The cosmetologist tells what procedures can be done according to the seasons: photo
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We deal with a specialist when to sign up for peeling, and when – for hair removal.
Planning a visit to a beautician is pleasant, but often troublesome. In the hustle and bustle of the day, you might not even notice how the treatment planned back in winter is being postponed until June. And after consulting a doctor, it turns out that all lasers are on vacation at least until autumn …
The season for laser vascular destruction, median and deep peelings, photorejuvenation, and alexandrite laser hair removal closes in May, before the onset of the active sun period. Why? It’s simple: the skin after a laser under the influence of the sun is highly susceptible to burns and pronounced pigmentation. Fortunately, SPIK can please with some of the hardware cosmetology in the summer: sun and tanning will not interfere with laser hair removal using the new Moveo technology. Epilation Moveo cope with any hair color and will give excellent results on any skin, from pale nordic to dark african – safe and painless. If suddenly you do not have time to do the last procedure from the planned course, for example, photorejuvenation, and it falls during the period of active sun, then the cosmetologist’s recommendations should include a sunscreen with a high SPF factor, at least 50, which must be used before every going out.
Which treatments are best for each season
In summer, we lose moisture more actively, and the skin begins to age faster. For the prevention of aging, it is important to remember about sunscreens – it seems that cosmetologists around the world have already managed to spread this truth well. Every decade the sun becomes more and more dangerous, we are more exposed to UF – radiation than our ancestors. Therefore, the skin needs constant protection.
The most important care procedure in the summer should be
In general, injection procedures – contour plastics, botulinum therapy, mesotherapy, biorevitalization – can be carried out 12 months a year without being tied to solar activity. Therefore, if you are shown injections, you can safely go to the cosmetology office at any time of the year. The same applies to skin reinforcement with threads and non-surgical methods of body shaping (LPG massage and ultrasonic cavitation).
– In the summer, the problem of excessive sweating (or hyperhidrosis) is more relevant than ever. Just one botulinum therapy procedure will solve the problem of sweating for six months. The action of the drug will begin a few days after the session, therefore, if you have any particularly important events ahead, it is better to worry about visiting a beautician in advance.
– In autumn, I would recommend paying special attention to the area of the hands – we often forget about gloves until the onset of severe cold weather, and the skin dries quickly. Biorevitalization or plasma therapy of the hands will give a good result. Small bruises may occur after the procedures, but they disappear quickly. For a stable result, it is recommended to repeat the procedures every 4–6 months – just like on the face. Starting from mid – late October, you can already take a course of median peels.
In winter, to maintain skin tone, an integrated approach is recommended, consisting of alternating injection (plasma lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy) and hardware care and rejuvenating procedures. For complex care, you can also attract contour plastics, both of the lips and the entire face.
– In winter, it is also best to conduct courses on laser rejuvenation, laser vascular destruction and stretch marks correction. One of the most effective technologies in hardware cosmetology today is rejuvenation. DekArt and correction of stretch marks and stretch marks DekArt S… DekArt’s principle of action is based on the exclusive technology of combining the energy of a CO2 laser with radio frequency RF, which produces pronounced aesthetic results and has a powerful effect on tissues by stimulating increased production of collagen and elastin. The results after the first procedure are often amazing, but it is still recommended to take a course of 4-6 procedures.
– To restore the skin after cold weather, a course is recommended PRP therapy using the patient’s own plasma with a large amount of platelet mass. A healthy fresh complexion after a complex of procedures are guaranteed! PRP therapy is also carried out for the scalp in order to prevent and treat hair loss – for many, this problem becomes relevant precisely in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. The procedure is quite sensitive, but very effective.
Mesotherapy cocktails will also help nourish the skin with vitamins. In the transition from winter to spring, vitamins and amino acids are included in the composition.
Saint Petersburg Beauty Institute SPIK
st. Savushkina, 36
+7 (812) 430-43-21,
Contraindications are possible. Consult a specialist.