The Color Palette of the Mediterranean Diet

Within the different campaigns to promote the consumption of Spanish food and in this case of help and collaboration with health and nutrition, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, celebrate the Mediterranean Diet Week

During the days 21 to 27 September a series of activities will be carried out that will help, to paint the original sketch of this way of life in food that from the slogan “The color of our table” seeks to promote the consumption of products that make up our Mediterranean diet.<

As in previous editions of these informative weeks of the convenience of having healthy nutritional habits, the range of activities is very wide and the cities where they will take place in much of the national territory.

Among the information actions in the cities of La Coruña, Guadalajara, Logroño, Madrid and Seville workshops will be held, outreach work in distribution centers (supermarkets and hypermarkets), recreational activities for the whole family and direct communication in restaurants so that this food lifestyle be our consumption habit to lead a healthy life.

Citing the definition that from the Mediterranean Diet Foundation give their meaning:

The Mediterranean Diet is a valuable cultural heritage that represents much more than a simple, rich and healthy nutritional guideline. It is a balanced lifestyle that includes recipes, ways of cooking, celebrations, customs, typical products and various human activities.

How could it be otherwise, the points of sale and food consumption will be the focus of this campaign so that this way of understanding food reaches all cultural spheres of society and we can have it internalized so that we guarantee progress healthy nutrition from generation to generation.

All the information and the activities program can be downloaded and consulted on the MAGRAMA website through the portal.

The colors and flavors of the Mediterranean Diet.

As the campaign slogan shows, the range of colors that represent the foods that make up the Mediterranean diet is so varied in its forms, flavors and possibilities that it makes its shelling complex but we can surely synthesize it.

  • At each meal we should eat one or two servings of pasta, rice and preferably whole wheat bread.
  • Seasonal vegetables for lunch and dinner to add color to our dishes as well as nutrients and vitamins.
  • Fish will improve our balance of minerals and we must keep it in mind 4 out of 7 days a week
  • Meats of all kinds and varieties can complement the rest of the week.
  • Olive Oil always as a dressing, little Salt and less Sugar.
  • Drink plenty of water, complementing it with physical exercise.
  • Habit of making meals slowly and always a minimum of 3, reducing the amount from breakfast to dinner.

Through the mediterraneamos portal, which is managed by the ministerial public entity itself, we can discover how to lead a multidisciplinary lifestyle from exercise to food to fill our lives with color and good health.

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