The female body responds to alcohol are not the same as male. The body weight of women is usually lower than that of men.
And, hence, dose of alcohol, enough to poison a woman’s body is significantly below men’s. If a woman starts to drink regularly, her body faces heavy and irreversible changes.
The transformation begins
All processes in the female body subordinate to the hormonal cycle which the alcohol also affects. In large doses it has a toxic effect on the adrenal glands, which begin to produce male hormones.
If alcohol enters the body very often, the male sex hormones gradually accumulate in the blood and gradually alter the appearance of more recent beauties, giving them masculine traits. Drinking women face changes of the voice timbre. It becomes lower and more hoarse, and the movements become more angular and sharp. Climax for constantly drinking women, according to the doctors, occurs 10-15 years earlier than those who avoids alcohol.
Goodbye, beauty
Face Spoiled by morning swelling loses shape and healthy color. Regular binge leads to manifestations on the skin and characteristic signs of congestion: for certain areas the blood flow increases and the outflow is worsening. On the face there are the vascular mesh and unhealthy redness, and the whites of the eyes darken from burst of capillaries.
Hangover dehydration leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, and impaired liver function makes the skin yellow. In addition, under the action of male hormones and redistribution of body fat appeares in the body: instead emphasize feminine curves of the hips, fat is stored in male pattern — at the waist. Through several years of constant addiction to alcohol a woman gains a real beer belly.
Veins gradually lose their elasticity: there prematurely appear spider veins and unpleasant painful sensations in the legs. And, because of alcohol absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food breaks. As a result – dull and brittle hair, chipped nails and constant fatigue.
Without children
The harm of alcohol for women is also a danger for future children. Constant abuse of alcohol often leads to infertility. Alcohol causes fatty degeneration of the ovarian tissue and problems with ovulation. Even if the egg managed to start its way, its genetic information may be already damaged by toxic effect of alcohol.
In addition, animal experiments have shown that alcohol alters the endometrium — the inner layer of the uterine wall that does not allow the embryo to develop normally and can cause miscarriage.
Fetal dose
The most severe effect on the fetus alcohol has in the first three months of pregnancy. This is a time for the formation of major organs and tissues of the fetus, and liquor, trapped in the body of the mother can cause developmental defects for the baby. They even have a name: fetal alcohol syndrome.
The main feature of this disease is the lag in mental and physical development, disruption of the heart, nervous system. If the drinking mother managed to avoid the use of alcohol only during the first trimester of pregnancy and drinks during the following months of pregnancy – it often leads to premature birth of the baby, the underweight of newborn or even death.