The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

Basics of herbal medicine

The influence of plants with phytohormones on the human body was known as early as the time of Hippocrates, then the fruits, grass and roots of medicinal plants were used both for contraception and for restoring reproductive function and increasing fertility.

Phytoestrogens with the action inherent in female sex hormones are found in hundreds of herbs. The properties of these plants were discovered first of all – for example, since ancient times, women were forbidden to collect hops, because due to the constant exposure to phytohormones, they had bleeding. And grazing sheep in the fields, where clover grew abundantly, led to a drop in the number of flocks due to a decrease in the birth rate. Other plants with phytoestrogens that are similar to female hormones are sage, linden flowers, licorice, mistletoe, sweet clover.

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

There are several properties of medicinal plants:

  • Progestogenic action have phytoestrogens such foods as raspberries, meadow lumbago, cuff, sacred vitex and goose cinquefoil. Vitex sacred or chaste tree contains phytoestrogens that affect the pituitary gland, stimulating the synthesis of luteinizing hormone, and this hormone regulates the production of progesterone.

  • Androgenic activity present in phytoestrogens of hogweed, lovage, yarutka, calamus, colza and celery. Androgens are male hormones responsible for regulating the reproductive system of men, ensuring their potency and sexual activity.

  • Antihormonal action have phytoestrogens, are found in comfrey, common sparrow, common bruise. They block the production of natural sex hormones, which may be necessary in the treatment of certain diseases.

  • Antiprogestogenic activity inherent in carrot seed phytoestrogens, plants with similar substances are used to treat diseases associated with excessive production of progesterone.

For the treatment of infertility associated with elevated levels of prolactin, medicinal herbs with a progestogenic effect are used, the phytohormones of which do not act directly on progesterone receptors, but affect the production of prolactin in the pituitary gland, reducing its amount. The lower the concentration of prolactin, the more natural progesterone is produced.

We should not forget that prolactin also affects the functioning of the thyroid gland; in its absence, a state of hypothyroidism can develop. Therefore, the phytoestrogen treatment regimen should include plants that regulate thyroid function.

Immunological infertility associated with the production of antibodies against spermatozoa in the body of a woman is successfully cured by taking a course of hemlock for both partners.

Basic principles of herbal medicine

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

  • Before starting herbal treatment, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination for hormones – for the treatment of infertility, it is usually sufficient to determine the level of estradiol and progesterone, which can be done during one menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, preparation for treatment is no less important than self-treatment, so you can not save time and money on it. It is recommended to determine the level of all hormones in order to avoid possible pathologies and draw up an optimal treatment regimen.

  • Before use, it is necessary to carefully study all possible contraindications of medicinal herbs and remember this throughout the course of treatment in order to prevent possible side effects and avoid negative consequences.

  • Phytohormones are never used together with hormonal agents.

  • The course of herbal treatment of diseases of the reproductive system takes an average of three months, but you can evaluate the effectiveness of a particular plant, determine whether it is suitable for your goals and whether it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system after 2-4 weeks of admission. However, one should not expect an instant effect of a cure, since diseases that are treated in this way usually have a chronic course and develop over the years.

  • Phytohormones with estrogenic activity are prescribed in the first phase of the cycle (folliculin), and phytohormones with progestogenic action are prescribed in the second (luteal). It is necessary to use phytohormones-estrogens for 10 days, from the fifth to the 15th day of the cycle, and phytohormones with a progestogenic effect – for 10 days starting from the 15th day.

  • Control ultrasound and determination of hormonal status after the use of phytohormones should be carried out every 3 months or after each cycle of admission. If you have been taking phytohormones for 2-3 cycles, then a visit to the doctor is required to monitor their effect and prevent possible complications.

  • The course of taking plants with phytohormones is two to three monthly cycles, it is imperative to take a break for one month.

  • In the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, it is better not to use infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs during menstruation.

  • For the preparation of alcohol tinctures, it is recommended to use 40% medical alcohol, and not vodka, as indicated in many folk recipes.

  • To prepare the infusion, the crushed parts of plants are poured with hot water, but not with boiling water (temperature not higher than 80 ° C).

  • To prepare the broth correctly, you need to boil it in a water bath, and not over an open fire.

Upland uterus (Ortilia lopsided)

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

The upland uterus (or one-sided ortilia) has long been known to traditional healers as an effective remedy for many pathologies of the female reproductive system. Despite its unprepossessing appearance, this herbaceous plant contains various potent substances that can be of great benefit. Speaking about the properties of drugs based on the boron uterus, they necessarily mention a reliable disinfectant and anti-inflammatory, as well as antitumor, diuretic and anticoagulant effects.

Thanks to these qualities, with the help of this plant, you can get rid of inflammation in the genital area, cure many diseases of the uterus (adhesions, obstruction, fibromyomas, cysts, polyps, erosion and bleeding), ovaries (cystosis), and endometriosis, as well as regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve severe forms of menopause. In terms of pregnancy, preparations prepared from the hog uterus become useful for fixing the fetus, which is especially useful in cases of increased risk of miscarriage.

In addition to problems with internal genital organs, the upland uterus is also used as a remedy for hemorrhoids, some diseases of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis). It also becomes useful in the treatment of breast tumors (fibroadenoma, mastopathy), the development of which depends on sex hormones, as well as diseases of the uterus. Regular use of boron uterus is necessary to treat problems that lead to infertility.

Traditionally, the upland uterus is considered more of a female helper than a male one, but methods and recipes are known for healing the prostate gland with its help.

As part of the ortilia extract, scientists have found such active components: coumarins, ascorbic acid, hydroquinone, bitter substances, flavonoids, saponins and acids (tartaric and citric). In addition to them, microelements contained in upland grass play an important role in the treatment of diseases: copper, titanium, manganese and zinc.

Duration of treatment with a boron uterus depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of its neglect. Experts say that every year the course of the disease adds 300 ml of tincture to the general course of treatment.

The upland uterus is most often used in three dosage forms:

  • Boron uterus decoction – for cooking, take one tablespoon of herbs, pour hot water and put in a steam bath for soft boiling for five minutes. The resulting broth is infused for another four hours, filtered and set aside in a dark, cool place. To obtain the desired effect, the reception is carried out daily, one tablespoon 5 times a day. It must be clarified that this recipe is suitable for herbs of their own collection. Boron uterus, purchased at a pharmacy, depending on the manufacturer, has a different grinding value, due to which the recipe for preparing a decoction changes in the direction of increasing or decreasing the amount of raw materials used and the volume of consumption. Therefore, factory fees are best used only according to the recipe developed by the manufacturer.

  • Alcohol tincture of boron uterus – is a more concentrated and strong form. To prepare it, you need to make 40-degree alcohol (it is not recommended to take vodka for tincture), by diluting medical alcohol with purified or spring water. Next, half a liter of the resulting alcohol solution should be poured into 50 grams of grass and left to infuse for three weeks in a place protected from light. The finished infusion must be filtered and poured into small containers, in which it is convenient to use a pipette. For three months, take the tincture every day three times a day, adding about 5-10 drops to 20-30 ml of water.

  • Solution for syringing the uterus – made by pouring 300 ml of boiling water into a container with two tablespoons of dry pine forest grass.

You can start taking Ortilia unilateral from any day of the menstrual cycle without focusing on the schedule. The constant use of the boron uterus throughout the entire cycle can solve the problem with ovarian cysts – they dissolve without a trace.

Contraindications to the use of a boron uterus

  • Boron uterus should not be taken during a course of hormonal preparations, since phytoestrogens can uncontrollably change the effect of pharmaceuticals. Also undesirable is the combined use of boron uterus and sage.

  • Diagnosing obstruction of the fallopian tubes is an absolute contraindication to taking ortilia, since in this case it can cause an ectopic pregnancy.

  • In case of prolonged discomfort due to the use of decoctions or tincture of the boron uterus before eating (this effect can occur with gastritis), you can drink the medicine half an hour after eating – this will slightly weaken its beneficial effect.

  • In addition, in various cases, patients taking boron uterus complained of a change in the duration of the monthly cycle and an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the first month of use.

Otherwise, there are noticeable improvements: the basal temperature graph normalizes, the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome disappear, ovulation returns in its absence, pregnancy occurs even after a long period of infertility.

Salvia officinalis

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

This plant is famous for its beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. Sage helps to get rid of severe pain during menstruation, is able to restore the body’s ability to conceive a child and, in necessary cases (for example, at the end of a certain period of breastfeeding), helps to stop lactation. Traditional healers use this plant for complaints of an uneven menstrual cycle. In addition, the active components of sage extract give medicines based on it astringent properties that help fight bleeding.

The above beneficial properties of medicinal sage are due to the significant content of phytoestrogens – plant substances similar in structure to the estradiol molecule and capable of causing an estrogenic effect. That is why it is best for those who suffer from endometrial thinness, slow follicle growth and general low estrogen levels.

Sage officinalis as a folk remedy is used in such forms as:

  • Sage decoction – sage can be sold in bags, which are very convenient to brew like ordinary tea. If you have weed in bulk, take one teaspoon of the collection for preparation. This amount (or, respectively, 1 sachet) is filled with a glass of hot water and covered with a lid. For about a quarter of an hour, you need to wait until the healing substances dissolve in water, and then strain the drink. You need to take sage in this form at least three times a day, 20 minutes before meals, a third or a quarter of a glass (if it turns out four times), but not at bedtime.

  • Alcoholic tincture of sage – rarely done and generally not recommended for use, although the recipe is quite simple. Similarly with the upland uterus, 50 g of the collection must be poured into 500 ml of medical alcohol dissolved up to 40 ° C and left in a closed vessel and a dark place for about 21 days. First, the solution becomes green, foams, then gradually acquires, thanks to astringent tannins and bitter substances, a brown tint and the density of the liquor. The medicine is purified by straining and placed in the refrigerator. You need to use the tincture one teaspoon twice a day. There are also known healers who prepare a wine tincture of sage.

  • Sage solution for douching – a tablespoon of herbal collection of sage pour one glass of hot water, stand until cool and strain.

The estrogen effect of sage can be used not only to treat diseases, but also to maintain youth. A woman over 35 years old, in the absence of contraindications, is recommended to undergo a rejuvenation course three times a year, taking a whole glass of sage brewed drink, cooled to room temperature, for a month in the morning, on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. You need to drink the drink slowly, in small sips, so you can add honey or lemon juice to it to improve the taste.

In addition to the benefits for the reproductive system, medicinal sage is also used to treat colds. For this, tablets with an extract of the leaves of this plant are produced, and the custard drink is used as a solution for gargling.

With low progesterone levels taking sage can be supplemented with Duphaston, Utrozhestan in the second phase of the cycle.

Contraindications to the use of sage

  • Any preparations from sage are contraindicated during pregnancy, since an increase in the concentration of estradiol with a decrease in progesterone is life-threatening for the fetus. It is also forbidden to take this plant to mothers who are breastfeeding their babies, as it reduces the ability to lactate.

  • A contraindication to the use of sage is the presence of any diseases provoked by hyperestrogenism: endometriosis, polycystosis, uterine fibroids. Due to the estrogenic effect, it is better not to take sage, even if there are no diseases, but the concentration of estrogens is increased.

  • As already mentioned, sage can increase the rate of follicle growth. If this indicator is already normal, you should not use medicines based on this plant, so as not to provoke the transformation of follicles into cysts. The same effect is observed due to the intake of sage during progesterone deficiency.

  • When fixing unpleasant sensations in the genitals and gastrointestinal tract, the use of sage officinalis is immediately stopped.

Red Brush (Rhodiola)

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

The red brush is one of the main plants in the healer-herbalist’s arsenal for solving problems with hormonal disorders and the reproductive system, as well as a depressive state of the immune system. The spectrum of influence of the red brush includes diseases such as oligospermia, adnexitis, mastopathy, polycystic disease, hypothyroidism, menstrual irregularities, male and female infertility, weakening of potency and similar hormonal imbalances.

Reception of the red brush stimulates the immune system, due to which there is an improvement in the composition of the blood, an increase in resistance to infections and oncological cell proliferation, an increase in the overall tone of the body, accompanied by an increase in physical and mental performance. Such powerful properties of this bright plant have been used both in folk and official medicine, thanks to which Rhodiola quadruple has received the status of a natural adaptogen, along with such well-known herbs as ginseng, eleutherococcus prickly, Chinese magnolia vine, echinacea and others.

The characteristic red color of the grass is due to the accumulation of red pigments anthocyanins and betaines. Now this conspicuous plant is listed in the Red Book of Altai, as it has long been actively used in folk medicine. In addition to the widespread scope in the treatment of genital organs, here, with the help of a red brush, they also seek to eliminate various disorders in the endocrine system (diseases of the lymph nodes, adrenal glands, thyroid gland). In addition, drugs from Rhodiola are able to relieve spasms from the cerebral vessels, which makes this plant a competitor to artificial nootropin, which has a number of contraindications.

