Not all gardeners clearly understand what the difference is between turnips and radishes: root crops are similar to each other, and their color is not much different. However, they are two different vegetables. Let’s try to figure out what is the difference between crops such as turnip and its close relative, radish.
Description of radish
So, radish is a vegetable crop, a typical representative of the cabbage family. Forms a rounded root crop, eaten. Radish is widely used for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: trace elements contained in root crops have a positive effect on the condition of the kidneys, stomach, pancreas, and liver. Radish is also used as a prophylactic to prevent the development of gallstone disease, to prevent edema or atherosclerosis.
Video “The benefits of radish”
In the video, experts reveal all the secrets of using radish.
Turnip Description
Another representative of the cabbage family. The plant also forms a large edible root crop, which for a long time formed the basis of the diet of people in Our Country. But with the advent of potatoes in our country, turnips began to gradually lose their leading positions. It is used as a vitamin, general tonic, helps to overcome painful coughing attacks, has a mild laxative effect, helps to normalize the digestive system.
At first glance, it may seem that the vegetables are almost identical, but this is not at all the case. Let’s take a closer look at every detail that distinguishes a turnip from a radish:
- root form. The radish is characterized by a rounded or somewhat elongated fruit (a rutabaga forms approximately the same root crop in structure), while in turnips it is often flat;
- vegetables may differ in color – radish is known for its famous black color, although white or pink is also sometimes found, but turnips are predominantly pale yellow;
- taste characteristics – the turnip is characterized by a soft, even sweetish taste of the root crop, while in its relative it is not devoid of spicy bitterness and pungency;
- scope. Radish, like the familiar radish, is used mainly for making salads, it is used fresh. Often the most common dish from this root crop is grated salad – the peeled and chopped root crop is simply seasoned with sour cream and spices – a vitamin bomb is ready! In other words, this vegetable is not customary to be cooked. Turnip, on the contrary, is a miracle how good it is in baked form, it can be baked, stewed, added to stew or even mashed from it. Although fresh, the vegetable is quite good in the same salads and okroshka;
- sometimes turnips are used as livestock feed, unlike radishes. True, for these purposes, a separate fodder variety is cultivated, called Turnip radish.
Despite the apparent similarity, vegetables are completely different and are grown for different purposes. If we have not completely convinced you, be sure to try to grow both cultures on your site, then you can independently verify their similar and distinctive features. After all, not a single, even the most lengthy description can give as many arguments as personal experience. This statement is especially true for gardeners – by your own example it is much easier to evaluate the merits of each crop, as well as to understand what difficulties will lie in wait for you in the process of care and cultivation. And finally, after harvesting, you can decide which of the vegetables you like best – spicy radish or classic turnip.
Video “Useful turnip”
The author of the video talks about the benefits of turnip root.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina