The digestion of protein a person from different sources
Source of protein | Real absorption (%) |
Mixed American diet | 96 |
Indian rice diet | 77 |
Mixed Brazilian diet | 78 |
Chinese mixed diet | 96 |
Corn, whole grain | 87 |
Beans | 78 |
Eggs | 97 |
Meat, fish | 94 |
Milk, cheese | 95 |
Millet | 79 |
Oatmeal | 86 |
Peanut butter | 95 |
Peanuts | 94 |
Peas | 88 |
Rice polished | 88 |
Soy flour | 86 |
Soy protein isolate | 95 |
Sunflower meal | 90 |
Wheat flour, white | 96 |
Wheat, whole wheat | 86 |
More about protein digestion watch in the video below:
Protein Digestion and Absorption