The disappeared house: an incredible mystical story

😉 Greetings lovers of mystical stories! The Lost House is an incredible mystical story from real life. The girls went on vacation to the Siberian wilderness, how did this adventure end for them?

What happened to my friend Natalya and her work colleague Anastasia does not fit into my head.

A trip to Siberia

Summer came and the girls began to think about where to spend their vacation. And then the neighbor Liza offered to rest with her parents in Siberia. We didn’t think for a long time, bought tickets and went three of us. We flew to Novosibirsk, took the train and went on.

We got out at a forest halt: no platform, only a railway booth and a fallen log. Immediately behind the booth was a horse harnessed to a cart, on the edge of which sat the coachman, wrapped in a cloak, his face covered with a large hood. Liza ran up to him, then called her friends, said that it was her grandfather.

The girls got into the cart and drove through the forest along the road. Nastya lamented all the way: “Where have we taken, there is not a single living soul around!” In response to this, Lisa smiled silently.

We got to a small village. The horse turned off the road into the yard. The house was wooden and solid, surrounded by tall trees. On the porch stood an elderly woman, Liza’s mother, her name was Elena Anatolyevna. She invited everyone into the house, showed the guest room.

The vegetable garden was very clearly visible from the window. For some reason, the beds resembled graves, currant bushes stood in even rows – everything looked somehow unnatural. Immediately behind the house is a lake.

Nastya pestered Lisa with questions: who is engaged in the garden, because her grandparents are very old, and Elena Anatolyevna looks like an elderly woman. Liza did not answer and kept smiling.

The girls went to the lake. Indescribable beauty: clear water, sandy bottom, next to the forest. After taking a bath, they went to breakfast. A large room, Elena Anatolyevna is busy at the stove. It smells good of pies, and on the table is millet porridge with butter, scrambled eggs, pancakes with cottage cheese, a kettle is boiling.

The girls sat down at the table, grandfather and grandmother sat next to them. The grandfather had a pale, shriveled face, large ears, thick black eyebrows, and green eyes under them. Nearby was the grandmother – a dark blue scarf covered her face, as pale as that of my grandfather.

By the way, the girls met with them only at the table. They offered to help with cooking or cleaning, but Elena Anatolyevna always refused their help.

The terrible truth

The vacation days dragged on. Something in this all was wrong. At night Nastya and Natasha hardly slept: someone stomped in the attic, laughter, laughter, howling could be heard. They sat and waited for the morning. When asked who was making this noise, Elena Anatolyevna replied that they were birds, neighbour’s cats or bats.

Nastya cried and persuaded her friend to go home. After suffering for a week, the girls gathered to leave. Grandfather and Liza took them to the station, and they themselves returned to the village. The colleagues sat down on a log on which two women had already settled. We talked, one of them said that she had come to visit her sister and now she is seeing her off.

– And we also rested in the village, – the travelers answered.

– And who, if not a secret, – asked one of the women.

The girls said that their grandfather Anatoly had brought them, that the mistress of the house was called Elena Anatolyevna, and that their surname was Andretsovs. The woman jumped up from the log and exclaimed loudly:

– How are the Andretsovs? Their house was on the very outskirts. This family was not loved, they were afraid, and this house was bypassed. They said that my grandfather was a sorcerer. But they all died long ago, and their house burned down. Girls, this cannot be! Vera, – she turned to her sister, come on, let’s go there, see what kind of house there is, there is still time before the train.

The girls went with them. They were there in about twenty minutes. Natasha and Nastya approached that place and were dumbfounded, not believing their eyes – there is no house, no vegetable garden, no lake.

The disappeared house: an incredible mystical story

Nastya screamed loudly, cried that this could not be, that it does not happen, where did they live then ?! Who fed them with pies and what lake did they swim in then ?! Besides, they were brought here by Liza – her neighbor!


Until they returned to Novosibirsk, the girls did not talk to each other – they could not. The disappeared house haunted them. In the city we went into a church, where the priest, putting his hands on their heads, read prayers for a long time and ordered to put candles on Nikolai the Pleasant.

By the way, Lisa disappeared after this incident. Nastya then phoned her neighbor’s apartment several times, but no one opened it, and after a while other people settled there.

Many years have passed since then, Nastya and Natasha got married long ago, gave birth to children, but they still wonder: what was this place where Liza lured them? Where did she go? And what would have happened to them if they had stayed in this mysterious house even for another day?

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