The dangers lurking in the water

Many Polish bathing areas have been closed in recent weeks. This applies to both coastal beaches and lakeside rest areas. Tourists are impatient with the inability to cool off in a heatwave. What many people do not realize, however, is that these bans often save lives.

A dozen or so bathing areas have already been closed on the Baltic Sea, mainly on the Gdańsk Bay, where cyanobacteria have spread. Unfortunately, this is not the only place where the Polish sea is contaminated. It is also dangerous in Ustronie Morskie – this time because of bacteria Escherichia coli. The inhabitants of the Zegrze Reservoir are also suffering. And this is only the beginning of the ever-expanding list.

Cyanobacteria – what’s the fuss about?

Cyanobacteria sometimes bloom so strongly that they make the water green and have an unpleasant odor. However, aesthetic problems are the least of sunbathers’ worries. Although it is difficult to get infected with cyanobacteria, contact with them can be fatal. All because of the toxins that these little organisms produce. The list of poisonous compounds produced by cyanobacteria is really impressive.

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At best, it will end up in contact with endooxin, which irritates the skin and mucous membranes, so if swallowed, it can cause the classic symptoms of food poisoning. The matter becomes more serious when dealing with hepatotoxins that damage the liver. Some of the compounds produced by cyanobacteria may also affect the function of the kidneys. However, the most dangerous are neurotoxins that disrupt the work of the nervous system. They can make breathing difficult, cause convulsions or severe muscle contractions, which in the water can lead to a tragedy.

Unfortunately, not all reservoirs in Poland are regularly monitored for the amount of toxins produced by cyanobacteria, so even in bathing areas where there is no ban on entering the water, you need to be careful. Avoid cloudy and foaming water, and if you feel irritated or feel unwell after contact with water, get out of the water immediately and wash yourself with clean water. If your symptoms worsen, see your doctor immediately.

Cola bacteria – everyday enemies

Each of us is infected with bacteria Escherichia coli – they are part of the natural intestinal flora. While they do not harm us in the intestines – on the contrary, they are useful because they help break down food – their presence in other parts of our body is harmful.

This is why it is so dangerous to stay in bathing areas filled with these bacteria. E. coli, after getting into the stomach, can cause severe poisoning. Penetrating the urinary system causes acute infections. In turn, infection of open wounds can cause abscesses that are difficult to heal.

A guttural matter – staphylococcus

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that we usually associate with throat infections. Indeed – it is one of the most common pathogenic bacteria, and many patients who go to the hospital come out with staphylococcus as a gift. However, similar to Escherichia coli, staphylococcus can cause a variety of symptoms depending on where it becomes infected.

That is why people who have abrasions or more serious wounds on the skin should rather refrain from bathing in the lake or at least protect the damaged area well. Infection can lead to boils and abscesses. Staphylococcus is also responsible for conjunctivitis and barley. On the other hand, very virulent staphylococci produce toxins that can lead to serious poisoning and even shock.

Venereal disease … of the eye

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterium. It causes urethritis in infected men and cervicitis in women. However, this is not the whole range of possibilities Chlamydia trachomatis. Some types of these bacteria cause trachoma, which is recurrent inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva. Untreated trachoma can even cause blindness, so if you notice any disturbing symptoms after bathing, consult an ophthalmologist immediately. Symptoms of trachoma are a feeling of sand or a foreign body under the eyelid, as well as burning, itching, stinging and photophobia.

Mycosis not only in the pool

In summer, the number of cases of mycosis usually increases. High temperature favoring the development of fungi and the fact that we are more willing to use swimming pools are a ready recipe for the growth of infections. The problem, however, is that the mycosis is not only found in indoor swimming pools. Mushrooms feel fantastic on all kinds of wooden platforms and piers. Contact of damaged skin with such a surface may end up with an embarrassing ailment. Therefore, it is worth remembering to take the rubber flip-flops also to the lake or the seaside beach.

Bathing with your head

There is no need to panic. It is worth realizing that if we are careful, swimming in a lake or in the sea will be pure pleasure.

– Never enter a bathing water that has been officially closed.

– Even if the bathing area is open, but the water is cloudy, has an unpleasant smell or foams – better give up bathing.

– Never enter the water with unsecured abrasions or open wounds.

– Even by the lake or the sea, remember about flip-flops. They will not only protect against contact with fungi, but also protect against injury by sharp objects at the bottom of the tank.

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