Common recipes for the preparation of folk medicines from the red brush:

  • Alcohol tincture of the red brush – the method of preparation is not much different from a similar tincture of a boron uterus or sage, with the difference that 50 g of crushed red brush roots filled with 500 ml of 40% alcohol should be infused for at least a month. It is necessary to shake the future tincture every 2-3 days. The product is used in the amount of 30 drops three times a day for half an hour before the main meals. The duration of the course of application is four weeks, after which a two-week break is necessary.

  • Decoction of the red brush prepared as follows: a tablespoon of dry crushed root is poured into 300 ml of purified water and boiled in a steam bath for about 5 minutes with the lid closed, after which it is infused for an hour. The broth is filtered and divided into three parts for a three-time intake of 100 g daily on an empty stomach. The action of the decoction is milder than that of the tincture, so the course can last from 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Solution for douching from a red brush – a tincture is used, which must be dissolved in half a liter of water. Douching should be done within 10 minutes after waking up and before going to bed. It has a powerful effect, so the schedule of procedures consists of two or three repetitions of the cycle, consisting of a week of douching and a week of break.

Due to similar properties, it is possible to combine a red brush and a boron uterus. From a mixture of these plants (25 g each), a tincture is made according to the above recipe. taking a combined remedy in order to prevent overdose is divided into four stages of two weeks each with weekly or two-week breaks.

To increase efficiency, a spoonful of honey is added to the decoction and infusion of sage.

Contraindications to the use of a red brush

  • Rhodiola should not be used together with other herbs containing phytoestrogens (hops, clover, cocklebur, licorice, etc.), as well as any artificial hormonal pharmaceutical preparations.

  • The red brush in any form is not used for arterial hypertension (pressure above 180 to 100). It is strictly forbidden to use it during pregnancy due to the abortive effect.

  • In case of overdose, nervous retardation and drowsiness may occur.

Standard schemes for taking boron uterus, sage and red brush

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

To accelerate the maturation of follicles and raise estrogen levels:

  • In the first phase of the cycle, sage is taken;

  • In the second phase, a boron uterus is taken, the course of admission can be continued throughout the entire cycle.

For the treatment of menopause: To normalize the cycle, they take a red brush and a boron uterus for a month, regardless of the phase. Burdock root can be administered as a stimulant; after the cycle stabilizes, start taking sage in the first phase.

For polycystic ovary syndrome: in the first phase of the cycle, they take a red brush, and in the second – a boron uterus; alternate for three cycles.

To treat infertility associated with elevated prolactin levels: To normalize the level of progesterone, which decreases with an increased concentration of prolactin, take plants with a progestogenic effect – cuff, sacred vitex, cinquefoil and meadow backache. The drug based on Vitex – Cyclodinone is effective. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps restore hormonal balance by reducing the synthesis of prolactin and enhancing the production of gonadotropic hormones. Sage and hogweed are taken in combination with Cyclodinone and enhance its effect.

With adhesive processes in the uterus: To improve the microflora and treat uterine erosion in the first phase of the cycle, take a decoction of sage and knotweed, one tablespoon per glass of water.

Knotweed infusion is prepared as follows: three teaspoons of grass are poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 3-4 hours.

Drink half a glass of decoction or infusion half an hour before meals, while it is important to control testosterone levels, so treatment is carried out only after hormone tests. Can be combined with a boron uterus. Do not take knotweed and sage in the second phase of the cycle after ovulation, as this can provoke uterine contractions.

Treatment of infertility caused by inflammatory diseases of the ovaries

There are several recipes:

  • Recipe 1. Infusion of coltsfoot leaves with other medicinal herbs – calendula and chamomile flowers, sweet clover and centaury grass. Take in equal proportions and pour 0,5 liters of boiling water two tablespoons of the mixture. Infuse for two hours in a thermos, filter and drink a third of a glass six times a day. Take the infusion for 1-2 months, after which they take a break.

