The doctor had bowel cancer. It tells you what the symptoms are and what to do after each visit to the toilet

Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers, especially among people over 60. Is it possible to effectively protect yourself from getting sick and detect in time that something suspicious is happening in our body? The expert reminds that the patient himself is often the first person to notice the symptoms of this tumor. It is enough to develop one simple habit.

  1. Dr. Philippa Kaye in ITV’s “This Morning” program recalled the key symptoms of colorectal cancer. The doctor suffered from this cancer
  2. Bowel cancer gives early symptoms that can be noticed first by the patient himself
  3. Early detection of this cancer gives a very good prognosis, at the level of 90-95%.
  4. Symptoms of bowel cancer are not difficult to notice, any prolonged problems during visits to the toilet should make us alert
  5. There are a number of factors that increase your risk of getting sick. Some of them can be minimized by following the principles of a healthy lifestyle
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The doctor suffered from bowel cancer

British specialist Dr. Philippa Kaye suffered from bowel cancer herself. She heard the diagnosis when she was 39 years old. She described the fight against the disease in the book “Doctors get cancer too”. In a TV program, she reminded us that we are the first experts to discover disturbing symptoms. For your own health, she recommends that you get rid of prejudices and develop one important habit that may save your life. He urges everyone to look at the toilet paper and toilet bowl after visiting the toilet. What we usually don’t want to see can make the difference between life and death. In the case of bowel cancer, it is time that determines the chances of a cure.

The prognosis for the development of bowel cancer is strongly dependent on the time of diagnosis. If the first stage bowel cancer is diagnosed, there are 90-95 percent. the chances of a complete cure for the cancer. This is a very good prognosis. In order to cure intestinal tumors, they must be detected as early as possible, and this is primarily helped by the patient’s awareness of the symptoms of this disease.

There are many early symptoms that you will first notice. In order to effectively protect yourself from the consequences of the development of the disease, one simple activity is enough – visual inspection of both toilet paper and stool after visiting the toilet.

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Bowel cancer is a general term for cancer that forms in the large intestine. Depending on the location of the lesions, we distinguish, among others, colon or rectal cancer. This type of cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer after the age of 60.

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Symptoms of bowel cancer

In order to effectively catch disturbing changes indicative of the development of the disease, it is necessary to know the symptoms of bowel cancer. This tumor most often manifests itself during visits to the toilet. Signs of illness may include problems with your bowel movements or changes in your bowel cycle. The appearance of the stool itself can also reveal that something disturbing is going on in your body. Dr. Philippa Kaye says the most common symptoms include:

  1. changes in bowel movements, including diarrhea, constipation or a feeling of incomplete emptying after using the toilet
  2. changes in the appearance or consistency of your bowel movements, such as thin stools
  3. blood in the stool
  4. stomach pain, gas or cramps
  5. anal pain
  6. a lump in the anus or rectum
  7. weight loss without cause,
  8. unexplained fatigue
  9. weakness,
  10. anemia (pale skin, weakness and shortness of breath),
  11. blood in the urine or frequent urination
  12. change in urine color at night – dark, rusty or brown.

Intestinal obstruction is a symptom of bowel cancer

In some cases, bowel cancer can cause a blockage in the gut, which is a stoppage of digestive debris passing through the gut.

Symptoms of a bowel obstruction may include:

  1. intermittent and sometimes severe stomach pain – this is always caused by food,
  2. unintentional weight loss – with persistent abdominal pain,
  3. constant swelling of the abdomen, bloated stomach – with abdominal pain,
  4. vomiting – with constant abdominal distension.
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The causes of bowel cancer – risk factors

The exact cause of bowel cancer is unknown, but there are many factors that can increase your risk of developing this cancer.

Bowel cancer – risk factors:

  1. age over 60 – almost 9 out of 10 people with bowel cancer are 60 or older
  2. poor diet – a diet high in red or processed meat and low in fiber may increase the risk of developing the disease,
  3. weight – bowel cancer is more common in overweight or obese people,
  4. alcohol,
  5. smoking tobacco,
  6. family history – having a close relative (mother or father, brother or sister) who develops bowel cancer under the age of 50 increases the risk of developing the disease.

The risk of developing bowel cancer is also increased by other illnesses. There is said to have at least a 10-year history of suffering from:

  1. ulcerative colitis,
  2. Crohn’s disease.

Bowel cancer – treatment

Bowel cancer can be treated with a combination of different treatments depending on where the cancer is in the gut, how far it has spread, and what stage of the disease it is at.

The main methods of treatment are:

  1. Surgical treatment – removal of the altered section of the intestine during surgery; it is the most effective treatment for bowel cancer and is sufficient in many cases.
  2. Chemotherapy – that is, drug therapy to kill cancer cells.
  3. Radiotherapy – that is, radiation therapy that kills cancer cells.
  4. Targeted therapies – a newer group of drugs that increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and prevents the spread of cancer.

As with most types of cancer, the chance of a complete cure depends on how severe the disease is once it is diagnosed. If the cancer is confined to the intestine and has not metastasized or infiltrated, local surgery is usually sufficient and the prognosis is very good.

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