The correct distance between apple trees when planting

Many gardeners, whether professionals or amateurs, are interested in the question of the correct and profitable placement of fruit trees on the site. One of the most common species is the apple tree. It can be found most often in our gardens. The article below will help to understand the main features in this responsible matter.

An apple tree, however, like any other fruit plant, needs personal space. This need is often forgotten by amateurs or beginner gardeners.

With the exception of some varieties, the apple tree is a fairly large tree, which, with proper care, can be very large. Do not forget that they need not only sufficient space, but also a certain amount of soil so that the plant can fully feed. Productivity and life expectancy directly depend on these characteristics.

When buying a particular variety, the seller must tell you about the requirements that must be observed when planting this variety. If the seller did not provide you with this information, then you must ask the appropriate question yourself. You can also find this information in gardening guides or look on the Internet.

Minimum distance

Perhaps the question of placing fruit trees in the garden is the most important, because their productivity and life span depend on the correct choice of the distance between them. Every gardener wants his or her garden to produce as much of a crop as possible and to pay off the effort expended.

In order to properly place apple trees on a garden plot, it is necessary to draw up and adhere to a planting scheme. This scheme may vary depending on the climatic conditions in which it will grow. Also planting options may vary depending on the shape of the crown. The distance between the trunks directly depends on this parameter. The planting pattern is calculated taking into account the minimum distance between trees. This indicator is determined based on the characteristics of a particular variety, nutritional requirements, the level of water supply and soil characteristics.

Failure to observe or neglect the distance is fraught for the tree with the following consequences:

  • reduction in yield;
  • decrease in crop quality;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • lack of sunlight for fruits and leaves;
  • low immunity;
  • defeat by fungal diseases;
  • stimulation of the reproduction of pests and pathogenic microorganisms.

The distance is also determined taking into account the possibility of pruning the crown and comfortable fruit picking.

What is the minimum distance between apple trees should be when planting? This depends on factors such as the size of the tree and the maximum size it can reach as it grows. For example, if you plan to plant low-growing varieties in your garden, on a dwarf rootstock, then the optimal distance for them will be 4 meters between rows, at least. But the distance between ordinary apple trees should be at least 2,5 meters so that they are in comfortable conditions.

When planting classic and low-growing species, which were grafted on the basis of wild rootstocks, the minimum distance should be at least 3,5 meters, and the distance between rows should be about 5 meters.

For tall and tall species, the minimum distance requirements will be different. The distance between the rows is about 6 meters, and the minimum distance between the trunks themselves should be at least 4 meters.

In the case when an apple tree in the garden sits alone or in pairs, the distance to other trees or shrubs should be at least 4 meters along the entire perimeter or radius.

The correct distance between apple trees when planting

Determining the distance between trees

All of the above methods of placement in the garden plot are traditional and, accordingly, they are suitable for classic and simple varieties.

However, today there are many new fruit varieties that can differ significantly from others. Therefore, in relation to them, new landing methods are also used. For example, for a columnar apple tree, which in its appearance is more like poplar or cypress, a method of growing in the form of a column is used. But even among the columnar, several options are distinguished: vigorous, dwarf and semi-dwarf.

Vigorous and semi-dwarf columnar apple trees should be planted at a distance of 1,2 meters from each other (the smallest allowable indicator). And for dwarf varieties, 60 centimeters will be quite enough.

When planting several seedlings, the minimum distance, as mentioned above, is calculated from the maximum crown volume in the adult state.

Vigorous varieties should be planted at a distance of 3-4 meters from the neighboring trunk. If they are planted in rows, then the distance between them should be about five meters. This accommodation option is suitable for the following varieties: Autumn striped, Antonovka ordinary, Cinnamon new, Moscow Grushovka.

Weak species are best planted so that other trees are at least 3 meters away. And the gap between the rows should be at least 4 meters. This scheme is suitable for varieties Spartan, Melba, Lobo, Welsey.

Vigorous varieties have the following planting pattern: the distance between rows should be at least four meters, and between trunks – up to 2,5 meters.

For medium-sized and vigorous breeds on clonal rootstocks, they have a distance increased by one meter.

If the variety is unknown or difficult to determine, then the minimum distance between them when planting should be calculated based on the geometric shape of the crown (i.e., the maximum width of the crown). This value must be doubled – this will be the remote minimum. For example, with a maximum crown width of 4 meters, the minimum delimitation indicator will be 8 meters.

By adhering to the planting scheme, you can achieve not only a beautiful design of the garden, but also increase fruiting and extend the life of apple trees. Compliance with all of the above rules will help you organize your garden space in the most efficient way.

Useful Tips

In order to most effectively and correctly plant apple trees, you should know some of the nuances:

  • the distance between adjacent trees should be optimal for both. They must have enough nutrients, otherwise the prosperity of one at the expense of the other is possible;
  • when planting apple trees next to other plants or trees, their relationship must be taken into account. Otherwise, you risk getting a “conflict” or one plant will absorb the nutrients of another. In this case, there may be spaces next to the apple trees where less hardy plants will die;
  • you need to choose the right place to land. This type of fruit tree should be closed from blowing north winds;
  • winter hardiness of rocks should be taken into account;
  • for different species, a different planting scheme should be used in order to achieve the maximum yield;
  • it is necessary to take into account the biological characteristics of certain varieties and fruit species, to know whether it is suitable for this soil;
  • environmental conditions in which the apple tree will grow should be taken into account.

Also, when placing fruit trees on your land, it is by no means useless to know the norms that are written in the legislation. For example, it is necessary to know exactly at what distance to a neighboring plot plantings can be organized so as not to interfere with neighbors with falling apples or foliage, and also so that branches do not cause them inconvenience. So you can save good-neighborly relations and your own nerves.

The correct distance between apple trees when planting

The layout of plantings on the site

Knowing the planting patterns of apple trees and the minimum distances between them, you can significantly increase productivity, as well as correctly form plantings of not only trees, but also other garden vegetation.

Planting apple seedlings

This video will acquaint you with the correct planting and determining the optimal distance between seedlings.

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