The Clock Drawing Test helps you detect Alzheimer’s disease early. What is it about?

The Clock Drawing Test is a simple tool that is used to screen for symptoms of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. The test assesses the visual-spatial functions dependent on the frontal lobe and the temporal-parietal cortex. The test is considered reliable and its main advantages are simplicity and short execution time.

  1. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that mainly affects people over 65
  2. Alzheimer’s disease is just one form of dementia. It is estimated that around 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia
  3. The Clock Drawing Test is used for the early detection of dementia and cognitive impairment. This is plausible, but only a preliminary study. What is it about?
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The Clock Drawing Test – what is it?

There are several versions of the Clock Drawing Test. The first was developed in 1986 by Dr. Kenneth Shulman, there are also variants created by, among others Tray Sunderland and David Watson.

The simplest version is to ask a person who is suspected of dementia to draw a clock face on a piece of paper and mark a specific time on it. The most common time is 11.10.

Another method is to provide a piece of paper with a circle drawn in advance and ask for the hours to be drawn, followed by directions for a specific time. In this case it is also 11.10 or 3.00.

Clock test – what is the score like?

Depending on the TRZ variant, there are several different ways to evaluate this test. The extended variants award points for writing each hour number, properly locating and arranging them on the dial, drawing the hands correctly, and showing the correct time.

The least complicated assessment of the Clock Test is the award of one point for correct completion of the task and no point in case of failure.

  1. It takes away the memory, it destroys the brain, it cannot be cured. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

The Clock Drawing Test according to Sunderland evaluates the performance on a XNUMX-point scale, while the TRZ according to Shulman mentions five levels of errors that can be made by a patient.

Drawing errors include: wrong time, no clues, missing one of the numbers, changing numbers, repeating numbers and refusal to complete the task. Each of these errors is a reason for suspicion of dementia.

The American Alzheimer’s Association recommends a simpler scoring method, simply recognizing that drawing the clock correctly indicates no dementia symptoms, while a poorly drawn clock is a reason for further research.

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Benefits of using the Clock Test

One of the greatest advantages of using the Clock Test is its ease and speed in assessing a person with suspected cognitive impairment. The test can be performed in minutes. The person conducting the test does not require specialized training.

  1. Parkinson’s attacks men more often. The neurologist explains what the first symptoms are and when they appear

TRZ is easier for patients to perform than the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) test, another neurological disorder screening tool with a 30-point scale. Moreover, according to some scientists, TRZ allows to detect cognitive disorders, even if the examined person scores well in the MMSE test.

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Attention is also paid to the low cost of the test. All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil or pen, which is crucial when using this test in poorer and developing countries.

  1. In order to support proper cognitive functions, it is worth introducing EKO Bioherba Fragrance Unrefined Coconut Oil to your diet.

Clock Drawing Test – doubts

The Clock Draw Test is a great way to diagnose people who are experiencing early symptoms of dementia, such as cognitive and executive decline, but are not yet showing memory impairment.

  1. Movement reduces the effects of Alzheimer’s disease

However, researchers point out that TRZ does not uniquely identify these disorders, nor is it helpful in distinguishing between specific forms of dementia. The test will not show whether you are dealing with Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia.

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