The cleanliness of the child: how does he learn to be clean?

The cleanliness of the child: how does he learn to be clean?

The cleanliness of the child: how does he learn to be clean?

Becoming clean is a big step in the life of a child. Leaving diapers marks the beginning of autonomy and often the entry into school. Cleanliness worries because every child is different and there is no miracle method.

Cleanliness of the child: good habits to take early

We don’t think about it often, but to be successful in potty training, you have to do it early. From an early age, it is essential to change diapers properly as soon as they are dirty. So children get used to being dry and toilet training will be done more quickly.

It can also be helpful to have a potty in the bathroom as soon as the child can walk. So he will get used to the object. Parents can sit their child on the potty while changing the diaper. If he manages to defecate he must be congratulated. This process helps the child understand how a pot is used. On the other hand, do not force or rush him if he does not wish to comply with the exercise.

Getting a good start to potty training

Potty training should begin when the child is ready. In other words, you have to wait until the child has the ability to control his sphincters. On average, this faculty appears around 28 months. So no need to rush.

As soon as the child is ready, you have to go very gradually. The drink should be offered at strategic times such as after a meal or after a nap. At these times of the day, the bladder is full and potty training is easier.

If the child shows resistance, do not push him and try again a few weeks later. It is also essential to explain to him what cleanliness is and why he has to use the potty or the toilet to defecate.

Daily cleanliness of the child

On a daily basis, the child’s cleanliness is worked on. You have to understand their needs in order to help them progress. When we see that a child isolates himself to defecate in his diaper, it is obvious that he should not put his potty in the sight of all or stay next to him while he is. uses.

We must also congratulate the child when he manages to do on the potty or on the toilet. The vocabulary used is therefore important. You have to tell him that he is a big boy or a big girl and value the fact that the child makes an effort. On the other hand, you should not be too hard in the event of incidents.

Child’s cleanliness and sleep

It takes about 3 weeks for a child to be clean during the day. At night and during a nap, it may take longer. When we see that the diaper is dry for several nights in a row, it is possible to move on to the next step. Of course the child must be able to get to the bathroom on his own in the middle of the night. Remember to light a nightlight in the bedroom and in the hallway to prevent falls.

During this period, incidents are numerous. It is therefore necessary to protect the mattress, always have spare sheets ready and pajamas in advance.

Child cleanliness: entry to school

Too often, entering school disrupts cleanliness. Parents want their child to be clean for the start of the school year, whether they are ready or not! It is a mistake. The development of the child is the one and only parameter to be taken into account. We often hear our loved ones say that the summer before the start of the school year is the best time for cleanliness. It’s wrong ! Moreover, children who enter school can have a difference of one year.

If we feel that the child is ready in the dead of winter, we encourage him on the path to cleanliness. Waiting is too risky. And if during the summer the child is not ready, even if the start of the school year is in a few weeks, it is advisable not to rush him. It is easier said than done, of course, but nevertheless necessary.

The mistakes to avoid with the cleanliness of the child


Cleanliness is a stage in the life of a child. Each parent will apply their methods to support the child, but there are some mistakes that should not be made. For example, do not leave a child for hours on a potty or even argue with each incident. The possible reluctance of children must be taken into account and above all analyzed. Some children do not want to grow up and therefore refuse to be clean!

 There is no magic bullet to help a child get clean. For this step to take place correctly, it is essential to respect the child’s rhythm and encourage him. Have an outside opinion, from pediatrician for example, is often an asset. 

Rédaction : Health Passport

Creation : April 2017


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