The CLCA becomes the Shared Child Education Benefit (PréParEe)

The shared child education benefit (PréParEe) replaces the free choice of activity supplement (CLCA). For parents, this provision allows you to stop to raise your child and the law of August 4, 2014 on equality between men and women insists on a new sharing of leave time in the couple.

The main purpose of this financial supplement is to allow one of the parents to reduce or completely cease his professional activity in order to take care of his child within the framework of parental leave. In fact, it was the mothers who took it the majority.


PREPARATION: the conditions of allocation

The PréparEe is paid to parents who cease or reduce their professional activity to raise their child (ren).

As of January 1, 2015, the reform of parental leave, wanted by the Minister for Women’s Rights at the time, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, will be effective for all couples who wish to stop when their child arrives. It includes in particular an incentive to share the leave for the education of the child between the two spouses.

  • For families with only one child, it corresponds to six additional months which would be added to the current six months.
  • For the second child, the leave may extend over three years, but part of the benefit will be taken by one of the parents for two years, and the additional twelve months will be reserved exclusively for the second parent. If he does not take his months of leave, the profit is lost.
  • Single-parent families are not affected by this sharing mechanism and their current rights are maintained.

* Source: gender equality law of August 4, 2014 and the social security financing project (October 2014)

La PréParE: Amounts paid from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016: 

In the event of total cessation of activity:

  • 390,52 euros per month (with or without the basic allowance)

In the event of part-time work:

  • 252,46 euros for a period of work less than or equal to half-time
  • 145,63 euros if you work between 50 and 80%

Free choice of activity supplement: for births before April 1, 2014 (without the basic allowance)

  • 576, 24 euros in the event of total cessation of activity
  • 438,17 euros part-time (at most equal to 50%)
  • 331,35 euros for part-time workers from 50 to 80%

(CAF figures, April 1, 2014)

The optional free choice of activity supplement (Colca) becomes the increased shared child education benefit (increased PreParE)

As of January 1, 2015, this benefit concerns families of which a child was born or arrived at home (as part of an adoption procedure) after December 31, 2014. It replaces the COLCA, optional supplement for free choice of activity.

This benefit is paid from three children. Indeed, the increased PreParE corresponds to a larger amount than the PreParE but it is paid for a shorter period.

Conditions d’attribution :

You have stopped working and you have at least three dependent children, the choice between the PreParE and its increased version is final. You cannot waive the increased PreParE to benefit from the full or partial PreParE for the same child.

At the end of your maternity or adoption leave, as soon as you have ceased or reduced your activity, make a request to your CAF, they will study your rights according to your situation.

Amounts from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015:

The amount of the increased PreParE is 638,33 euros per month.

Duration of entitlement for the Enhanced PreParE

  • If you live as a couple : each of you can benefit from PreParE for a maximum of 8 months within the limit of the first birthday of your last born.
  • If you live alone, you can benefit from PreParE up to the limit of your child’s first birthday.
  • If you and your spouse choose to receive the increased PreParE for the same month, the total amount of your two rights will be limited to the amount of a single full rate, i.e. 638,33 euros per month.
  • If you receive daily allowances (for maternity, paternity, sickness, adoption, etc.), and if all the conditions are met, you will start to benefit from the increased PreParE from the month in which you end collection of these daily allowances. The increased PreParE cannot in fact be combined with these allowances.

Source: CAF

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