The dangerous effects of hypertension. Four reasons why you should fight high blood pressure
Polish Society of Cardiology Publication partner

According to the report of the National Health Fund, 10 million adult Poles are affected by the problem of arterial hypertension. This means that practically every third inhabitant of the country on the Vistula is exposed to serious heart diseases, including heart attack and stroke. Most patients are in the 3-55 age group. What is the risk of high blood pressure and how can you keep your cardiovascular system healthy?

What is hypertension?

One of the most frequently measured parameters proving the condition of the circulatory system is blood pressure. Its value depends on the frequency of heart contractions and their strength, as well as the tension of the arteries. Optimal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg. In the case of hypertension, these values ​​are equal to or greater than 140 mmHg of systolic pressure and / or 90 mmHg of diastolic pressure. However, it is worth remembering that in order to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take measurements several times.

According to the guidelines of the Polish Society of Hypertension, arterial hypertension can be diagnosed if the mean blood pressure values ​​(calculated from at least two measurements taken during at least two different visits) are equal to or higher than 140 mm Hg and / or 90 mm Hg. Hypertension cannot be diagnosed on the basis of a single examination.

Hypertension risk factors

Diseases of the heart and vascular system are referred to as civilization diseases. Unfortunately, more than half of the patients ignore the first signals, which include, among others, too high blood pressure. Its development is influenced by non-modifiable and modifiable factors. The former, such as age, sex or genetic conditions are beyond the control of every human being. They cannot be changed, however, they are important information for physicians in the diagnosis and assessment of cardiovascular risk.

The second group of risk factors is largely modifiable, which means that you can fight them, mainly with the help of a proper diet, changing your lifestyle to a more active one, and properly selected treatment. They are:

  1. overweight and obesity,
  2. lack of physical activity,
  3. smoking,
  4. unhealthy diet (including highly processed fast-food dishes, low-fiber meals, frequent salting and dishes with a high glycemic index),
  5. chronic stress,
  6. high cholesterol
  7. depressive states,
  8. kidney disease
  9. diabetes.

Symptoms of hypertension

Unfortunately, arterial hypertension may not be symptomatic at first. The first symptoms may be confused with temporary health indisposition or stress. In most cases, the patient experiences only minor discomfort, which he forgets quite quickly. Nonspecific ailments are generally:

  1. insomnia,
  2. headaches and dizziness,
  3. a feeling of palpitations
  4. excessive sweating,
  5. lowering mental and physical condition,
  6. flushing of the face
  7. hot flushes. 

In the later stages of the disease, symptoms may appear that indicate serious damage to internal organs, including visual impairment, kidney function, limb edema, or sensory, motor and intellectual deficits.

Why is it worth fighting with too high blood pressure – 4 reasons

Appropriate prophylaxis and self-control give a great chance to reduce the risk of hypertension and related diseases. There are many reasons to keep the heart and vessels in good condition, but 4 of them deserve special attention.

  1. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart failure, heart attack and stroke. In developed countries, they are the leading cause of death. According to the predictions of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2025 as many as 1,5 billion people will be affected by the problem of arterial hypertension in the world.
  2. Serious complications of untreated arterial hypertension are progressive failure of the internal organs, mainly the kidneys.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases gradually lead to neurodegenerative changes in the central nervous system, which may impair cognition and lead to the development of dementia.
  4. High blood pressure promotes insomnia. Sleep deprivation is one of the risk factors for the development of psychological diseases, including primarily neuroses and depression.

Drug treatment of arterial hypertension

There are many drugs available on the pharmaceutical market that effectively lower blood pressure. They include, among others:

  1. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors,
  2. calcium channel blockers,
  3. angiotensin receptor antagonists,
  4. beta blockers,
  5. Thiazide and thiazide-like flu diuretics.

Convenient combination drugs, which contain two or three preparations in one tablet, are increasingly being used. In order for the active substances of medicinal products to bring the expected therapeutic effect (normalization of blood pressure), they must be taken systematically and for a long time, usually for the rest of the patient’s life.

One of the most serious problems in the treatment of arterial hypertension is patients’ non-compliance with therapeutic recommendations. Statistics show that most patients discontinue medication prescribed by a doctor within a few months of starting their use.

This has serious consequences, both in terms of health (increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases) and economic consequences for the entire healthcare system in Poland. Therefore, in 2018, the “Because I say yes” campaign was created, which aims to spread public awareness of compliance with therapeutic recommendations. In 2020, it is conducted under the hashtag #bierzswojeleki.

On the website of the Polish Society of Cardiology, anyone can download a self-monitoring table for free, as well as patient diaries, which will help track blood pressure results. If the measurement is done at home, it is worth reading about how to do it correctly. Patient educational material on common medical conditions including hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, diabetes and heart failure is also available on the Servier website.

Maintaining an optimal blood pressure value greatly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The key is not only a proper diet, but also daily physical activity and strict adherence to medical recommendations. Medicines don’t work in patients who don’t take them. Not only our health depends on it, but also life.

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