron got me. Two weeks ago I developed symptoms and tested positive. I am sharing with you five lessons that I have learned from this experience and I hope that they will be helpful for you »writes the doctor.

The doctor spent two days with people who did not wear masks. We didn’t have to wait long for the effects. However, Dr. Younus decided to write about his experience on Twitter in order to share the five lessons he learned from the event with Internet users.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Lesson One: The masks work

The masks work – this is the first lesson Dr. Younus learned from his experience with Omicron. The doctor writes directly that throughout the entire pandemic period, he was protected by N95 or KN95 masks, thanks to which he has not had his own experience with the coronavirus.

“I’ve been with COVID-19 patients more than 1000 times in about two years, and I didn’t get infected thanks to the masks. However, for two days I was at a family gathering without a mask and the coronavirus caught up with me. So yes, the masks work. Wear N95 or KN95 if you can »he encourages.

Lesson Two: Vaccines Work

Dr. Younus also set out to highlight the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 in the fight against infection. The doctor himself is fully vaccinated and has also taken a booster. As he writes, thanks to this the disease was mild and he quickly got back on his feet again.

«You know that the vaccine and the booster do their job when the patient returns to work after five days (wearing a mask) and tells his story on Twitter instead of fighting for his life on a respirator. Thank you to the vaccines. Thank God »concludes Dr. Younus.

Lesson Three: Practice What You Preach

The third lesson Dr. Younus learned from his experience was to stick to the same recommendations that he gave his patients. If they are advised against the use of steroids or ivermectin, they should not use them themselves during illness.

«I didn’t need monoclonal antibodies, steroids, antibiotics or paxlovid etc. Symptomatic treatment (which I have already written about many times) was enough. I definitely did not use ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc. The protocols for severe disease are different »concludes the doctor.

Lesson four: remember death

The doctor also recommends that you be aware of your own mortality. Not to live with fear, but to make less risky decisions and be careful in dangerous situations. Such as the coronavirus pandemic. Caution can then just save your life.

The rest of the text is below the video.

«COVID-19 or not, think about your mortality. Often. This allows you to catch perspective and make bold, meaningful decisions. Herd immunity is good. Herd mentality – no »- writes the doctor, referring to the psychological phenomenon of following the crowd without reflection. This is the case, for example, when teenagers imitate other members of their peer group, even when it comes to dangerous or unreasonable behavior.

Lesson five: learn your risk tolerance

Finally, Dr. Younus addresses the risk calculation. As he admits, he took part in a family meeting that could be conducive to coronavirus infection. However, the doctor decided to participate in it because it was important to him.

«Take the third dose, wear a KN or N95 mask. If COVID-19 gets you anyway, you’ll likely recover. This family reunion was important to me. However, your risk tolerance may be different. Include learning and then listen to your heart »concludes the expert.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. “Coagulation cascade”. A neurologist explains why people with COVID-19 often have strokes and strokes
  2. 20 symptoms of Omicron. These are the most common
  3. “All those who want to live should get vaccinated.” Is it enough to protect yourself from the Omicron?
  4. How to wear masks in winter? The rule is more important than ever. Experts observe
  5. The Omicron Wave is approaching. 10 things that can stop her

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