The color of baby’s stools: learn to decode it

Stools that look like tar

Are black like tar and very viscous… These abundant stools that baby generally expels 12 hours after birth will certainly make you cry out in surprise. Do not panic, it is simply meconium, and its expulsion indicates the start of the digestive system of your baby. Rest assured, this substance, which has accumulated in your little one’s intestine since the 4th month of pregnancy, is odorless. It contains amniotic fluid, bile, residues of cells ingested throughout pregnancy. For the next 3 to 4 days, your child’s stool may still be slightly tinted (dark green).

Golden yellow stool

Some are rather liquid, stewed in lumps and have a color that approaches that of the mustard. Their texture and appearance are similar to those of scrambled eggs … Frequently expelled, these golden brown stools are those of babies fed on breast milk. When the baby is bottle-fed with infant milk, the consistency is slightly thicker, the color is brownish, and the stools are more fragrant.

Baby poop is green: what it means

Common in newborns, a green poo may, in the first days of life, result from the expulsion of meconium. Also note that some infant formulas rich in iron have the effect of greening the stool. On the other hand, if your baby / child is older, do not wait to consult your pediatrician, it could be an infection.

Dark brown stools and lumps

The switch to solid food, during the diversification stage that starts between 4 and 6 months, changes the consistency and appearance of a toddler’s stool. Certain foods, such as mashed carrots, can give them an orange hue; and the meat, a darker shade and a powerful smell. When the songs are introduced, some may remain. This is normal because the digestive system needs exercise. Brown and very compact stools, on the other hand, may indicate a problem with constipation, stay alert.

Traces of blood in baby’s stool?

If you notice red traces of blood in his stool or in the bottom of his diaper, immediately turn to his pediatrician. It may just be a slight loss of blood due to fissure anale. It is most often caused by temporary constipation. But it could also be a sign that your baby is allergic to cow’s milk, or has an infection.

Beige, putty or white stools: be alert

Controlling the color of the poo baby can save his life! When their stools show a beige, white, or putty tint, it is abnormal. This is a sign that the bile is not reaching the intestine. Those discolored stool may be a sign of neonatal cholestasis, which signals serious liver disease. Early detection allows better care of babies who are affected. To find your bearings, do not hesitate to consult the colorimetric scale of stools on the Yellow Alert website, a campaign led by AMFE (Association Maladie Foie Enfant)

His stools are profuse, very liquid and frequent, abnormally colored? Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

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