The court took the child from his parents. For… veganism

A one-year-old boy was taken from his mother and father – declared vegans. They also served their son with this diet. The child was malnourished.

Not only the Italian press writes about the tragedy of the family from Milan. What made such a categorical court decision? Mostly the boy’s weight. The grandchildren brought to the hospital by their grandchildren weighed 5 kg, which is roughly the same as a three-month-old baby, not a one-year-old boy. Blood tests showed that calcium levels were minimal to maintain vital functions. The judge who decided to take the boy from his parents justified this: “the child was only fed vegan products, which is unhealthy at such a young age.” This is not the first time that an Italian court has examined the issue of diet. The press agency Eco di Bergamo, last year a vegetarian mother was ordered by a court to cook meat for her son at least once a week.

Veganism kind of madness?

According to the recommendations of the Food and Nutrition Institute, a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and lacto-vegetarian diet, if well balanced, can be used in children and adolescents. On the other hand, a vegan diet that excludes all animal products, including not only meat, but also fish, eggs, milk and butter, is not recommended for children and adolescents. Pediatrician prof. Andrzej Radzikowski emphasizes that the vegan diet is part of a series of madness that we are currently experiencing. – For the growth and development of a child, essential amino acids are needed, which the body cannot synthesize on its own. We deliver by eating meat, eggs and dairy products. In adult vegans, their synthesis is possible with an extremely varied diet. However, the child’s organism will not be able to cope. The toddler will not grow, develop and create immune bodies – says prof. Radzikowski.

Without calcium, B12 and omega 3, it cannot be done

A vegan diet also threatens with calcium deficiency, which is needed, among others. for proper bone development. This element also helps in maintaining proper blood clotting and proper pressure. It lowers cholesterol, is essential in the production of digestive hormones and is involved in muscle contraction.

Prohibited on a vegan diet: Meat, eggs, and dairy products are the only source of vitamin B12. Its blood concentration is too low in 90% of vegans (20% in semivegetarians). Deficiency may result in anemia manifesting itself as weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. The lack of this vitamin also causes sensory disturbances, muscle weakness, atrophy of the optic nerve, cognitive disorders, apathy, and irritability.

Vegan diet, although high in omega-6, too low in omega-3 (unless fish are allowed to eat). Meanwhile, these acids are essential for the development of brain tissue, vision, and heart function.

Vegetarianism is only balanced

Doctors emphasize that a well-balanced vegetarian diet in children, excluding only meat, may even bring some health benefits, e.g. lower risk of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes. cholesterol, high fiber and complex carbohydrates, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamins C and E, an appropriate ratio of sodium to potassium and lower exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, antibiotics and veterinary drugs, parasites (hair) present in meat and cold cuts. Research studies have shown that in vegetarians, mortality from heart disease is 31% lower in men and 20% less in women. Non-eaters of meat also have a lower cholesterol level by 14 – 35% and lower blood pressure by 5 to 10 mm Hg. Experts add, however, that a poorly constructed vegetarian diet in children causes delayed development.

Energy and protein as the source of life

Pediatricians remind that children need enough energy to grow and develop.

A plant-based diet is high in fiber and feels full, but reduces your caloric intake. Therefore, specialists advise introducing frequent meals and snacks from foods such as peanuts, grains, avocados, dried fruits to the diet of a young vegetarian.

The source of wholesome protein – containing all essential amino acids, 90% digestible are egg white, milk and meat. Incomplete, containing essential amino acids, but in different proportions is present in soybeans and legumes. Parents on a vegetarian diet should use the help of a dietitian to compose a menu that provides the right amount of protein.

No iron in kindergarten

Iron is a component of the blood that is essential for the transport of oxygen. Children in the period of intensive growth are at risk of its deficiency, which may lead to delayed psychomotor development and even stroke. Iron from meat is better absorbed. Absorption of this derived from plants is additionally reduced by food, especially milk. Therefore, children on a vegetarian diet are advised to take vitamin C supplements, which increases the absorption of iron or foods rich in vitamin C by 3 – 4 times. They also eat whole grain bread and dried fruit.

You have to remember that the problem with the nutrition of a little vegetarian appears when he goes to kindergarten. Only private establishments in larger cities offer menus for vegetarians. Nutritionists also add that it is a very expensive diet.


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