The DNA diet – what is it about? Genetic testing before losing weight and choosing a diet

A healthy diet is a general concept, which does not mean, however, that a specific menu will guarantee health and a great figure for everyone. Genetic testing should precede slimming and choosing a diet. They will be used to discover metabolic predispositions, the risk of food intolerance or the carrier of the obesity gene. The nutrition planned on the basis of genetic testing is the DNA diet.

Should diet depend on genes?

Almost everyone thinks they know what a healthy diet is. In theory, it is nothing complicated, but practice shows that the generally accepted principles of balanced nutrition are only valid for a part of the population. If you are following a “healthy diet” but feel unwell or cannot lose weight, your genes can affect it. In the human genetic material, you can find genes that increase the likelihood of overweight, and even obesity developing from childhood.

In traditional menu planning, we usually follow the caloric needs appropriate for age and gender. The same goes for the supply of proteins, fats and microelements to the body. In many cases, a diet consistent with generally accepted standards does not work and requires numerous modifications. This is due to genetic metabolic conditions.

Genetic tests conducted in terms of diet will also facilitate nutrition planning for people at risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or osteoporosis. It should not be forgotten that improper nutrition increases the likelihood of tumors. Especially people who belong to the group at high risk due to the genetic load should decide on the DNA diet.

What does the DNA diet give?

Losing weight and changing your diet have a positive effect if your goal is to maintain your health. Healthy diet is an extremely popular term associated with restricting processed foods and fat, as well as eating vegetables. While the general assumptions are correct, there is no healthy diet that works for everyone. This is due to an individual genetic predisposition to obesity or diseases such as diabetes. Food intolerances also make it difficult to plan nutrition.

Thanks to the DNA diet, that is, planned on the basis of genetic test results, we will take into account individual factors that affect our health. Genodieta is a way to adjust your lifestyle and meals to your predisposition to overweight, satiety disorders, abdominal obesity or the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome.

Read also about indications for tests with a metabolic profile.

Metabolism and obesity genes – what genetic tests?

Genetic tests for an increased risk of overweight and obesity include:

  1. the FTO gene – it is called the obesity gene and, in fact, incorrect modification of the FTO gene increases the susceptibility to obesity, although it does not affect the possibility of weight reduction with an appropriate diet and physical activity;
  2. MC4R gene – it is responsible for regulating appetite and responding to hunger, and a mutation of this gene is an indicator of possible food preference for fatty foods and a predisposition to obesity;
  3. TCF7L2 gene – this gene is associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes; if the results of genetic tests show the presence of unfavorable DNA markers, a diet including whole grain products is a way to reduce the predisposition to diabetes;
  4. MTNR1B gene – mutations within MTNR1B carry the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome, gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes; for each of these conditions, a properly balanced diet is recommended;
  5. APOE gene – apolipoprotein E in some forms increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis; its detection in the genetic material is an indication to switch to a low-cholesterol diet;
  6. PPAR gamma gene – it is a gene responsible for lipid metabolism and adipose tissue deposition, so it may be associated with obesity, as well as water retention in the body.

Price of a single DNA test may be PLN 150–300. We will pay from 500 to 2000 PLN for the full package of dietary genetic tests. The final cost depends on the laboratory and whether testing for food intolerance and predisposition to chronic diet-related diseases will be included.

Under extended genetic testing it is worth analyzing the metabolism of cholesterol, calcium, vitamin D as well as homocysteine ​​and folic acid. These additional factors are also important when planning weight loss and diet.

Slimming and food intolerances

Undetected food intolerance may be an obstacle in losing weight and implementing a healthy diet. Usually, it causes not only gastrointestinal symptoms, but also fatigue, malaise and headaches. These symptoms are long-lasting and do not go away until their root causes are eliminated. Therefore, they stand in the way of leading an active lifestyle. They also reduce the effectiveness of the diet, because it is difficult to consider it healthy if it is constantly accompanied by constant bloating, nausea and diarrhea.

If there are problems diagnosing a condition such as celiac disease, proper genetic testing can help. They are available in independent test kits and also as part of genetic dietary packages.

Check: How to conduct genetic tests for food intolerances?

Indication for dietary DNA testing

The DNA diet is a chance to personalize your eating system to get the best possible result. This applies not only to weight loss, but also to the prevention of certain chronic diseases. Dietary genetic tests especially worth your attention:

  1. in the case of problems with weight loss (overweight, obesity) or weight gain, resulting from the ineffectiveness of the diet;
  2. if you have high levels of bad cholesterol in your blood;
  3. if a family member has or has had diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and high blood pressure;
  4. to diagnose food intolerances – special tests may be performed to detect glucose, fructose intolerance and celiac disease;
  5. when we want to personalize the diet taking into account genetic predisposition, take care of health and improve well-being.

Also read: Fashion for weight loss in pregnancy. Is it safe?

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