The coronavirus has returned to China. First COVID-19 deaths in over a year
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Chinese authorities announced on Saturday two deaths due to the coronavirus. These are the first COVID-19 deaths since January 2021. The country is undergoing a wave of Omikron infections despite a strict zero covid policy.

Coronavirus: China is fighting Omicron

«The Guardian» reports that over 2 people were detected on Saturday. new infections (most in Jilin Province), two people died. These are the first victims of the coronavirus in more than a year – most recently such cases were recorded in January 2021. In China, a total of 4 have been recorded since the outbreak of the epidemic. 638 COVID-19 deaths.

The country is currently facing the worst infection wave since late 2019. For the past two years, China has pursued a “zero covid” policy that has avoided spikes in infections and dramatic casualties.

See also: COVID-19 explosion in China. Most daily cases since the start of a pandemic

Further part below the video.

All this is due to strict restrictions. The “zero covid” strategy is based on mass testing and lockdowns (no way out). Any new outbreak of the disease is quickly suppressed as soon as it is detected. Authorities do not hesitate to shut down multi-million dollar cities as soon as new infections arise.

  1. Read: China’s brutal fight against COVID-19. They lock people up in metal containers

The Omikron variant has proved to be the greatest challenge to Chinese strategy since the outbreak. In Jilin Province, where the situation is worst, travel bans are in force, residents need police approval to travel outside the region. Several temporary hospitals and quarantine centers have been built there as a recipe for the growing number of infections.

  1. A quick home test for COVID-19 is available from Medonet Market

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