
Psychological problems can have different depths. The depth of the problem is usually determined by

  • How old the problem is, how far the causes of the problem lie far on the time axis. Problems coming from childhood are considered deep.
  • How difficult the problem is, how far there are (more precisely, absent) proven methods for solving it, what state the person with the problem is in and what he can do.

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to see the problem in himself, and then the help of smart people from outside is needed. That is why many smart people love psychotherapy: if, with the help of a group or a therapist, he manages to find what he himself could not find, finds a problem that interferes with him, then he will do everything, cope with the problem, solve everything himself.

And sometimes the problem is obvious, but a person cannot solve it on his own, he does not know the means, or there is not enough strength. Then the psychotherapist turns out to be the specialist who knows himself and helps the person (in the expert model) or helps the person to find out or find strength in himself (in the collaborative model).

Thus, if:

  • psychological problems it is not clear how to solve,
  • a person in a not very sane, emotionally agitated or, on the contrary, upset state,
  • a person has attitudes that interfere with solving a problem,
  • a person, in principle, has neither the habit nor the ability to work with himself,

— the problem in this case can be considered deep.

As a rule, deep problems traditionally include problems related to childhood memories, recent painful experiences, psychotrauma, unconscious drives or psychological defenses, see →

In the case of a deep problem, the work of a psychotherapist is required — the work of treatment or work on awareness.


  • the method of effective work with the problem is clear,
  • a person can reproduce it in many respects himself, he has the necessary skills for this and he is in an adequate condition,
  • a person is personally and mentally healthy, set up for effective work —

— the problem is considered either not deep, or not a problem at all, but a creative task.

As a rule, such tasks include difficulties associated with the lack of the necessary life or psychological knowledge, lack of education or training.

Consultants and psychologist-trainers work with similar psychological problems (tasks) — they do not treat, but suggest or teach. See →

Unfortunately, sometimes it is very difficult to understand where and what the real causes of psychological problems are↑, and therefore people often seek advice where they need treatment, and undergo treatment where elementary consultation or education is needed↑. One of the biggest reasons why people are offered psychotherapy where they don’t need it is the psychotherapeutic setting.

What is the solution to the internal problem

Lazy or romantically inclined people are more often drawn to psychotherapy: they think that if they find a problem (remove a splinter), then life will immediately become easy, bright, and nothing else will have to be done. This is not true. Solving a problem, eliminating a thorn does not always automatically make life easy, happy and problem-free. If you had a splinter in your foot, it hurts to walk, but if it was removed, the path will not necessarily be easy — you may have to go uphill. See →

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