The dermatovenerologist

A dermatovenereologist is a specialist in the field of dermatovenerology who specializes in the detection, treatment and prevention of various skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Also, his field of activity includes the establishment of a possible relationship of the identified disease with other pathologies in the human body.

A dermatovenereologist treats all types of skin diseases that are caused by various factors. Quite often, with any infectious diseases, the skin is affected – in this case, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.

The immediate competence of a specialist should include the diagnosis and determination of the most effective method of treating the identified disease. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must conduct an examination and analysis for an allergic test. If the skin lesion is a manifestation of a disease that does not belong to the field of dermatovenereology, then the appropriate doctor is involved for further correct treatment.

A dermatovenereologist can conduct a consultative appointment, as well as observe the patient in a hospital setting.

Diagnosis of a dermatovenereologist includes several important points. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor must send the patient to take a series of tests, including: a blood test for allergens, antibodies and antigens, an allergy test, a swab to study the flora, a scraping for a polymerase chain reaction or microscopy , as well as sowing on the sensitivity of the flora to medications.

The basic methods of research in the field of dermatovenereology are: the detection of vaginal candidiasis, the study by polymerase chain reaction and dermatoscopy.

What organs does a dermatovenereologist treat?

In the scientific sense, a doctor deals with the treatment and diagnosis of venereal and skin diseases. It also includes preventive measures that will help to avoid the further spread of the disease.

It is wrong to think that a doctor of this specialization is treating people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle with promiscuous intimate relationships. People who have problems with nails, hairline and many other cosmetic problems often turn to a dermatovenereologist. Often a specialist in the field of dermatovenereology is also a cosmetologist, and deals with the elimination of appearance defects: scars, scars, warts, moles, calluses. Based on this, it can be understood that a dermatovenereologist treats the genitals and skin.

List of diseases

If we talk about specific diseases, then the list of the main diseases that a dermatovenereologist helps to cope with includes:

  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush);
  • skin candidiasis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, urticaria;
  • various types of lichen;
  • HIV, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis C;
  • chlamydia, trichomoniasis;
  • dermatitis, seborrhea, acne, herpes (genital);
  • fungal infections of the skin and nails.

Symptoms to visit a doctor

Everyone should take their health seriously, so if you experience any discomfort, you should consult a doctor. In diseases associated with this area in medicine, the following symptoms may appear: non-specific discharge from the genitals or mouth, itching in the anus, skin rashes.

When visiting a doctor, he may ask some questions that will help him identify the disease and confirm serious hunches. In diseases of the genital tract, the following symptoms are also possible:

  • a person may feel discomfort and pain when emptying the bladder, as well as feel frequent urge to go to the restroom;
  • in women, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed and uncharacteristic vaginal discharge may appear;
  • men may experience pain in the groin and testicles.

It is worth noting that in addition to the presence of pronounced symptoms, every person who is actively sexually active should undergo a preventive examination.

Methods of treatment, examination and tests

A dermatovenereologist owns many different techniques, but the most important diagnostic method is an examination of the patient. The specialist examines the patient’s genitals in order to identify possible pathological changes, as well as rashes in intimate places.

Without fail, the patient is prescribed tests and studies, since even an experienced doctor does not treat “by eye”. The laboratory specialist takes the necessary material for the following examination methods: blood test, urinalysis, smear. It also tests for antibodies in the patient’s blood. To clarify the diagnosis, the PCR method can be used, scraping of the mucous membrane of the genital organs can be prescribed. In the presence of skin diseases of a clearly infectious origin, additional blood tests are prescribed, but only a qualified specialist can say their name. With accurate test results in hand, the doctor can treat the patient.

To eliminate the disease, the doctor may prescribe local drugs, as well as drug treatment. In addition, the doctor’s recommendation may be personal hygiene and proper nutrition. It is worth noting that these simple items can prevent the occurrence of most dermatovenereological diseases. If we talk about surgical intervention, then the doctor can make such a decision, relying solely on the results of the tests and excluding the possibility of non-surgical treatment.

Work of a dermatovenereologist with children

Considering that persons who have not reached the age of majority do not need a medical book for employment, sometimes they still need to visit a dermatovenereologist. A pediatric dermatovenereologist observes patients with a problem of hereditary venereal diseases or those that they could acquire when they were born. The doctor treats diseases related to the scalp, hair, nails and mucous membranes.

When determining the category of a child by age, the doctor must take into account the following aspects: mutagenic manifestations, viruses, predisposition to dermatoses. All this can often be found in a child, since his body is not fully formed. When treating a child with the utmost care, any drugs and methods of treatment are prescribed. All this is selected in such a way as to put a minimum burden on the young body.

Most often, parents bring their children to a dermatovenereologist with cosmetic problems: warts, pimples, lichen. Mothers of infants who have developed reactions to an insect bite or reactions of an unnoticed birth complication also turn to the doctor. Therefore, if a baby has a change in skin color (significant redness), itching and a rash, they need to be examined by a pediatric dermatovenereologist.

The examination is carried out necessarily in the presence of parents who can help and answer all the questions of the doctor. If the child has reached an age at which he is embarrassed by his parents, an experienced doctor will be able to find an approach and make the correct diagnosis.

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