The curious effect of heat on sex as a couple

The curious effect of heat on sex as a couple


High temperatures stimulate the production of oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin and this causes an increase in sexual desire. But it also has a downside for some people

The curious effect of heat on sex as a couple

Do we want more sex in summer? The answer to this question, like almost all questions in life is: “It depends.” It is true that, on the one hand, the increase in daylight hours activates hormones and neurotransmitters related to pleasure, according to experts. Thus, as Silvia Sanz, a psychologist and sexologist, explains, heat can help you enjoy sex more because, on the one hand, it stimulates the production of oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin which causes an increase in sexual desire and, on the other, causes the vasodilation muscle fibers, leading to a further increase in blood flow to the genitals.

Another positive effect of high temperatures on sexual activity is that more Testosterone y estrogen, which help improve libido and arousal.

However, one of the most recent studies on the relationship between heat and sexual desire, the report “Seasonality in human reproduction” (University of Oxford), reveals that sexual intercourse grows in summer, but only if temperatures are not excessive. The researchers concluded that births increased during the ten months after summer in countries with temperate or cold climates with hot but not torrid summers, while the number did not increase in the same period in countries with hot or tropical climates. with extreme summer seasons and excessive temperatures. In conclusion, in this case too virtue is in the middle ground.

Changes reactivate sexual passion

Addition hormonal and physical changes Promoted by the increase in daylight hours and by the rise in temperatures, the sexologist Silvia Sanz has an impact on another somewhat more prosaic aspect and that is the fact that, in general, the summer atmosphere, in which the usual thing is to disconnect and relax , may lead to more sexual encounters. «The change of scenery will make it easier to break the routine, have more time to take care of yourself and dress in a seductive and attractive way to reconnect with that tenderness or that intimacy that exists in the couple but that sometimes could not be taken care of due to fatigue , to the routine or to the lack of time ».

Share this opinion Nayara Malnero, sexologist and clinical psychologist for whom the summer heat and the large number of hours of light that we can enjoy every day in summer makes us good mood and it makes us want to “play” more. “We know that anxiety can reduce our sexual desire and helps increase the possibility of sexual dysfunctions, so a good walk in the open air helps us relax and then be more willing at home,” he proposes. In fact, as he assures, there is scientific evidence that shows that being at the open airWhether on a beach, in the garden or simply on a terrace, it helps reduce stress levels, improves mood and increases feelings of happiness.

But what if it’s too hot or we make ourselves “castles in the air”?

Perhaps summer can be a good time to regain passion in the couple or to unleash our imagination and creativity in sexual relationships, although the sexologist Silvia Sanz clarifies that it is important to review or be clear about some aspects that can prevent fully enjoy the sex in summer. One of them is the expectations generated about the anticipated sexual encounters and another, the physical effects of excess heat.

On sexual expectations, the psychologist explains that there may be days in which the encounters are neither as frequent nor as successful as expected, because it may be possible that on the couple’s (or one of the couple’s) priority list ) appear without having planned other issues that displace the longed for love intimacy.

Nor should we forget that, on a physical level, the excess heat can produce voltage drops, fatigue o excessive sweating. «It is true that pheromones They are a powerful aphrodisiac, but excessive odor can also cause rejection, as can the touch of sweat. And the same thing happens with fatigue, because the fact that we do not rest well at night due to the heat can cause sexual activation during the day to be not what was expected “, argues Sanz.

Ideas to awaken sexual passion

The maxim “less concern and more occupation” is the approach proposed by the sexologist Silvia Sanz to take advantage of the holidays and promote sexual encounters at this time of year. Thus, the expert advises, to the extent that the evolution of the pandemic allows us, to plan activities that “normally are not done and that allow breaking the routine”, visiting “charming” places to create future regards as a couple, practice hobbies common or promote meetings in which it is possible to have intimate conversations.

In the event that the vacation period is spent in a place with a beach or swimming pool, the psychologist proposes to use that “excuse” to enhance eroticism and regain contact through caresses on the skin while both apply sunscreen, for example, or play in a seductive and complicit way in the presence of other people, thus enjoying that moment of “provocation”.

This type of games, as the expert explains, it can be the preamble to later look for a moment in which to enliven passion, talk and enjoy sex.

You can also enjoy delicious meals, naps, hugs and rest together. The important thing, as he explains, is to make the most of the situation that the vacation period offers you. “You have time, a person to love and a greater predisposition to enjoy it,” he encourages.

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