The consequences of a post-term pregnancy for a child

The consequences of a post-term pregnancy for a child

In terms of the consequences for the child, a post-term pregnancy is just as dangerous as a premature one. That is why the expectant mother needs to know why childbirth is late and what to do if the baby does not want to be born on time.

Postterm pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Pregnancy is considered post-term if it lasts more than 41,5-42 weeks. According to statistics, 0,2% of women face the problem of delayed childbirth. Pregnant boys are especially prone to overmaturity. How to recognize a post-term pregnancy? A deviation from the norm is indicated not only by the calendar dates, but also by a decrease in amniotic fluid. Outwardly, this is manifested by a sharp loss in weight, a decrease in the turgor of the woman’s skin. The volume of the abdomen can decrease by 5-10 cm.

Correct calculation of the calendar period, timely ultrasound examinations will allow not to transfer pregnancy

Postterm pregnancy can result from:

  • history of abortion and miscarriage;
  • drug treatment of the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • heredity;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • immaturity of the immune system;
  • acute lack of vitamins;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • fears, psychological unpreparedness for childbirth;
  • breech presentation or fetal abnormalities;
  • endocrine and sexual diseases.

Diagnosing complications of pregnancy, the doctor during the examination pays attention to changes in the weight and abdominal circumference of the woman, the activity of the fetus. In the course of a gynecological examination, he determines the degree of maturity of the cervix, the compaction of the bones of the child’s skull. Cardiotocography and Doppler ultrasound can confirm the fact of postmaturity.

How not to tolerate pregnancy?

According to Clifford’s criteria, three degrees of fetal overripe are distinguished. Restructuring within a week is considered insignificant and does not threaten the health of the baby. The second degree of overmaturity occurs at 42-43 weeks of gestation. The risk of having a stillborn child at this stage increases significantly. Pregnancy lasting more than 43 weeks refers to the third, severe, postmaturity degree. The level of perinatal mortality is 8-10 times higher than the standard one.

The consequence of post-term pregnancy can be hypoxia in the child.

Consequences of post-term pregnancy:

  • high probability of birth injury;
  • jaundice, hormonal crises;
  • retention of amniotic fluid in the lungs of a newborn;
  • delayed development, teething;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus, respiratory disorders;
  • different types of encephalopathy;
  • disorder of neuropsychiatric functions;
  • deterioration in the adaptation of the child in the postnatal period.

For a woman, a prolonged pregnancy threatens with a caesarean section.

To prevent serious consequences will allow the passage of examinations prescribed by a doctor, timely treatment of diseases during pregnancy. It is necessary to avoid stress, eat well, take vitamins, and lead a moderately active lifestyle. Both psychologically and physically, special courses for future parents allow you to prepare for childbirth.

A pregnancy lasting more than 42 weeks threatens not only health, but also the life of the baby, and therefore is an indicator for urgent delivery.

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