Even on a diet, you can sometimes eat sweets. According to the theory of intuitive nutrition, strict restrictions are much more harmful than sweet desserts. The fact is that sweet dishes quickly replenish energy reserves and produce the hormone serotonin in the body, which is responsible for pleasure. In other words, desserts lift the mood, increase stress resistance and give us joy, and in this state the weight goes away much faster.
Minimum calories and 0 % fat
It is important to choose the right sweets that will not lead to weight gain. When buying confectionery products in the store, pay attention to the calorie content and chemical composition of the products. Preference should be given to low-calorie products with a low level of fat content. These requirements are met by light sweets from the Udarnitsa factory — marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, cranberries in powdered sugar and citrus slices. They have no fat at all, and the calorie content of desserts is 270-330 calories. Instead of cream cakes, ice cream and chocolate, enjoy light sweets that are safe for the figure!
Only natural!

If there are desserts on a diet, then let them be of the highest quality, that is, natural. Serious manufacturers usually value their reputation and do not use GMOs, artificial colors, flavors and other harmful additives.
In the composition of marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade from “Udarnitsa” you will find only egg white, sugar, pectin, agar-agar, applesauce, cranberries, fruit juices and extracts from berries. This is useful not only for the figure, but also for the skin, hair and nails. Natural sweets have a beneficial effect on our beauty and prolong youth.
Desserts for slimness and health
Did you know that pectin and agar-agar, which are used at the Udarnitsa factory for making light sweets, are very useful for our body? The pectin contained in the pulp of fruits is indicated on food packages as E440. This food additive removes toxins and heavy metals from the body, so marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade from the Udarnitsa factory must be included in the diet of people who live in unfavorable environmental areas, for example in noisy megacities. And pectin swells in the stomach and causes a feeling of fullness, so we feel satiety faster.
Agar-agar, obtained from seaweed, is also indispensable in the fight against excess weight, because it accelerates metabolism and normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland. It’s no secret that endocrine problems often cause obesity, but light sweets with agar will help solve this problem.
The Udarnitsa factory has been producing light sweets since 1929 for those who do not want to give up desserts even on a diet. Marshmallows and marshmallows “Charmel”, marmalade “Marmaland” and other confectionery products make life sweeter and help to get rid of extra pounds painlessly. Lose weight easily and deliciously, without parting with your favorite desserts!