The Delta mutation is also dangerous for the vaccinated. Disturbing data from Israel
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The World Health Organization recommends that everyone, even fully vaccinated, continue to wear masks due to the highly contagious variant. Even fully vaccinated people can become infected with the delta, according to the Israeli authorities.

  1. Israel is one of the leaders of the vaccination campaign. At the moment, the number of fully vaccinated citizens of the country is approaching 60%.
  2. The strong increase in the number of infections is attributed to the Delta variant, which – according to scientists’ reports – is up to 60 percent. more contagious
  3. Vaccines protect against the Delta variant, although this effectiveness is slightly lower than in the earlier variants (e.g. 88% in the case of Pfizer, 94% for the Alfa variant). Vaccinations also ensure a milder course of the disease in the event of an infection
  4. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, by the end of August, he will be responsible for 90 percent. new COVID-19 infections in the European Union
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The daily number of cases is increasing day by day. At the beginning of June, there were several of them. On Friday (June 25) – more than 200 experts, however, are deeply concerned that about half of the adults infected with the Delta variant, have been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, the Wall Street Journal reports.

– Approx. 40 percent new infections are vaccinated people – emphasized the former director general of the ministry of health, prof. Gabi Barabasz, in an interview with radio 103fm. However, you can see that these numbers are growing day by day.

  1. Masks are back in Israel. The virus is attacking again?

The vaccinated are not safe

More than half of all those infected are children under the age of 16, most of whom have not yet been vaccinated. And about 90 percent. new infections in Israel were possibly caused by the Delta variant.

People cannot feel safe just because they have received two doses. They still need to protect themselves Said Dr Mariangela Simao, WHO Deputy Director General for Access to Medicines. – People must constantly use masks, stay in ventilated rooms, wash their hands, exercise, avoid crowds. Simao said at a conference in Geneva.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said earlier this week that “the goal now is first and foremost to protect Israelis from the Delta variant that is raging around the world. We decided to act as early as possible in order not to pay a higher price ».

  1. Which vaccines protect against the Delta variant? [WE CHECK]

Israel’s intensive immunization program has kept the cases and deaths low for many weeks. However, the number of new cases exceeded the mark of 100 at the beginning of the week, compared with 10 cases a day for most of the month. At the peak of the country’s outbreak in January, Israel had an estimated 10 deaths. cases per day.

Until now, it has been assumed that the Delta variant is harmless to vaccinated people. The White House’s chief medical advisor, Dr.Anthony Fauci, has warned that the Delta variant will soon be the dominant form of the coronavirus in the US, but stressed that the risk primarily affects people who are not yet vaccinated. “These are the unvaccinated people we are concerned about,” Fauci said in an interview on NBC’s Today.

The Delta variant was first found in India. Currently, it accounts for about 20 percent. newly diagnosed cases of coronavirus in the US. The Delta strain is both more infectious (up to 60%) and associated with more severe disease than the current Alpha strain.

Experts warn that if the Delta variant can spread to unvaccinated people, there is not only an increased risk of severe disease, but also the chance thatcan mutate and create another deadly new variety.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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  3. “I am one of the unvaccinated”. What is the threat of this?
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