The choice of shampoo by hair type. Video

The choice of shampoo by hair type. Video

When choosing a shampoo, you should first take into account the characteristics of the hair type. The use of an inappropriate product, unfortunately, can not only prevent the desired result from being achieved, but also lead to unpleasant consequences, including the aggravation of existing problems and the emergence of new ones.

Choosing shampoo by hair type: video tips

Choosing the right shampoo for basic hair types

Owners of normal hair and scalp generally do not need special hair care products. In such cases, it is enough to use shampoos that will preserve the beauty of the curls and prevent the appearance of dandruff and other problems.

People often mistakenly believe that any product will work for normal hair. This is not the case: the wrong shampoo can dry out your scalp or make your hair brittle.

Oily hair gives its owner a lot of trouble: they quickly become dirty, acquire an unpleasant greasy shine and a specific smell. Moreover, these problems are often complemented by the appearance of dandruff. To care for oily hair, you need to use very mild, gentle products that will not irritate the scalp and stimulate additional sebum production. A good option would be shampoos with excellent cleansing properties and ingredients that have a calming and antimicrobial effect. Nutrients in such cases will be completely inappropriate, since they make the strands heavier.

Dry hair retains its cleanliness much longer than oily hair, but they have many problems of their own: split ends, brittleness, and difficulty in styling. The ideal option would be a mild shampoo for sensitive scalp, supplemented with vitamins and fats. It is recommended to choose products with extracts of green tea, chamomile, hops, string, etc.

Owners of combined hair often have difficulties in choosing a care product. In such cases, it is necessary to simultaneously reduce the production of sebum, degrease the hair roots, soothe the skin and moisturize the hair. A good choice would be a special shampoo for combined hair with supplements: nettle, seaweed, egg yolk, etc.

To deal with the problem of oily roots and dry ends, shampoo alone will not be enough. It is very important to be able to choose the right conditioner and hair mask for it.

A special shampoo is required for those who are faced with the problem of too thin, unruly hair. To add volume to the styling, it is recommended to choose special products with additives such as almond milk, keratin, silk protein, calcium, pectin. It is not recommended to use a conditioner balm after using such shampoos, unless the products belong to the same series.

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