The Color of the Universe and Beef in 3D: Trend Digest #38

The Japanese have 3D printed the most expensive beef, and the universe, as it turned out, is not black at all

Topics of the week

Scientists 3D print marbled beef

Japanese scientists have introduced Wagyu artificial marbled beef. Specialists from Osaka University managed to recreate the structure of a steak using 3D printing.

Wagyu is considered the most expensive marbled beef in the world.

Until now, “meat from a test tube” looked more like minced meat. In order to perfectly recreate the complex structure of meat, there was not enough equipment. Now, scientists have bioprinted stem cells into individual muscle fibers, fat, and blood vessels. Then the elements were arranged in three dimensions so that they repeated the structure of the cross section of Wagyu meat. So they managed to form a marbled beef steak.

In the near future, people will be able to grow meat in laboratories that will not differ from the real one either in taste or texture, scientists say. Moreover, artificial steaks will be available to the general public.

“Over the past decade, cultured meat has received a lot of public attention in terms of ethics, economics, environmental protection and health. At the same time, this topic is still a subject for discussion. Until now, artificial meat has not been identical to natural meat in structure and taste. However, this did not affect demand, ”the researchers emphasize.

Experts say that in the future it will even be possible to create meat with a certain amount of fat, based on taste preferences or medical recommendations.

Recall that earlier Japanese biologists presented artificially grown muscle fibers of cows in the laboratory. It was reported that when cooked, this meat almost does not differ from natural.

The true color of the universe has been determined

The universe is considered to be an extremely dark place. But in fact, her true color is beige. This was found out by specialists from the Liverpool Research Institute of Astrophysics. They managed to determine the color of the Universe in the course of a new study.

Scientists used special computer programs that convert the spectrum of cosmic radiation into a color perceived by the human eye. Thus, it was possible to discover that the universe has a beige tint, which was called “Cosmic Latte”.

In fact, this shade is close enough to white, which is logical. After all, white light is the result of combining all the wavelengths of visible light. In outer space, there are countless objects emitting at various wavelengths, and if you mix all the radiation, you get the very “average” color of the Universe.

“Cosmic latte” is the color that a person would see if they looked at the Universe from above and saw the light coming from all the galaxies, stars and gas clouds at the same time.

“When you look at the night sky, you can easily think that the universe is an endless sea of ​​darkness. But this is not a color, but the absence of visible light. If you measured visible light from all luminous celestial bodies, what would be the “average” color of the universe? Beige,” the study says.

By the way, initially scientists had several options for how to name the color of the Universe. In particular, these are Space Cappuccino, Beige Big Bang and Primal Clam Soup. But the research team settled on Latte.

News of the week

  • Universities announced an additional enrollment against the backdrop of the cancellation of the second wave of enrollment.
  • In the United States, an antibody has been identified that suppresses all mutations of the coronavirus.
  • For the first time, traces of an ancient fight between a megalodon and a sperm whale have been found.
  • The secret of sounding Stradivari violins is revealed.
  • Siberian scientists accidentally created a promising material for electronics.
  • Scientists have unraveled the origin of the Loch Ness monster.
  • Nirvana album cover boy sues the band.

Week numbers

  • Developers of artificial intelligence will receive ₽1,5 billion in 2021

The government of our country will allocate ₽2021 billion from the federal budget in 1,5 to manufacturers of programs for the development of artificial intelligence. Support will be available for projects that will be implemented within six years. The amount of the subsidy will be up to ₽500 million per year. Thus, in general, a developer can receive up to 3 billion rubles for one project.

  • Hackers put up for sale 1,3 million passport data of Oriflame customers

Scans of passports appeared on a hacker forum. Attackers can use them to issue microcredits, SIM cards, register in online services or in telephone scams, experts warn.

  • The fortune of Wildberries CEO Tatiana Bakalchuk grew by 1200% in a year and amounted to $13 billion

Forbes magazine has published a list of the richest women in our country in 2021. There are four new names in the rating, and the total fortune of its participants has reached $25,3 billion. More than $20 billion falls on the top ten.

Study of the week

One in four of our country does not believe in global warming

Every fourth our countryman does not believe in global warming. 1 representatives of the economically active population from all districts of our country took part in the survey of the SuperJob service.

Every second Russian (51%) believes in global warming. “This has been proven not only by science, but also by natural disasters this year, for example, fires in Yakutia,” the respondents comment.

26% of respondents disagree with climatologists. They most often explain their position from the standpoint of a “conspiracy theory”: “This is not global warming, but a global brainwashing of all mankind”; “If it’s gotten a little warmer, it’s not necessarily the people’s fault.” 23% of our countries found it difficult to unequivocally express their attitude to the problem.

Men are more skeptical than women: among them, 30% do not believe in global warming, while among women – 23%.

In the 12 years that have passed since a similar study was conducted, the number of skeptics who do not believe in global warming has decreased from 33% to 26%, SuperJob notes.

What to read

  • The Zuckerberg Plan: How Humanity Will Live in the Metaverse

The concept of the metaverse has gone beyond video games and digital entertainment. The development of hardware and software solutions serving it will change not only consumer products, but also the digital environment of industry and business, says Andrey Sebrant, director of strategic marketing at Yandex.

  • Window to the courtyard: a mini-guide to Russian street photography

This summer, the Multimedia Art Museum held an exhibition of one of the brightest representatives of Russian street photography, Boris Nazarenko. Who in our country represents this democratic and at the same time one of the most difficult genres? It would seem that the main characteristic is included in the title, but if you look closely, you can see many different approaches and understandings of this phenomenon – from reporting to philosophical.

What to listen

  • Podcast “We are all going to die. But it’s not accurate”: episode “Tried to treat, but no effect: can science defeat autism?”

Since the middle of the last century, the diagnosis of “autism spectrum disorder” has become a hundred times more common. The reason is the quality of the diagnosis – or the fact that there are more cases of the disease? What determines whether a child will have ASD and how severe? What mechanisms of work of genes, neurons and psyche are behind this diagnosis? Can it be cured? These and other questions were answered by Elena Orekhova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Scientific and Educational Center for Neurocognitive Research at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

What to see

  • “Content is the engine of sales”: how a girl from Berdsk made millions on cakes

Polina Filimonova, who founded an online pastry school at the age of 19, told Forbes about how she earned millions of rubles through Instagram, how she works on content, and what happens to cakes after they are photographed and published on her account. Now the entrepreneur is 23 years old, and her Pauline School has a turnover of ₽120 million per month.

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