The deadly Nipah virus attacks again. A 12-year-old boy died. Indian services on standby
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India, which is still struggling with a high number of COVID-19 cases, is preparing to fight another dangerous pathogen. In the South Indian state of Kerala, the deceased 12-year-old boy was diagnosed with the Nipah virus, reports Al Jazeera.

  1. In India, a fatal case of infection with the Nipah virus has been reported. A 12-year-old boy died. Currently, medical services are looking for people who contacted the deceased and examine them for the presence of the virus
  2. According to experts, the Nipah virus is even more dangerous than the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Its mortality rate is up to 75 percent. There is no cure or vaccine for it, the infection can only be treated symptomatically and complications can be prevented
  3. Fearing another epidemic, medical services and officials in the Indian state of Kerala are on alert
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Following the death of a 12-year-old, the state of Kerala alerted health officials to isolate and investigate people who had come into contact with the boy. That’s over 200 people in total, including healthcare professionals. Until Tuesday, September 7, about 50 contacts have been examined, so far there are results of eight people. The Indian Health Minister informed journalists that the first samples tested were negative.

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Nipah virus – what is it?

Nipah causes viral encephalitis. It is not a new pathogen – it was identified in 1997 after the outbreak of an epidemic in Malaysia (its name actually comes from one of the local villages – Sungai Nipah).

Nipah can be transmitted by fruit bats, pigs, and through human contact. There is no vaccine for him and the main symptoms of infection are fever, fits and vomiting. The symptoms are not specific and can easily be confused with other illnesses such as flu.

The only therapy is supportive care to control complications and keep patients comfortable.

  1. Nipah Virus: Another Deadly Virus? What do we know about him?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the estimated death rate of the Nipah virus ranges from 40 to 75 percent., making it more lethal than the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Medical services in India on standby

In fear of another, perhaps even worse pandemic, officials and medics in India are on standby. Over the weekend, the federal government sent a team of experts to Kozhikode – one of Kerala’s largest cities – to help local officials track the contacts of the late 12-year-old. They also proposed a list of specific recommendations, including strengthening health infrastructure in more cases and alerting neighboring regions of India.

In the state of Kerala, the Nipah virus killed over a dozen people in 2018. The possibility of its spread in Asia was also reported in the media at the beginning of 2021. Medonet also wrote about it – more in the article: Scientists warn of the Nipah virus. It could trigger a new, even worse pandemic.

This time, fears are heightened by the fact that the number of COVID-19 infections there has increased significantly in recent weeks. Another deadly virus would therefore be a huge threat, both for the inhabitants themselves and for the health service.

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Also read:

  1. The Nipah virus can be another serious threat with epidemic potential
  2. The fourth wave in Poland. What can happen and when? There is a new forecast
  3. What is happening in Israel? Subsequent days with infections above 10

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