Rena is a photographer. Stops time. Capturing wonderful moments. Photographing children. Recently, he has been working a lot in Ingushetia and Chechnya. Tells me.
You know, we don’t know much about them. In fact, we know it’s wrong.
Take, for example, the level of culture, which is expressed in the level of mutual respect of people for each other. He’s much higher than the Russian. Even at the household level, in small things. If a person enters the house, all those present stand up. If a person says goodbye and leaves, all those present stand up. If an adult enters the house, the children who have risen will stand until they are allowed to sit down. Honor the elders. They honor the house. Honor traditions.
“We Russians,” says Rena, “have a cult of the child. We live and work for children! We leave the best to them. And we often get a spoiled and narcissistic «sofa cushion».
— And how is it there? — already anticipating my favorite topic, I rush it.
— And there … there the cult of the child does not exist.
In Ingushetia, the cult of family, home, hearth. Each house is beautiful in its own way. Almost all the money earned by the family is spent on improvements in the house and household. Therefore, their villages, for the most part, are even more similar to European ones than ours, in the Leningrad region, for example.
Every home is a small business. Not only because it earns, but also because it is a closed self-supporting system: rational and harmonious. And every person is a part of this system. effective part.
The child, first of all, is built into it. What is he doing? What benefit does it bring? These are the questions that are posed with such “embedding”.
From an early age, the child works for the benefit of the «enterprise», that is, the house and the people in it. Masters the skills necessary for the «enterprise». Receives in return for his work respect and recognition of his contribution and his place, and his share of the income of the «enterprise». Therefore, four children in a family is the norm. Ten children are not uncommon. And I have not heard about any difficulties of upbringing in Ingushetia. Children are well-mannered, smiling, respectful, energetic and cheerful. And they are busy with the work together with the elders.
I listened and, once again, caught myself thinking that the secret of a reasonable upbringing could easily fit in one sentence. But how much is behind this simplicity …