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On April 4, 2022, the Ministry of Health announced 493 new cases of coronavirus infection. For the first time since October 25, no one has died from COVID-19 or its coexistence. On March 28, the obligation to wear masks, home isolation and quarantine disappeared. The Ministry of Health is changing the way of reporting. Does this mean COVID-19 is slowly becoming a flu-like disease? “Let’s wait until autumn” – says prof. Robert Flisiak and explains what we can expect then.

  1. According to data from April 4, 2022, 493 were detected in Poland new coronavirus infections
  2. There have been no reported deaths due to COVID-19
  3. On March 28, the obligation to wear masks was abolished – with the exception of medical entities. Home isolation, quarantine for housemates and border quarantine were also lifted
  4. Due to the situation, the Ministry of Health is changing the way data on the epidemic are presented.
  5. According to prof. Robert Flisiak, there are many indications that we are at the stage of an epidemic in which COVID-19 will become the same infectious disease as the flu. However, a lot will be explained in the fall. What might happen then?
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Coronavirus in Poland. How many infections, how many deaths? Data as of April 4, 2022.

We have 493 (including 32 re-infections) confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (89), Śląskie (52), Lubelskie (50), Dolnośląskie (41), Małopolskie (39), Łódzkie (38), Wielkopolskie (30) , Zachodniopomorskie (24), Podkarpackie (22), Pomorskie (21), Świętokrzyskie (17), Podlaskie (13), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (13), Opole (11), Lubuskie (8), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (4). 21 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.

No person has died from COVID-19. Neither has anyone died from the coexistence of COVID-19 with other conditions. The last time such a situation occurred on October 25, 2021.

Fot. flourish

Number of people infected with coronavirus 5 / 970 (all positive / including deceased persons).

The situation in the provinces with the highest daily number of infections is presented in the charts below.

You can check the situation in other provinces in the report: Coronavirus in Poland – statistics for provinces [CURRENT DATA].

No need to wear masks, but “the epidemic is not over yet”

Due to the improving epidemic situation, the state’s approach to COVID-19 is changing. On March 28, we said goodbye to the masks (they remain obligatory in healthcare entities, they are also recommended in situations that we identify ourselves as associated with an increased risk of infection). Home isolation, quarantine for housemates and border quarantine have also been abolished.

  1. On March 28, we said goodbye to the masks, but not everywhere. Where do we still have to wear them?

Minister Niedzielski also reminded that lifting the restrictions does not mean that the epidemic is over and COVID-19 is no longer present. “Let us be responsible, let us wear masks when there are a lot of people, and if we feel bad, let us stay at home” – he appealed.

Further part below the video.

Will the lifting of the obligation to use masks have any consequences? According to the virologist prof. Włodzimierz Gut, it depends on our behavior. “I always repeat, it is not variants or sub-variants that are dangerous, but people’s behavior” (more on this).

  1. We don’t have to wear masks anymore. According to doctors, this is a mistake

Check out the first biodegradable face masks on the market, available in affordable packages. The offer also includes biodegradable FFP2 masks.

Coronavirus in Poland. How many people in hospitals? Reporting changes

In connection with the above, the Ministry of Health is changing the way data on the COVID-19 epidemic are presented. As of April 2, daily reports contain less data. “The moment has come when we are starting to reduce the amount of data transferred, which results directly from the current state of the epidemic and the changes introduced in the management of the epidemic situation” – explained Wojciech Andrusiewicz in PAP.

«There is no longer any quarantine institution. The last people leave the quarantine imposed until last Sunday. From Friday, the test cannot be performed otherwise than on the order of a primary health care physician, so maintaining the position of orders from primary health care ceases to make sense. Due to the fact that the tests in primary health care will be only antigen tests, there is no reason to maintain the division into gene and antigen tests in the reports. Since Friday, covid wards and hospitals have also ceased to function, so there will be no current reports on occupied covid beds, because they are simply not there anymore. However, once a week we will inform you how many COVID-19 patients we have in hospitals » – informed the spokesman of the Ministry of Health.

Asked how the ministry will present the data showing the epidemic situation to the public, Wojciech Andrusiewicz replied: “I think that in the near future we will switch to one report per week. We did not want to do this categorically with the change of epidemic rules. We want people to find out for themselves by observing the daily data that weekly reports will be of greater value ”. It is possible that over time and if the “epidemic does not surprise us”, epidemic reports will be presented once a month.

  1. Big changes in COVID-19 tests. How to do the test for free now?

COVID-19 Becomes Flu-Like Disease? Prof. Flisiak: let’s wait until fall

Does all of this mean that COVID-19 is slowly becoming a flu-like illness (relatively easily transmitted, with a moderate risk of complications, requiring seasonal vaccinations)? Are we at this stage of the epidemic? Prof. Robert Flisiak, president of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases, admits: “There are many indications for that, but let’s wait until autumn. We will see what the next fall-winter season will look like ». What might happen then?

«It must be remembered that in Poland’s temperate climate, infectious diseases are seasonal. In tropical climates, such seasonality is not observed. Considering the fact that more and more geneticists and virologists confirm that the possibilities of variation towards greater pathogenicity, and thus morbidity, are exhausted, it can be expected that in the fall there will be a wave of mild cases »- explains Prof. Flisiak.

«Of course, the virus may still evolve to become more infectious, but most cases should be mild. However, with the mass of these cases, there will be severe cases » – he notes. «This is what we are seeing now in China, where vaccine immunity is virtually non-existent. The Chinese vaccine did not guarantee sufficient protection, which was especially visible in the case of the Omikron variant, and the complete isolation from the world made it impossible to acquire natural immunity over time. As a result, China has massive infections resulting from the high infectivity of Omicron. With a high number of infections, even if it is associated with a low percentage of severe mileage, the absolute numbers can be impressive » – admits the professor.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

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