Waking up only on an alarm, falling asleep in transport, drinking several cups of coffee a day to keep working until the evening – for many of us this seems quite normal. But perhaps your body is not happy with this. A test has appeared on the web that will show whether you are getting enough sleep.
Doctor Karan Raj, who maintains an account on TikTok under the nickname dr.karanr, suggested that subscribers take a small test for lack of sleep. He posted a video on his channel, with which you can quickly understand whether we are sleeping enough. It has a picture of the street: passers-by on the sidewalk, buses on the road and houses. The image flashes every 2 seconds.
It seems to many that this is the same picture, but in fact there are differences: the color of the bus changes, the men move, some buildings disappear. If you haven’t noticed this, then you probably should go to bed early or wake up late.
“If you don’t get enough sleep, your mental sharpness decreases, your memory deteriorates, so you don’t even notice the basic things that happen before your eyes,” says the doctor.
We often neglect sleep, because we have so many other important concerns: we need to work, talk with our family, and watch our favorite series. Sleep deprivation negatively affects our mental and physical health. Everyone knows about it, but not always remember.
Perhaps the test will be the first call to review your regimen and start paying more attention to the quality and quantity of sleep. We have a lot of days off ahead of us – we hope you will spend them usefully, and the item “good sleep” is already on your list of urgent things.