The consequences of the influence of laziness on human life

Hello! Today we will talk about how laziness affects a person. Because usually it is perceived as something negative. Few people can boast that their loved one is lazy.

This quality, characteristic, in theory, causes more shame than pride and happiness. And it necessarily means that it is necessary to do something with it, somehow get rid of it, but in no case should everything be left to chance.

But I want to tell you that sometimes doing nothing is actually very useful, both for the human psyche and, in general, for his health.

Let’s take a closer look at what are the pros and cons of this state, so that you understand when you need to urgently take action, and when you can let everything take its course.


To begin with, I propose to consider the cons and pitfalls that laziness is fraught with.

Missed Opportunities

The main disadvantage is, of course, the unfulfillment of desires and needs. While a person “swings” and tunes in to some kind of activity, others have long been active and got what they wanted.

Why did you advance in your career, personal life, and so on. You can lie on the couch for half your life, dreaming of a good car, a job and a beautiful house, or you can go to earn at least somewhere, gradually approaching your dream. True, right?

Health problems

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of interest in what is happening around cause an excess of energy in the body. Only by receiving something from others and practically not giving back — a person “swells up”, like a balloon.

Sometimes it even shows up in the figure. Stagnation of energy provokes the occurrence of various diseases. Accumulating is just as dangerous as experiencing an acute shortage of something.

The consequences of the influence of laziness on human life

Difficulties in relationships

Few people dream of a partner who just knows how to relax and unwind. Harmonious and healthy relationships are not built on the initiative of only one side. This is a two way process.

And if only one person invests in them, then over time his fuse will dry up. There will be irritation, up to aggression. And this is quite understandable and understandable.

Basically, only infantile individuals can afford such a luxury as doing nothing and expecting that instead of them someone else will solve life’s issues and tasks, providing comfort and coziness.



After vigorous activity, it is quite normal, or rather, it is extremely necessary for the relaxation phase to begin. Then the body restores the wasted resources in order to again enter the battlefield in the future.

That is, it turns out that laziness is a completely natural process that ensures the safety of life and health. The main thing, of course, is not to linger in this state, otherwise there can be no question of any benefit.


Basically, this item concerns workaholics who do not notice their fatigue and continue to be active. Even despite the fact that they are already literally falling down. To avoid overload, both physical and emotional, mental, our psyche has to “turn on” the mode of laziness.

In order not to have to «acquire» psychosomatic diseases. Which, by the way, also arise against the background of stress or exhaustion, when a person works for wear and tear.


It helps to listen to yourself and understand what you want and what you don’t. There are a lot of attitudes that most people “blindly” follow, and then they experience disappointment and depression.

For example, that the weekend should not be spent at home, but be sure to conquer the peaks of the mountains or dig potatoes in the country. Plant flowers and in general, engage in only useful activities.

In general, laziness is an indicator of what suits you, likes it and causes excitement, delight, and what, on the contrary, annoys, repels, and so on.

The consequences of the influence of laziness on human life

If you notice that there is a huge resistance to go to work, in the morning you can’t pack yourself “to the heap”, you experience various ailments and a feeling that life is not going at all like that, then think about whether you are working in the area that you dreamed about?

Maybe you went to law because your parents insisted? Or did they continue the family dynasty of doctors, although they dreamed of a creative profession?

If so, then you should not consider your laziness a vice. On the contrary, be grateful that it helps to find yourself and discover really valuable, true desires, without substitution and attempts to please others, meet their expectations.


In life, it is very important to be able not only to “accelerate” in order to achieve your goals, but also to stop. The stop allows you to look around where I am now, where I came from, which direction is best to move and whether I even want all this.

Modern man does not give himself the right to such a slowdown, if only because of the high level of competition. It is worth at least a little gape, as someone else will grab a tidbit and take the desired place. But it is still important to do this so as not to chase after something unknown and ephemeral, just because the crowd is running in one direction.


Life is unpredictable. And it often happens that the unwillingness to do something actually saves. Have you heard stories about how someone missed the plane, why was left safe and sound, because he avoided a plane crash? Or did he change his mind about going to the party, which turned out to be very useful, because there was a mass brawl and the like?

It is in such cases that laziness is not a vice, but a manifestation of intuition, to which the person does not particularly listen.


Finally, I want to note that absolutely everything should be in harmony and balance. Even happiness in excessive amounts causes stress, which negatively affects health in the same way as depression. So, allow yourself to relax, while not delaying the rest until the moment when the desire to act is completely lost.

You will learn how to achieve a state of inner balance in this article.

And from this, how to pull yourself together and stop being passive.

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The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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