The clear egg: what is it?
Definition of clear egg
What is a clear egg?
A clear egg is an egg that has membranes and the future placenta but that is without an embryo. As a reminder, during implantation, the egg implants itself in the uterine cavity. The embryo will form an envelope in which it will begin to develop. This envelope will become the amniotic sac, in which the embryo will develop, while the part which “anchors” the embryo in the uterus will become the placenta, an organ which regulates exchanges between the mother and the mother. fetus. We just see a gestational sac if it is a clear egg. The embryo has never developed or else it did exist at the start of pregnancy but was absorbed very early.
Symptoms of a clear egg
If it is not evacuated during a miscarriage, the clear egg can only be seen during an ultrasound.
Clear egg diagnosis
On the first ultrasound, the doctor sees a sac but no embryo in it, and he hears no heart activity. It may happen that the pregnancy is less advanced than expected (fertilization took place later than calculated) and the embryo is not yet visible. We see an embryo after 3 or 4 days after a late period and more certainly a week late (ie 3 weeks of pregnancy). In case of a clear egg, the gynecologist may repeat an ultrasound a few days later to see if an embryo is present and if cardiac activity can be recorded.
Clear egg and HCG levels
The doctor may also have HcG hormone tests performed to check whether it is an active or non-progressive pregnancy. If the pregnancy is progressive, the plasma beta-HcG level doubles every 48 hours. If this rate stagnates, it is a sign of stopped pregnancy.
Causes of the clear egg
The clear egg corresponds to the elimination of a poor quality egg by the body. The encounter between the egg and the sperm may have resulted in a genetically incompatible mixture. Hormonal causes can also result in a clear egg. The hormone level may for example be unsuitable for the nutrition of the egg, the embryo cannot develop. Chronic occupational poisoning from heavy metals (lead, cadmium, etc.) could be the cause of the egg clear.
After the discovery of the clear egg
What is going on ?
It may happen that the clear egg reabsorbs itself: it is then evacuated, it is the miscarriage which is signaled by bleeding comparable to that of menstruation. If the egg does not disappear on its own, it must be evacuated, either by taking a drug (prostaglandins) or during surgery under general anesthesia during which the contents of the uterus are aspirated. .
Can I get pregnant again without any problem?
After a clear egg, you can of course get pregnant again without any problem. As recurrence of the clear egg is very rare, you can consider a new pregnancy in the next cycle with confidence.
It is only if this phenomenon occurs several times that examinations will be made.
On the other hand, having had a clear egg is a psychological test. If you have any concerns about a subsequent pregnancy, do not hesitate to speak to your gynecologist or a psychologist.