  • Recipe 2. Herbal collection for preparing a decoction: medicinal sweet clover herb (1 part), meadowsweet flowers (2 parts), knotweed grass (1 part), cuff herb (2 parts), sage herb (1 part). A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and kept for fifteen minutes in a water bath, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth and water is added to the original volume. While the broth has not cooled down, another one and a half milliliters of golden root tincture (10%) is added to it. The resulting mixture is taken three times a day before meals to restore ovarian function in order to prevent inflammation and speed up recovery.

  • Recipe 3. Herbal collection for the preparation of infusion: mix chopped motherwort, yarrow and a string in a ratio of 1:1:2 and pour 5 tablespoons of the mixture with 0,5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour. Cool, strain through cheesecloth and drink half a glass in the morning and before going to bed in the evening every day during the monthly cycle, from the end of the last menstruation to the beginning of the next. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

For the treatment of infertility caused by anovulation or polycystic ovaries

First phase: rosemary is taken to stimulate ovulation, wormwood has the same effect plus a detoxifying effect, raspberry leaves increase estrogen production, and elder flowers stimulate the maturation of follicles.

Second phase: take plants with a progestogenic effect, herbs that regulate the development of the corpus luteum – cuff, nettle, yarrow.

Treatment with a boron uterus for three cycles, after which ultrasound is performed to monitor the results; sage is taken in a minimal amount and also only with a control ultrasound. If after several courses of treatment with the upland uterus, the ovarian cysts decrease, then the treatment is continued and sage is administered in the first phase.

For the treatment of hypothyroidism

To restore the function of the thyroid gland, on which the hormonal regulation of the body depends, it is recommended to use herbal preparations:

  • St. John’s wort, rose hips, angelica, licorice, rosea rhodiola (roots), celandine (grass), cocklebur (fruits) – to prepare a decoction or infusion, take in equal parts;

  • Leuzea (roots), flaxseeds, horsetail (grass), coltsfoot (leaves), celandine and cocklebur fruits are taken in equal proportions.

Treatment of adnexitis with acute and chronic course, obstruction of the fallopian tubes

The following phytotherapy recipes are recommended:

  • Two teaspoons of wintergreen leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for two hours in a thermos, then filtered through gauze folded four times and squeezed. Half a glass of infusion is taken three times a day.

  • Wintergreen tincture round-leaved – the herbaceous part of the plant in the amount of 50 g is poured with 0,5 liters of forty-degree alcohol and infused for 10-14 days in a dark place. Take 30 drops three times a day.

To normalize the cycle during anovulation

Crushed plantain leaves (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water and insist for two hours, then strain and take four times a day for a spoonful of infusion. Applies only to the first phase of the cycle.

Additional recommendations for cycle disorders associated with menopause and hormonal imbalance: eat legumes, the composition of which is rich in an important group of phytoestrogens – isoflavones. This helps to reduce hot flashes and restore the function of the vaginal mucosa, where, due to age-related changes in the body, burning and dryness can occur. Enough 100-200 grams of soy and other legumes (this is about a glass in volume) to avoid the negative effects of menopause.

More information on herbs

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

Plants that affect the sexual function of women:

  • Deciduous initial letter – a herbaceous plant of the labiaceae family with a straight pubescent stem up to 1 m high. It grows in meadows, fields, in coniferous and mixed forests, blooms all summer. It is used for uterine bleeding due to hemostatic properties. Initial drug should not be taken by pregnant women.

  • water pepper – a herbaceous plant from the buckwheat family, its ground part is used for medicinal purposes. It has hemostatic properties, is used to stop uterine bleeding, reduce pain during menstruation, as well as to increase the tone of the uterus during atony and after childbirth.

  • carnation lush and other members of the clove family are rich in phytohormones, which are used to correct the menstrual cycle. Herbaceous parts of the plant are used to treat dysmenorrhea, irregular periods. Carnation seeds contribute to the early onset of menstruation and can provoke a miscarriage, therefore it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

  • Elecampane – one of the main effects of using this plant is to improve the quality of seminal fluid and the viability of spermatozoa, which significantly increases the chances of conception. Take to normalize the second phase of the cycle. Method of application: a teaspoon of crushed roots is poured into a glass of hot water (70-80 ° C) and boiled for twenty minutes in a water bath. Insist in a thermos for four hours. Take one tablespoon of decoction half an hour before each meal. Stores in the refrigerator for two days. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

  • St. John’s wort perforated – a herbaceous plant with bright yellow flowers, toxic to animals and has a slightly toxic effect on humans, therefore it is used with caution. It is used for inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system as part of a decoction. To prepare it, dry St. John’s wort (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and boiled for fifteen minutes, divided into four doses per day. Contraindications: hypertension, pregnancy. The use of St. John’s wort can cause temporary impotence in men. After removing toxic substances from the body, sexual function is restored.

