
The schizoid does not hide from emotions, he is simply deprived of them. Nature froze out feelings for the schizoid and inserted one intellect, and, as a rule, without guidelines. The vague and dense world of experiences, the shadow of forebodings and the flame of passions, the joy and shame of sensuality — all that is so close to poets and women — all this is not his world. From childhood — isolation from people, some kind of coldness and unchildish restraint. A sedentary, as if frozen face, emotions are poor and pale … His task is to enrich the emotional palette, and it is extremely important for him to master the emotional tools: to develop facial expressions, learn the basic expressive movements (admiration, discontent, coquetry …) and simply communicate more often, as if nor was it difficult for him.

How to work on yourself

If you observe traits of the schizoid type in yourself and want to correct your features, then look at the articles:

  1. Schizoid: how to work on yourself
  2. Positive personality development

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