The deepest canyons in the world

There are many places on Earth that amaze not only with their beauty, but also with their grandeur. Canyons are one of the most amazing natural phenomena. For millions of years, river flows have eroded the earth, forming deep gorges. Over time, the rivers dried up, and canyons remained in their place. The deepest canyons in the world are not only places of amazing beauty, but also unique ecosystems with rare birds and animals living in them.

10 Tara river canyon

The deepest canyons in the world

Tara river canyon in Montenegro is one of the most majestic creations of nature. Its depth is 1300 meters. The gorge stretching along the Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country. Part of the canyon is part of the Durmitor National Park. The beauty of the canyon attracts many tourists. In the vicinity of the deepest gorge in Europe, there is the Dzhurdzhevich Tara Bridge – another interesting attraction of Montenegro.

The canyon is a favorite place for rafters. By the way, Tara is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe. In winter, the gorge attracts skiers with many slopes and good snow cover.

9. Blyde River Canyon

The deepest canyons in the world

Blyde River Canyon, located in South Africa, ranks 9th in the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the banks of the Blyde River are covered with lush vegetation. This makes the canyon the largest green gorge in the world. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1372 meters. The majestic gorge is one of the most amazing sights in South Africa. Tourists enjoy visiting the canyon, where you can admire fantastic African landscapes.

8. Grand Canyon

The deepest canyons in the world

Grand Canyon – one of the most famous and largest canyons. Its depth is 1600 meters. It is located in the state of Colorado, USA, on the territory of the national park of the same name. There are also reservations of three Indian tribes. The canyon is formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is one of the most unusual and amazingly beautiful places.

Due to its unusualness, the Grand Canyon has been carefully studied. It is one of the most visited places by tourists – about 4 million people come to see the Grand Canyon every year.

7. Copper canyon

The deepest canyons in the world

Among the deepest canyons in the world is a complex of 6 gorges called Copper Canyon. It is located in Mexico, in the national park of the same name. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1879 meters.

The canyon got its name from the Spaniards, who mistook the rocks overgrown with moss and lichen for copper ore. The complex of gorges is a unique ecosystem. It is home to many rare animal species and more than 290 bird species.

6. Sulak canyon

The deepest canyons in the world

Sulak canyon ranks 6th in the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its depth is 1920 meters. It is located in Dagestan, between the Salatau and Gimrinsky mountain ranges. Sulak Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in Dagestan, which is visited by many tourists every year. The plateau offers a fantastic panorama of the Sulak River with a cascade of hydroelectric power plants located on it.

Sulak Canyon is not only one of the most beautiful sights of Dagestan. Due to the lack of an observation deck, barriers and railings, being at the very top of the canyon is extremely dangerous.

5. Leaping Tiger Gorge

The deepest canyons in the world

Leaping Tiger Gorge in China – one of the deepest canyons on Earth. The canyon owes its unusual name to a local legend, according to which a tiger running away from hunters jumped over a turbulent river at its narrowest point. The depth of the canyon is 3000 meters. Getting more accurate data about the canyon is hindered by its inaccessibility.

4. Kolka

The deepest canyons in the world

The fourth deepest canyon in the world Kolka. It, like the Cotausi Canyon, is located in Peru. Its depth is 3400 meters. It is believed that the name of the canyon is translated as “grain barn”. In ancient times, the Inca tribe cultivated crops in this area – this is evidenced by the terraces that exist here to this day.

The canyon was formed as a result of the activity of two volcanoes: Sabankaya and Walka.

The canyon attracts not only tourists, but also rafters, lovers of cycling through the mountains.

Colca Canyon is interesting not only for the beauty of the environment, but also for the fact that here you can watch condors.

3. Kotausi

The deepest canyons in the world

One of the deepest canyons on earth Kotausi. Its depth reaches 3535 meters. It is located in Peru between two mountain ranges: Soliman and Coropuna, and is formed by the Cotausi River. It is not so easy to see the canyon – it is located in places remote from civilization. Despite the inaccessibility, the canyon is very popular with tourists. In the vicinity of Kotausi there are underground hot springs and waterfalls. One of the largest waterfalls, Sipia, is 250 meters high. In the vicinity of the canyon there are several mountain villages, whose inhabitants are engaged in traditional types of crafts, such as the manufacture of carpets and clothes from alpaca wool.

Visiting the Kotausi canyon, you can not only admire the wonderful view from the observation deck, but also engage in active recreation: kayaking, paragliding, mountain climbing.

2. Kali Gandaki

The deepest canyons in the world

On the 2nd place among the deepest canyons on Earth is the canyon Kali Gandaki. It is located in Nepal. In ancient times, the Kali Gandak River, flowing through a grandiose gorge, was a path for transporting goods between Tibet and India. Today, the canyon is one of the sights of Tibet.

The exact depth of the canyon remains a matter of controversy. If we consider its depth from the highest mountain peaks, it will be at least 6 kilometers.

1. Yarlung Tsangpo

The deepest canyons in the world

The deepest canyon on Earth is in Tibet, high in the Himalayas. The greatest depth of the canyon Yarlung Tsangpo is 6009 meters. The Tsangpo River, flowing in a grandiose gorge, looks like a small stream from the height of the canyon. The river is popular with rafters, although rafting is considered extreme. The ecosystem of the canyon is unique – lush vegetation here is adjacent to the snow-capped mountain peaks. These places are difficult to access, so the flora and fauna have been preserved in their original form.

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