  • Narrow-leaved fireweed – a herbaceous perennial plant, which is also popularly called willow grass or willow-herb. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, is used for infections of the genital organs, menstrual disorders, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men.

  • Calina ordinary. A decoction of viburnum flowers soothe inflammation and increase the tone of the uterine muscles. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, take a tablespoon three times a day.

  • Caragana officinalis or yellow acacia – shrub or small tree, the young branches of which are used for medicinal purposes; flowers and honey from caragana are also suitable for therapeutic use. A decoction of young shoots and flowers is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

  • common nettle – leaf tincture is used as a hemostatic agent, the ground part of the plant helps in the processes of hematopoiesis due to the increased content of iron.

  • Pharmacy lovage – a decoction of the roots is used for meager periods, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. Lovage is contraindicated for pregnant women.

  • Wormwood – helps to normalize the cycle during meager periods, the ground part of the plant is rich in phytoncides and substances toxic to pathogenic microorganisms. A tincture of wormwood leaves is used in the treatment of uterine fibroids, in infectious diseases of the reproductive system. It has contraceptive properties, it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers.

  • Prolomnik northern – herbaceous plant, belongs to the primrose family. A popular remedy of Siberian folk medicine. It is used to treat leucorrhoea in women, infectious diseases of the reproductive system, stop bleeding with internal inflammation. Broth grass decoction is a strong contraceptive.

  • waybread – tincture of fresh leaves of this herbaceous plant helps with toxicosis in pregnant women, a decoction of psyllium seeds is used to treat infertility in men and women. Psyllium seeds help improve sperm quality, increase sperm motility and vitality. The anti-inflammatory properties of the seeds allow them to be used to treat female infertility caused by inflammation of the fallopian tubes. A decoction of plantain (a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of seeds, boil for five minutes and leave for an hour) is taken 3 times a day, two tablespoons. The course of treatment is two months.

  • Rowan ordinary – a decoction of fruits and bark is used as a contraceptive for women, baths with infusion of the bark help with dermatological diseases.

  • pharmaceutical camomile – infusion of flowers helps with inflammatory diseases of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, extract and essential oil of chamomile is used for douching with colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion.

  • Rue – a decoction of the ground parts of the rue is used to eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause, as well as a tonic for violation of potency in men. Contraindicated in pregnant women due to slightly toxic properties.

  • Sophora yellowing – decoctions of roots and herbs are used for uterine bleeding, adenomatous polyps, leucorrhoea, inflammation of the appendages. Douching with sophora helps to restore the microflora of the vagina, is used in the treatment of fibroids and oncological diseases of the female reproductive system.

  • Common rapeDecoctions and infusions of the ground part of the plant are used to correct the hormonal balance in case of insufficient estrogen production. A decoction of seeds helps with impotence in men.

  • Sporesh – the ground part of the plant is used to treat female infertility in the form of an infusion. Contraindicated for use in inflammation of the bladder due to a strong diuretic effect. Use is limited in renal disease, bleeding disorders and ischemic disease.

  • Yarrow – as part of a decoction for douching, it helps with leucorrhoea in women. The broth is prepared as follows: the ground part of the yarrow, rosemary leaves, sage leaves, oak bark in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2 are mixed dry, and 100 g of the resulting collection is poured with three liters of boiling water and boiled for half an hour. Use for douching twice a day.

  • Common hop –Hop cones are used to correct hormonal balance in case of insufficient estrogen synthesis.

  • Chernobyl – decoction of the ground part of the plant stimulates the release of follicle-stimulating hormone into the blood, which contributes to the maturation of the follicle and helps with polycystic ovaries and hormonal imbalances. Chernobyl is taken for 10 days of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

  • Malva black –the flowers of this herbaceous plant, in combination with the leaves of the rue, are used as part of a decoction to normalize monthly discharge in dysmenorrhea.

