The choice of seedlings: how not to make a mistake and what to look for

The condition of the future garden depends on the correct choice of seedlings. Do not forget that you are buying a plant that will grow on the site for many years. In today’s article, we will talk about how not to make a mistake when choosing seedlings.

Information about the plant on the tag

When buying a seedling, pay attention to the tag with the following information:

  • indication of the species to which the fruit crop belongs (peach, cherry, etc.);
  • name of the variety;
  • indicating the region (zoning);
  • what is the maturity period (early, middle, late);
  • fold type.

Be sure to find out how old the seedling is (this information is also present on the tag).

Video “How to choose seedlings of fruit trees”

In this video, an expert will share tips for choosing healthy fruit tree seedlings.

Root System Status

The root system should be carefully examined. The roots of the seedling should look healthy and smooth without any growths. If you make the wrong choice, the danger lies not only in the fact that the plant can be infected with bacteria that cause root cancer and may die, the soil will also be at risk of infection.

At the cut point, the root should be light and shiny. Outwardly, the root system resembles a beard with many thin processes. All of them should be elastic and dense. Rotted areas before planting are removed to fresh tissue. Roots should not be dry. Recently, seedlings have appeared on sale that have a closed root system (in containers or burlap). Here, of course, the choice becomes more problematic.

One more nuance: such plants are planted in a greenhouse; planted on the site in spring or autumn, if there are no frosts. In any case, you should purchase certified goods in specialized stores that give a guarantee.

General view of the plant

Fruit and berry seedlings should be taken only local. Here the threat is that the imported material may either not take root or infect the soil with contagious diseases.

Outwardly, the plant should look healthy: the bark is elastic, the buds are not wrinkled, the branches on the trunk are not dry and not broken. Carefully inspect the trunk: if there are sores, holes, resin drops, cracks, then do not purchase such a seedling. Wipe the trunk with a damp cloth – if the bark on it remains monotonous, then everything is in order with the seedling.

Inspect the crown carefully: there should be no drying and curved tips of the branches. If the root system is hidden, and the leaves are wilted, then it’s okay, but if they darken and curl, then it’s better not to buy such an instance.

A few recommendations for choosing seedlings of rose bushes.

If the buyer is inexperienced, then unscrupulous sellers can hand over rose bushes that were specially grown for cutting. In order not to be mistaken, pay attention to the fact that such bushes will be very massive. You will also find shoots that have been cut many times and are now covered with bark, losing their green color.

Pay attention also to the correspondence between the number of processes and roots. Do not purchase a seedling if, despite good branching, it has a stunted root. For a bush with well-developed roots, it is enough to have 2-3 strong shoots.

Age appropriate

The best option for planting is annual or biennial seedlings. Their main advantage is quick adaptation to a new place. For comparison: four- or five-year-old seedlings adapt to a new place for 3–4 years and very painfully endure moving to a new “place of residence”. In addition, they begin to bear fruit later.

The right choice of seedlings can be made by evaluating its appearance. As for the annual, with a meter height and a diameter of up to 1,3 cm, the length of the roots should be up to 35 cm, the aerial part does not have side shoots. A sapling aged 2 years has a height of 1,5 m with a trunk diameter of 2 cm and roots of 30 cm, in the aerial part there may be a pair of branches.

After the purchase, it is important to bring the seedling in the proper form. To do this, the root system should be immediately packed so that the roots do not dry out or the scion does not break off. It is good to have a damp cloth with you to carefully wrap the roots and burlap into which the root system of the seedling is placed. Only after that everything is wrapped in polyethylene. During transportation, the seedling will be protected from mechanical damage, and the roots will be saturated with moisture.

Place of inoculation

Young grafted seedlings adapt best to new conditions. It is best if the vaccination was done before planting a couple of years. Carefully inspect the seedling: the root neck should be clearly visible, the cut from the cut stock will also be noticeable, but the place should already be tightened.

If you notice that the incision is not tightening well, then the tree may be infected with a tinder fungus. It is impossible to cure this disease.

Sometimes the graft is accompanied by spiny outgrowths on the scion. This is especially noticeable in plums, peaches, pears and apricots. The presence of spines indicates that the grafting was made wild-to-wild. An inexperienced buyer may not notice at first glance.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that young seedlings aged 1-2 years old with a strong root system, purchased from reliable sellers, are good for planting. If you have already decided on the types and varieties of trees, then you can freely start laying out the garden.

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