The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

As predicted by forecasters, the winter in Russia in 2017 was one of the coldest in history over the past 100 years. The peak of the cold snap occurred on January 8, when the temperature in the Moscow region was 36 degrees below zero, in more remote regions from the capital of the country, indicators of up to -38-39 degrees Celsius were recorded. Such an abnormal cooling has not been observed in the country for a long time. However, according to the historical data of meteorologists, it was not the most severe winter for the Russians. In the coldest winters in Russia for 100 years, the thermometer readings dropped to minus 43 degrees, as evidenced by the data below.

10 1955 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1955 year. The winter of this year was not distinguished by severe frosts, but they were felt especially stronger due to the lack of snow. According to the weather station, the amount of precipitation was only 46 mm. This was approximately one third of the seasonal norm. According to the average seasonal temperature indicators, the indicators differed by 6,9 degrees, which is quite a lot. Winter did not recede for all three months, all this time there was frost without thaws.

9. 1994 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1994 year. This winter was not very cold, but brought an anomalous amount of precipitation to the Russian capital. The temperature background at this time was also quite unstable. The whole of January stood out with thaws, but from February the real winter cold began. The end of the last month of winter stood out especially. All the streets began to be covered with snow, a multi-day blizzard broke out. The record height of snowdrifts over the past 100 years has reached 78 centimeters. This was practically enough to completely hide a three-year-old child under the snowdrifts.

8. 1950 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1950 year. This winter period was distinguished by severe frosts in Russia. The January frosts came into full force in the middle of the month and stunned the Russians with temperatures up to 37-38 degrees.

7. 1979 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1979 year. In the winter of the distant 1979, the weather in winter was also not particularly pleasing to Russians. There were bitter January frosts. But the absolute temperature minimum fell precisely on the night of December 31, 78 to January 1 of the new year.

6. 1956 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1956 year. Winter in Russia in the 56th of the last century also did not particularly please the inhabitants of Russia. The cold season was especially long with bitter frosts. The absolute temperature minimum that occurred at this time was minus 38,1 degrees below zero Celsius. The peak of frost fell on January 31, after which the temperature began to rise gradually.

5. 1929 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1929 year. The winter of the 29th did not foretell too severe frosts in January. The absolute minimum in January was minus 25 degrees below zero. February differs from other months in strong winds, but not in bitter cold. However, nature has its own whims, and on the night of February 6, a very severe frost hit, then the thermometer dropped to 38,2 degrees. That winter, even on the coast of the Caucasus, vineyards and citrus fruits perished, since an abnormal cooling was also observed in that zone, reaching a mark of -10 degrees.

4. 1911 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1911 year. The winter of this year was also not friendly for the Russians. For a whole month, there was an anomalous cold all over the European part of the country, which forced the thermometer to drop to 40 degrees Celsius. The residents of the northern regions had a particularly hard time, where the temperature dropped to minus 55 degrees. To go out into the street, the inhabitants of Russia had to lubricate their faces with fat so as not to get almost instant frostbite.

3. 1942 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1942 year. During the Great Patriotic War, the winter of 1942 raged across the expanses of Russia to the fullest. Biting frosts lasted almost throughout January. The maximum decrease occurred on January 25, when the temperature dropped to minus 36 degrees, and on the 20th of this month, the thermometer showed minus 41,1 degrees.

2. 1892 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1892 year. The winter of that year was one of the coldest for Russia. The anomalous cold lasted throughout January. The maximum minus peak fell on the 27th and amounted to 42 degrees below zero. The end of this year was distinguished by special frosts, when almost on the eve of the New Year, namely on December 28, a severe frost hit, which amounted to 39 degrees.

1. 1940 year

The coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

1940 year. In the 40th year of the 20th century, there was the coldest winter in Russia in the last 100 years. Almost throughout January, the temperature was kept at around 40 degrees. The peak of abnormal temperature indicators fell on the day shortly before the baptism, namely on January 17th. Then the thermometer stood at around 42,2 degrees Celsius. It was the time of real Siberian frosts. In addition to the cold, the weather was also distinguished by strong winds, as well as snowfall. The winter of 1940 brought great damage to gardening, then even the most frost-resistant varieties suffered greatly. According to historical data, some trees even froze to death. The hazel, maple, elm and ash trees were hit particularly hard.

Abnormal winters over the past 100 years in Russia

2011 year. The Russians also remembered the winter of 2011, when low temperatures remained steadfastly at around minus 23-25 ​​degrees for almost two winter months. But the weather was especially distinguished on the eve of 2011, when freezing rain poured down, which lasted more than a day. The entire capital of Russia literally turned into an ice kingdom. Trees and power lines were covered with a thick crust of ice, which in turn led to their collapse. During this period, many people were injured, as well as cars that were hit by falling icy objects. This winter for Russia went down in history as the most destructive.

1960-1961 years. This winter was one of the warmest for Russia. During all three winter months, the average temperature exceeded the norm for this time of year. Zero temperature lasted all December, and spring decided to come almost in February, when puddles were observed on the streets throughout the capital of the country.

2008 year. This winter went down in the history of the country, also as one of the warmest. The maximum record of temperature indicators fell on December, when the thermometer bars exceeded the zero mark and showed positive temperatures.

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