Plants that affect the sexual function of men

The combined use of boron uterus, red brush and sage

  • Spemann – a homeopathic preparation based on medicinal plants and immunomodulatory substances that improves the reproductive function of men, improves sperm quality and viability of spermatozoa. The course of admission is from three months to six months.

  • Air marsh – This plant belongs to the rental family, perennial and herbaceous. For medicinal purposes, its rhizomes are used, infusions and decoctions are made from them. It has a tonic effect on the body, strengthens the immune system and enhances the sexual function of men.

  • Aralia Manchu – for medicinal purposes, use the bark and roots of this shrub. It acts as an adaptogen, stimulating the immune system and helping the body adapt to climate change. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, reduces fatigue and drowsiness, promotes the health of the reproductive system, preventing its degradation.

  • Periwinkle – infusions and decoctions of this evergreen help to avoid impotence in middle-aged men.

  • European spindle tree – the wood of this shrub is used to treat hypertension in the early stages, and the dried fruits in the form of an infusion or decoction are taken as an antimalarial agent, used to restore potency.

  • hemlock spotted – tincture of the leaves of this herbaceous plant helps with wet dreams. Use with caution, as hemlock contains substances toxic to humans.

  • Dissected hogweed– herbaceous umbrella plant, the grass of which is used for medicinal purposes in epilepsy, neurasthenia. Hogweed roots contain coumarins that have antitumor activity. Another plant has received medical use, a close relative of the dissected hogweed – woolly hogweed. Its grass is brewed for dysmenorrhea and cycle disorders in women, as well as for bronchial asthma and intestinal colic. For men, use with caution, as infusion of hogweed herb can reduce sexual activity.

  • Three-pointed bell– a high-herbaceous plant (grows up to 1,5 m), belongs to the bell family, is found in the Far East and Siberia. In Tibetan medicine, its herb is considered an effective remedy for impotence, its infusion has a tonic effect on the body, and is used to treat epilepsy and gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Siberian wild rosemary or maralnik –an evergreen plant that grows in Altai and the Far East. In Tibetan medicine, it is used to restore sexual function in men. It has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties, is used to treat staphylococcus and infectious diseases. Refers to potent means, so it can be used only under the supervision of a specialist.

  • Verbena officinalis –to restore the sexual function of men and treat infertility, a tincture of the upper parts and verbena root is used, which is rich in unique bioflavonoids, essential oils, tannins, micro- and macroelements.

  • Forest anemone – belongs to the buttercup family, the upper grassy parts are brewed and used to treat impotence in men and normalize the cycle in women.

  • Carnation – This plant has found application in folk medicine to get rid of impotence.

  • Highlander Amur, bird – the root of this herb is famous as a means of enhancing male sexual function.

  • Gentian large-leaved – thanks to a decoction of the roots of gentian, men have long improved the ability to conceive.

  • Elecampane – one of the main effects of using this plant is to improve the quality of seminal fluid and the viability of spermatozoa, which greatly increases the chances of conception.

  • Ginseng – a strong adaptogen, improves the functioning of the immune system and the nervous system, and also increases the likelihood of conception on the male side. The effect is observed even with severe disorders of sexual function.

  • Zamaniha high – an analogue of ginseng from the same family as the Araliaceae. A tincture of the roots and rhizomes also helps with impotence and other male sexual disorders.

  • Leuzea safflower – helps to heal problems with the nervous and circulatory systems, thereby getting rid of impotence.

  •  Nut lotus – flowers and leaves of this plant are used to treat late pollutions and convulsions.

  • Onions – this familiar plant at the base of the tincture can serve to enhance male sexual function.

  • Lyubka double – In folk medicine, the tubers of this plant are used. An infusion of young tubers is able to save a man from impotence. From old tubers, a remedy is prepared to prevent and terminate pregnancy.

  • Melissa officinalis – helps with excessive sexual excitability, stabilizes the nervous system.

  • Norichnik – able to tone the body, like ginseng root. Thanks to the root of the norichnik, spermatogenesis is enhanced and sexual function is restored.

  • Peanut used to treat wet dreams, diseases of the genitourinary system, in large quantities, its use can provoke impotence.

  • Goryanka arrow-leaved – the extract of this plant has a powerful tonic effect on the body by stimulating the adrenal glands, as a result of which they begin to produce more adrenaline. Testosterone is released, which increases sexual desire. As a result, sexual function is restored, libido increases and sperm quality improves.

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