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A hospital in Krakow, which treats patients with COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, urgently needs protection measures. “Every art counts”, argues the spokeswoman. The collection is underway as part of the # grunwald2020 action.

There are no masks, gloves and overalls

From March 16, University Hospital in Krakow serves as a homonymous infectious disease hospital, which means that patients with COVID-19 come here. It is in this hospital that the social campaign # grunwald2020 has started, the aim of which is to obtain the necessary supply of personal protective equipment for the staff.

Maria Włodkowska, the spokeswoman for the facility, posted an appeal on social media, in which we read that the hospital needs white barrier suits (disposable, protective, preferably Tyvek IsoClean), goggles, helmets, hepa filter masks with Ffp2 and Ffp3 protection, and disposable gloves.

This is not a “whim” or stockpiling for unspecified scenarios. With us, the fight against SARS-CoV-2 is nowadays. It is already happening! These people – our doctors, nurses, laboratory diagnosticians, electroradiology technicians and the rest of the team – are already on the front lines every day. They are already using up those hundreds of gloves, goggles, helmets and disposable coveralls. DAILY. And not because they are “securing themselves for the future”, but because YOUR FUTURE IS HAPPENING FOR US TODAY!

The number of patients is growing, the needs are increasing

Asking for help sparked an immediate response.

– The response is very large, in fact, right after the announcement of the appeal, the phones rang and the e-mail boxes were filled with messages. Both companies and private individuals turn to us. Some send in a thousand, some send in a hundred, and some send in ten. Every quantity counts for us. We are very grateful for each pair of gloves, goggles, helmets and coveralls. And although we have been receiving help for several days, we still need it. In any amount – a spokeswoman says in an interview with Medonet.

The hospital’s needs are enormous, the support from the Material Reserves Agency is not enough. These funds, which reach the facility, immediately go to the wards. Collecting for later – because the number of patients will increase – is out of the question for now. On Saturday, 12 people with COVID-19 disease were hospitalized at the University Hospital. Now the 23rd patient is on his way to the facility.

Both shortages in warehouses and speculative price increases are painful for the hospital. In the current situation, the prices of all security measures have soared. For example, masks no longer cost PLN 20-50, but even PLN 4,50 or more per piece. With such amounts, the budget runs out quickly.

– That is why we launched our social campaign. We direct it, among others to people who have stocked up on things that they won’t consume or need. If they want to pass them on to us, it will really help us a lot. We even collect one item each. We are all aware of the seriousness of the situation, but we are compact, ready to work and motivated. We fight on the front lines – adds Maria Włodkowska.

Items can be delivered to the following address:

Mikołaja Kopernika 36, ​​31-501 Kraków – in the administration building (on the ground floor, next to the security stand) or Maciej Jakubowski 2, 30-688 Kraków – at the ticket office (entrance No. 3, building A)

The in-kind donation can also be sent by post to the following address:

ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36, ​​31-501 Kraków, with the note # grunwald2020

The facility can also be financially supported:

It is enough to make a transfer to the account of the University Hospital in Krakow:

ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 36, ​​31-501 Kraków, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 85 1130 1150 0012 1143 8620 0006, with the note KORONAWIRUS

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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